Title: How DHEC can help make your Professional Lives Easier
1How DHEC can help make your Professional Lives
- Harvey Kayman, MD, MPH
- Medical Consultant to the Maternal Child Health
Bureau, SC DHEC
2South Carolina Department of Health
Environmental Control
Resource for Clinicians to Promote High Quality
Health Care
3Objectives for Presentation to Clinicians
- Present information and case studies about
- WHAT DHEC DOES operative support DHEC can offer
to practitioners. - WHERE TO GET INFORMATION about DHEC access
information on how practitioners can get the help
they need from DHEC. - HOW TO INTERACT with DHEC personnel to attend to
patients needs.
4A Case of Diarrhea in a Four Year Old in
Greenville County
- In June, 2004, a 4 y/o boy comes to your recently
opened office severely ill with dehydration,
fever and bloody diarrhea. - You take a quick history, do a physical exam and
decide to hospitalize via ambulance. - In your evaluation at the hospital, you question
the family for detailed information, conduct a
more thorough physical, obtain lab data and begin
managing the patient. - Eventually blood and stool culture grow
salmonella typhimurium.
5A Case of Diarrhea in a Four Year Old
- His family purchased a hamster in June from a
local pet store that died 2 days after purchase. - PFGE (pulse field gel electrophoresis) looks at
the genetic pattern of the Salmonella isolates to
determine if different samples match genetically. - The PFGE pattern from this child's stool sample
match isolates from cases and hamster samples
from Minnesota and Kentucky.
6Salmonella Case, cont.
- The local pet store, in conjunction with DHECs
Acute Disease Epidemiology staff, are tracking
down the records for their hamster supplier
also calculating the of returned hamsters for
the months of June and July. - CDC is currently involved in a trace-back of the
7Disease Reporting
- What diseases are reportable?
- Reportable by telephone
- Reportable by mail-in card
- In 2005, you should be able to report on-line
with Carolinas Health Electronic Surveillance
System (CHESS)
8Disease Reporting-Contact information
- http//www.scdhec.net/hs/diseasecont/disease.htm
9Disease Reporting
- Who is required (i.e. LEGALLY MANDATED) to make
reports? - Physicians
- Laboratories
- Hospitals (Infection Control)
10Disease Reporting
- EPI Team provides
- Trained staff to conduct surveillance and case
investigation. - Appropriate and timely public health response to
urgent immediately reportable conditions.
11Disease Reporting
- Reporting by telephone
- Monday Friday 830-500
- County Health Dept
- 24/7 pager for Epi in each County in SC
- What happens next?
- HIPAA does not prevent or inhibit reporting
12A moderately ill 3 year old girl in late August
in Oconee County.
- A 3 year old comes to your office with fever of
102.4F, vomiting, some dehydration, somnolence,
rash on hands, feet, mouth. - While waiting to see you, she has a brief seizure
in your busy waiting room. - Your staff brings her to the examining room.
- As they wheel her out of the waiting room, a
child-care classmate arrives with a similar
13Viral Meningitis Cases
- Twelve (12) confirmed cases of viral meningitis
since from 8/25 to 09/14/04 diagnosed. - Three (3) cases in one childcare center that
include an adult childcare worker. - Three (3) other cases that are not in this
childcare center are siblings, the others are not
epi-linked. - Only one (1) CSF viral culture has been done and
it was enteroviral. - Isolate was not sent to DHEC BoL.
14Viral Meningitis Cases, cont.
- Physician advisory was sent to all Oconee MD's,
and letters with fact sheets sent to all Oconee
County childcare centers. - Letters were also sent to all school nurses and
principals. - Infection control nurse with Oconee Medical
Center is to inform the lab to send at least 4-5
isolates for typing to DHEC Bureau of Laboratory.
15Important Public Health Websites
- SC 2004 List of Reportable Conditions
- Epi Notes (Jan. 2004).
- Free download at www.scdhec.gov/hs/diseasecont/A
16Lead level somewhat increased
- When the patient was admitted, a blood lead level
was drawn due to the seizure. It came back 22
micrograms/dL. - You repeat the test, after re-hydration and it
comes back 16micrograms/dL. - Do you need to report at this time?
