Title: Chapter 15 THE WEST
2Decline of old order
Byzantium Abbisids crumble
Social cultural decline - decline gradual
scholarship focuses on religion
Middle East Islamic religious leaders gain
upper hand
3landlords seize power over peasantry
merchants lose ground to European traders
decline of Mongols opens up opportunities for
China Western Europe
International Leadership
Ming Dynasty ( 1368-1644)
- push borders - influence neighboring countries
state sponsored trading expeditions -
technological innovations in sailing -
expeditions halted in 1433
Cheng Ho (Zheng He)
5(No Transcript)
6merchants remain active in SE Asia
lost chance to become dominant world trading power
Chinese felt only an experiment
7Rise of West
14th 15th centuries were backward
- Catholic church under attack - philosophy no
longer creative - aristocrats high living -
population outstrips food production - plague
kills 1/3 of population
yet -
- effective governments - military innovation -
urban economic growth - technology
8Mongols provide access to Asian technology -
luxury goods
gold shortage
balance of trade negative with Asia
expansion by Venice
explorations to by-pass Muslim routes to Asia
9Italian Renaissance
more secular art literature
cultural political movement
city-states support merchants seeking new markets
10cultural movement
begins in Florence
realistic paintings perspective
early not a full break from Medieval ideals
little impact outside of Italy culture not science
innovations in music
Italian commerce increases personal glory
11change stimulates wests surge into world
Iberian Peninsula
Castile Aragon - regional monarchies
religious military agenda - convert or expel
Muslims Jews
link b/t church state
late 13th century - Atlantic
south along West African coast
- Chinese compass astrolabe (Arabs) - better
ships - map making improves
colonies Azores, Canary Islands
13Prince Henry of Portugal
key factors - curiosity - religious fervor -
financial gain
cash crops produced for western markets - slaves
14- not part of international exchange -
disadvantage when outsiders intervene
- Aztecs creating resentments among subjected
peoples - Incas have tension b/t central local
European invasion changed dynamics of Americas
600 1400 some migration conquest
Polynesians to Hawaiian Islands
warlike regional kingdoms established
complex society priests nobles
16New Zealand
700s Polynesians migrate there - Maoris
tribal military leaders priests
accomplishments in isolation
17- http//www.newzealand.com/travel/about-nz/culture/