Title: Section 2 Strengthening Germany
1- Section 2 Strengthening Germany
- Setting the Scene
- In January 1871, German princes gathered in the
glittering Hall of Mirrors at the French palace
of Versailles. They had just defeated Napoleon
III in the Franco-Prussian War. The palace of
Louis XIV seemed the perfect place to proclaim
the new German empire. To the winners as well as
to the losers, the symbolism was clear. French
domination of Europe, dating from the age of
Louis XIV, had ended. Germany, headed by William
I and his chancellor, Otto von Bismarck, was now
the dominant power in Europe.
2I. The German Industrial Giant
- After unification, the German empire emerged as
the industrial giant of Europe
3I. The German Industrial Giant
- The Krupp industrial complex produced steel and
weapons August Thyssen built a steel empire
Krupp gun works at Essen
Thyssen Krupp Electrical Steel
4I. The German Industrial Giant
- German industrialists used applied science to
develop synthetic chemicals and dyes
5I. The German Industrial Giant
- Factors that made industrialization possible
- - iron and coal resources
- - a large disciplined and educated workforce
- - a huge home market
- - railroads
- - science and technology
6I. The German Industrial Giant
- The government promoted economic development,
issued a single currency, and raised tariffs to
maintain economic strength
Germany 20 mark gold coin (Kaiser Wilhelm
II)Minted 1890 - 1913Fineness .900Actual Gold
Content .2304 troy ounce
7II. The Iron Chancellor
- Bismarcks foreign-policy goals keep France weak
while building strong links with Austria and
8II. The Iron Chancellor
Bismarck launched the Kulturkampf , or "battle
for civilization," to make Catholics put loyalty
to the state above allegiance to the Church
9II. The Iron Chancellor
Bismarck saw socialism as a threat to the new
German empire he dissolved socialist groups,
shut down newspapers, and banned meetings
From the Austrian journal Kikeriki in 1870 the
title Germanys Future. Underneath is the
caption Will it fit under one hat? I believe it
is more likely to come under a Prussian
10II. The Iron Chancellor
The moves against the Church and socialism
backfired - Bismarck made peace with the Church
and sponsored laws to protect workers
Despite his military outfit and strenuous
exertions, Bismarck is unable to wrestle the
bogey-man of socialism into the box. This cartoon
from the British satirical magazine Punch
appeared while debate on the Socialist Law was
still occupying the attention of Reichstag
deputies in Berlin.
11III. Kaiser William II
1888 - William II succeeded his grandfather as
Kaiser and believed in absolute, divine-right
Kaiser William II (1859-1941)
12III. Kaiser William II
In 1890, Kaiser William II shocked Europe by
asking the dominating Bismarck to resign