17DHECs Role in Childhood Lead Poisoning
Prevention (CLPPP)
- Assist private providers with follow up testing
and case management, once the provider has
obtained a confirmatory (venous) sample
(10mg/dL) sample.
18DHEC/CLPPP also provides
- CDC, DHEC, and EPA educational materials
- Public awareness
- Provider education
- Training and presentations
- Technical assistance
- Statewide surveillance
19 Follow up services may include
- Health education
- Nutrition counseling
- Family support services
- Venous blood samples at intervals specified by
CDC guidelines and DHEC policy
20DHEC/CLPPP also provides
- Environmental investigations of the childs
primary and secondary residences triggered by
blood lead levels established by CDC and DHEC
policy - Any venous result 20 mg/dL, or two venous levels
between 14 19 mg/dL drawn at least three months
21DHEC/CLPP also provides
- Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program
(CLPPP) - For additional information please call
- Toll-free 1-866-466-5323
- 1-(866)- 4NO-LEAD
22Women Infants Children (WIC)
- Who is eligible?
- WIC (women, infants, and children) who are at
nutritional risk - Women prenatal and post-partum
- Infants 0-1 years
- Children 1-5 years
- Income 185 of poverty level
23Women Infants Children (WIC)
- What DHEC provides
- Food vouchers
- Nutrition screening and education
- Basic health screening
24Women Infants Children (WIC)
- How to refer a patient
- Call or have patient call for an appointment to
become certified at the County Health Department
25Case Study Three
- You are completing a well-check visit with Sally
Oliver, a 13-year old white adolescent, who is a
new patient in the practice you just opened. - The family has no medical care coverage. Her
mother is out in the waiting room during the
visit. - While completing the examination, Sally requests
family planning services. - What do you do?
26You recall the SC Minors Law which states the
- Health services of any kind may be rendered to
minors of any age without consent of a
parent/guardian when, in the judgment of a person
authorized by law to render a particular health
service, such services are necessary, except for
27Case Study Three
- 1. Determine if Sally is sexually active
- 2. Determine if sexual coercion/abuse took place
? Call Department of Social Services (DSS).
First, look _at_ the DSS webpage http//www.state.sc
.us/dss/contact/index.htm Then use the Contact
Information link to find the appropriate toll
free number to call.
28Case Study Three
- 3. You may then choose to contact the DHEC Family
Planning Clinic in your county and refer Sally - DHEC Family Planning Clinic personnel will
conduct counseling for Sally regarding
contraception methods and refusal skills - DHEC Family Planning Clinic personnel will refer
to DHEC FSS (Family Support Services) for full
evaluation of family stress, if patient and
family are interested
29Family Planning Services
- Any woman of childbearing age is eligible to
receive Family Planning Services. These services
are offered without regard to religion, race,
color, national origin, creed, handicap, sex,
number of pregnancies, marital status, age, or
contraceptive preference. - Funded through Title X federal block grants
30Family Planning
- Counseling and education about planning and
spacing pregnancies - Counseling relative to risk-taking behaviors
including risks for HIV/AIDS - A comprehensive physical exam
31Family Planning
- Pap smear (cervical cancer screening test)
- Screening and, if needed, treatment for sexually
transmitted diseases - Pregnancy testing
- Providing information about all methods of birth
control, including abstinence
32Family Support Services
- Purpose is to enhance and support primary medical
care for mothers and children - Includes an interdisciplinary team of Public
Health Professionals (ie. Social worker, nurse,
dietitian, nutritionist, etc.) - Settings for services include
- Clinic, home, school, or day care
33Family Support Services
- Services include
- Follow-up for missed appointments
- Coordination and reinforcement for the
primary/acute care - Social work assessment and treatment
- Nutritional counseling
- Parent/Child education regarding developmental,
safety and envtl issues - AND LOTS, LOTS MORE!
34Important Public Health Websites
- South Carolina Directory of Services for Women,
Children and Families - Resource guide (167 pages) with county-specific
information regarding services for women and
children ranging from family planning to clothing
assistance. - www.scdhec.gov/hs/mch/directory/20directory.pdf
35Care Line
- 1-800-868-0404
- Improve access to and utilization of healthcare
for women, children and families. - Identify and address barriers for clients in need.
