Title: Atmospheric Science Research: Carbonaceous Aerosols
1Research Questions and Concerns
Atmospheric Science Research Carbonaceous
Is black carbon source dependent? Or is it
uniformly all the same? How does seasonal
variations in weather effect the mixing state of
BC regional atmospheric concentrations? To what
effect does BC suspended above the troposphere
perturb the earths energy with space? What can
be done with NASA to monitor atmospheric
concentrations of BC to determine the accuracy of
current simulations?
Profile Black Carbon (BC) Size gt 2.5 mm
diameter Measurable Properties scatter and
absorbance Nature Inert to most chemical
processes Adverse Effects Considered respiratory
carcinogen Sources Fossil biomass fuel
Research Instruments and Methods
- Filter Based Techniques
- Particle sampled onto Pallflex quartz filters
- BC measured either by
- Thermally (as CO2 particles )
- Optically (transmission reflectance)
- Troubles (Nonlinearities)
- Level of particle embedment in filter during
sampling - Charring (thermal case)