Title: Raghu Ramakrishnan
1Purple Clouds Data-Management_at_Yahoo!
- Raghu Ramakrishnan
- Research Fellow
- Chief Scientist, Audience and Cloud Computing
- Yahoo!
2Research Projects(in Audience Science and Y!
- Content optimization (AS, Y!R)
- Cloud Computing (Y!R)
- Hadoop, Pig, Sherpa
- Information extraction (Y!R)
- Mail spam (AS, Y!R))
- Search Advertising (Y!R)
Todays talks
Lots more going on!
3 Yahoo! Home Page Featured Box
- It has four tabs Featured, Entertainment,
Sports, and Video
Online Models for Content Optimization (NIPS
2008) D. Agarwal, B. Chen, P. Elango, N. Motgi,
S. Park, R. Ramakrishnan, S. Roy, J. Zachariah
4Novel Aspects
- Classical Arms assumed fixed over time
- We gain and lose arms over time
- Some theoretical work by Whittle in 80s
operations research - Classical Serving rule updated after each pull
- We compute optimal design in batch mode
- Classical Generally. CTR assumed stationary
- We have highly dynamic, non-stationary CTRs
5Comparing buckets
6AudienceResearch Collaboration
- Yahoo! Research
- Deepak Agarwal
- Bee-Chung Chen
- Wei Chu
- Pradheep Elango
- Raghu Ramakrishnan
- Seung-Taek Park
- Audience Engineering
- Todd Beaupre
- Kenneth Fox
- Nitin Motgi
- Scott Roy
- Joe Zachariah
7Search Results of the Future
New York Times
- Integrated information about a (focused)
real-world community - Collaboratively built and maintained by the
community - CIMple software package
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10Opening Up Yahoo! Search
Phase 2
Giving site owners and developers control over
the appearance of Yahoo! Search results.
BOSS takes Yahoo!s open strategy to the next
level by providing Yahoo! Search infrastructure
and technology to developers and companies to
help them build their own search experiences.
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