36Case Study Four
- You are seeing an 8-year-old African American
male, Steven C., and his mother today. - The boy is suffering from asthma. The mother
thinks that Stevens asthma could be exacerbated
by mold in their apartment. - Neither the mother nor the child know how to use
the nebulizer they got from the hospital on
discharge and do not have the adequate funds to
purchase the medicine that go in the nebulizer.
37Case Study Four
- The mother also tells you that she does not have
enough money to pay the rent at the end of the
month. - You have many patients to see in your newly
opened office. - What can you do?
38Case Study Four
- 1. Tell the mother that you will be making some
calls to the local county health department on
behalf of she and her son. Someone will be in
contact with her as soon as possible concerning
asthma management and the other financial
39Case Study Four
- 2. Verify that all of her contact information is
correct. - 3. Call the local county health department and
ask to speak with someone from Home Health
Services, which is a provider of in-home services
for medical devices, disease management programs
and support programs.
40Case Study Four
- 4. Explain the needs of the patient and family.
Someone from DHECs Home Health Services will
speak to her while she is still in your office. - 5. The DHEC intake person will schedule a home
visit where the mother and son will have
instruction on how to use the nebulizer, home
evaluation, asthma education, as will as a
disease management program for asthma, and a
discussion with DHEC EQC (Environmental Quality
Control) personnel re mold.
41Case Study Four
- 6. Home Health Services will then contact other
service providers to assist with other needs of
the mother and son. This includes, but is not
limited to Family Support Services (Medical
Social Worker evaluation about money for
apartment and medicine.)
42Home Health Services
- Skilled Nursing
- Physical Therapy
- Occupational Therapy
- Speech Therapy
- Medical Social Work
43Home Health Services
- Nutrition Education and Counseling
- Home Health / Personal Care Aid
- Pediatric Services
- Family Support Services
44Home Health Services
- Diabetes Education
- Asthma Education
- Women's Health
- http//www.scdhec.net/hs/health/contacts.htm
45Home Health Services
- Disease Management Programs for
- Asthma
- Diabetes
- Congestive Heart Failure
- Wound-Ostomy Care
- Stroke (Brain Attack)
46Home Health Services-Payment
- Patients with no pay source will be billed based
on their ability to pay or use the sources listed
below - MedicareMedicaidPrivate insurance
plansVeterans AdministrationHealth Maintenance
Organization (HMO)Managed Care Organization
(MCO)Preferred Provider Organization (PPO)
47Environmental Quality Control and Evaluation for
- The Bureau of Air Quality (BAQ) of DHECs
Environmental Quality Control does not keep a
list of indoor air contractors. - They usually refer callers to the "Environmental
Consultants" section of the yellow pages in the
phone book. - For those with Internet access, BAQ likes to
suggest that families visit the American
Industrial Hygiene Association web site for
certified contractors and consultants
(www.aiha.org). - Many asbestos contractors also address indoor air
- quality (IAQ) such as mold and mildew.
48Case Study Four
- 7. Clinician should schedule a follow-up
appointment during the initial visit. - 8. At the follow-up appointment, ask the mother
if anything else can be done to improve the
quality of health care provided. You discuss the
issue of mold management which the mother learned
about from DHECs EQC (Environmental Quality
49(No Transcript)
50Important Public Health Websites
- SC Department of Health and Environmental Control
(SC DHEC) Main Page www.scdhec.gov
51Department of Health and Environmental Control
- Health Services
- Environmental Quality Control
- Health Regulations
- Ocean and Coastal Resources
52(No Transcript)
53Important Public Health Websites
- Public Health Statistics and Information Services
(PHSIS) SC DHEC - Under the Information link, one has access to
updated data bases with state, county and zip
code specific information regarding critical
health indicators. - www.scdhec.net/co/phsis/
- biostatistics/
54Other DHEC Health Services
- STD/HIV Contact tracing Disease Investigation
- Syndromic Surveillance
- Bioterrorism preparedness
- Provider of immunizations
- Immunization Birth Defects Registry
- Vital Records, Data analysis
55Important Public Health Websites
- SC Department of Health and Environmental Control
(SC DHEC) Health Services Links for all of the
health services provided by the state including - Maternal and child health, chronic disease, home
and environmental health departments with related
services to children and families - http//www.scdhec.net/hs/
56Case Study Five
- You are discharging a pre-term baby from the
NICU, whose mom is young and struggling to do her
best for this baby. - The baby has had a a difficult course while in
the NICU. - The baby has had the expanded newborn metabolic
screen and a hearing test. - You ask nursery personnel to arrange for a
newborn home visit.
