Title: Expert Advice
1- Expert Advice
- Worth Looking At Again
- For Discussion July 2004 Meeting
2Mentioned By Numerous ExpertsWhats The Plan?
- Does everyone understand your plan?
- Did listeners help create your plan?
- Do you have measurable goals?
- Objectives
- Goals
- Strategies
- Tactics
3From Ben McConnell, Creating Customer
EvangelistsCreate A Strong Value Proposition
for Your E-Newsletter
- Strong
- Our daily and weekly email alerts keep you
informed of upcoming guests, program topics and
local appearances of your favorite station
personalities. - Weak
- Sign up for our latest press releases and news.
Or Free email newsletter.
4NCPR Sign Up Example
5(No Transcript)
6Sample of strong copywriting for an opt-in box
From Anne Holland, MarketingSherpa.com
TEST, TEST, TEST Be Sure To Test your opt in copy
and graphics
7From Sophie Miller, Return PathEmail List
Hygiene Is Important!
- Collect Data Cleanly / Use ECOA / Monitor
Bounces and Merge Purge / Clean Regularly - Dead domain suppression (_at_excite.com)
- Format correction (_at_aol.cmo)
- Common typos
- Validation (is john_at_yagoo.com really
john_at_yahoo.com) - De-duping and merge/purge
8Printing E-Mail on Renewal Forms Helps Keep Data
9From Bill Pease, Chief Technology Officer
GetActive SoftwareTips to Boost Delivery
- Use a persistent from address and tell
subscribers as soon as they sign up (on confirm
form and welcome e-mail) what that is - Regularly encourage subscribers to add your from
address to local whitelist or buddy list of
approved senders Provide These Instructions
Regularly - Encourage Subscribers to update their profile
(personalized links in every message no
complicated log in) - Consider Using Address Correction Services
10From Ben McConnell, Creating Customer
Evangelists E-Mail Is About Conversations
- Every email should have a good RAP
- Relevant Your listener has indicated an interest
in the topic - Anticipated People look forward to hearing from
you - Personal The messages are directly related to
the individual
11From Nick Usborne, Author Net WordsUse A
Unique Human Voice Make It Personal
- WBFO Example
- "Listening to great programming on WBFO while
sipping a big mug of coffee is a daily ritual for
many people. How about you? I'm writing to invite
you to be part of the WBFO 200 pound coffee
challenge. - Gets Personal 3 Ways
12From Nick Usborne, author Net Words Be Clear
Who Are You? What Do You Want Visitors /
Readers To Do?
- Dont Assume Site Visitors Really Know Who You
Are / What You Do Have A Clear Statement - Anticipate Readers Questions
- Once You Have Their Attention Tell Them What To
Do - Careful of Too Many Options
13From Ruth Presslaff, Presslaff Interactive
Revenue Make it Personal Friendly First
Impressions Count!
14(No Transcript)
15From David Herscott, MEA DigitalUse Segmentation
/ Personalization
- What is the 1 key data point?
- Yes Mail Study Response rates jumped as high
as 14 from an average of 4 when there was an
increase in personalization Interests, Past
History, Message Frequency Preferences
16From Sheeraz Haji, GetActive Software CEOSeven
Strategies for Viral Marketing
- Humor Make me laugh
- Emotion - Appeal to my passions
- Educate So interesting that I have to share
- Whats Hot - Focus on something topical
- Incentives Pay me
- New media Catch my attention with audio, video,
Flash - Relationships Appeal to my sense of obligation
17MSPCA Flash Presentation
18Action Clearly Suggested
19NARAL Pro-Choice America Bush Birthday Card
campaign e-mail (96 of file received this HTML
version vs. text)
20(No Transcript)
21Anne Holland, MarketingSherpa.ComTEST, TEST,
TESTIdeas on What to Test
- Subject line
- From
- Wording of offer
- List Demographics
- Day of week time of day
22From Matt Johnson, AkibiaMap Out Your
23From Matt Johnson, Akibia After Mapping Touch
Points / Map Data Flow
24From Michael Gilbert, The Gilbert Center
Frictionless Fundraising Transparency