57DHEC Health Services-Screening
- Mandated to provide screening for the entire
population - Newborn Screening for metabolic diseases
- Newborn hearing screening via First Sound
- Developmental screening and follow up
- Support for clinicians who have done the EPSDT
(early periodic screening, diagnosis, and
treatment) mandated test for Lead, and confirmed
an abnormal value
- What DHEC provides Support for First Sound
- Metabolic Testing of all newborns for
- PKU (phenylketonuria)
- Congenital hypothyroidism
- Galactosemia
- CAH (congenital adrenal hyperplasia)
- Hemoglobinopathies
- MCADD (medium chain acyl-coA dehydrogenase
- Expansion to 30 tests includes
- Cystic fibrosis
- Biotinidase deficiency
- Fatty acid disorders
- Amino acid disorders
- Organic acid disorders
- Screening is MORE than a blood test!
- What DHEC provides (continued)
- Locate and provide health education to families
of infants with abnormal screening results if
their primary care provider was not identified. - Assure appropriate retesting and follow-up is
completed. - Assist with subspecialty care if indicated.
- How and when to refer
- Make a referral if the patient does not come to
the office for the two week check-up and the
screening results are abnormal. - Call County Health Department.
- If patient is there for the two week check-up and
results have not been received call 803-898-0593,
Linda Baker, to check results.
- Who is eligible?
- Moms/Infants on Medicaid or eligible at delivery.
- How to refer
- DHEC nurses provide an assessment on all
eligibles from newborn nursery. - From NICU request referral through NICU social
- What DHEC provides
- Assessment of health, safety and psycho-social
environment of the infant - Health education
- Appropriate referrals, such as WIC (women,
infants and children) - Care coordination as needed
- Assure family has a medical home or assist with
locating one.
64Medical Home Concept
Primary Health Care
Health Department
Pediatric Health Care Professionals
65How will the Medical Home Benefit the Physician?
- Maximize productivity
- Enhance the quality of care provided for the
children and their families - Share the challenges of providing comprehensive
- What DHEC provides (continued)
- Assure the mother has an appointment for the
-six-weeks check-up. - Assess birth control and STD prevention.
- Blood pressure evaluation.
- Nutrition assessment and counseling
- Screen for post-partum depression
- Who is eligible?
- Suspected or diagnosed developmental delay - or
- Physical condition with high probability of
resulting in developmental delay - Infants and Children from birth though 3 years of
age and their families.
- Entry point for services
- What DHEC provides
- Early intervention services including
- multi-disciplinary evaluation
- identification of needed services
- assistance obtaining services
- Payor of last resort
- Transition to school-based services at age 3
- How to refer
- Referral is mandatory
- First call
- BabyNet division in District or County Office,
- Or call
- Statewide CARE line at 1-800-868-0404
70Children's Rehabilitative Services
- Who is eligible?
- Legal resident of US and South Carolina.
- Less than 21 years old.
- Have a condition covered by the program
- Meet family income guidelines (250 of the
poverty level) or TEFRA based on childs income
71Conditions covered by the Childs Rehabilitative
Services program
- Bone and joint diseases
- Hearing disorders and ear disease
- Cleft lip and palate and other craniofacial
anomalies - Spina Bifida and other congenital anomalies
- Epilepsy (seizures), cerebral palsy and other
central nervous system disorders - Rheumatic fever
72Conditions covered by the Childs Rehabilitative
Services program
- Problems from accidents, burns, and poisoning
- Endocrine disorders
- Hemophilia (children and adults)
- Sickle cell disorders (children and adults)
- Developmental delays such as speech/language,
motor and growth abnormalities and - Kidney diseases.
73Children's Rehabilitative Services
- What DHEC provides
- Payor of last resort for specialty medical
services including hospital care, medicines,
medical supplies, therapy, and other services. - Care coordination
- Social work and nutrition counseling and special
formulas. - Summer camp for children aged 7-19 years.
74Children's Rehabilitative Services
- How to refer
- For the referral process to be initiated, call
the County Health Department to request the
CRS(Childrens Rehabilitative Services) phone
number for that county.
75Outside resources-Family Connections
- Value of parent to parent counseling to help
families who have children with developmental
delays, disabilities, or chronic illness with
support, information, community awareness, and
enhanced parent/professional relationships.
76The State Oral Health Plan
- The State Oral Health Plan is a comprehensive
blueprint for oral health promotion and oral
disease prevention. - Major priorities are Policy and advocacy to
increase the recognition of oral health issues
among policy makers and the public.
77The State Oral Health Plan
- Education of the public, policy makers, and
health care providers on the importance of oral
health improvement. - Dental public health infrastructure development
to strengthen partnerships with private
practitioners, other public programs, and
voluntary groups.
78The State Oral Health Plan
- Dental workforce development to increase and
diversify the pool of talent in oral health. - Increase access to oral health services.
79Immunization Program
- Who is eligible?
- All childhood immunizations are free to all
people under 19y/o eligible for VAFAC (vaccine
assurance for all children). - How to refer
- The patient may call for an appointment at county
health department clinic site preferred. - Walk-ins are welcome.
80Immunization Program
- What DHEC provides
- Recommended childhood immunizations
- Foreign travel consultations and immunizations
- Other immunizations
- Meningococcal
- Immune globulins for Hepatitis A, Hep B, Measles
- Rabies post-exposure prophylaxis
- Support to VAFAC (vaccine assurance for all
children) providers
81Federal Vaccine For ChildrenVFC
- CDC Advisory Committee on Immunization
PracticesACIP - Vaccine Information StatementVIS
- Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting SystemVAERS
- National Immunization ProgramNIP
- South Carolina Vaccine Assurance For All
82South Carolina Vaccine Assurance For All Children
(VAFAC) Eligible
Medicaid Enrolled Uninsured Underinsured American/Alaskan Native Children 83VAFAC (Vaccine Assurance for All Children)
- Family pays the vaccine administration fee,
unless Medicaid pays through DHHS (Dept. of
Health Human Services). - Practitioners can not deny immunization if the
family is unable to pay the vaccine
administration fee.
84Immunization Registry
- Legislation is pending and a pilot is ongoing to
assess barriers and any problems. - Data needed Patients name, address, date of
birth, VAFAC (vaccine assurance for all
children) eligibility category - Providers name, practice name, VAFAC (vaccine
assurance for all children) pin, - CPT code of vaccine administered, date, etc.
85TB Program
- Who is eligible?
- Any person suspected of having tuberculosis.
86TB Program
- What DHEC provides
- Diagnostic services
- Medications for treatment of active cases and
prophylaxis - Directly observed therapy
- Case management
- Contact tracing
- Screening services
87TB Program
- How to refer
- Call the TB Clinic at County Health Department
for an appointment. - Send written documentation of date, exact
measurement and antigen used for the skin test.
Be sure to evaluate risk. - Do a chest x-ray prior to their appointment with
the Health Department if possible.
88 DHECs STD and HIV Services 1-800-322-AIDS
- S.C. STD/HIV/AIDS Hotline is a statewide
toll-free service to answer questions pertaining
to STDs and HIV/AIDS, and South Carolina
resources for prevention and care services. - SHARING (Statewide HIV/AIDS Resources) is an
information source of available HIV prevention,
care, and supportive services by county. SHARING
information is available through the hotline (1
800 322-AIDS)
89STD Dx and Rx
- STD Diagnosis and Treatment County health
departments provide testing, diagnosis,
treatment, and educational services for
individuals requesting such services and those
who have had contact with an STD-infected
90HIV Counseling and Testing
- Health department staff and some HIV prevention
collaborations provide HIV testing and referral
to care and other services counseling to assist
clients in assessing personal risk of acquiring
or transmitting HIV and negotiate a realistic and
incremental plan for reducing risk.
91Partner Counseling Referral Services
- DHEC personnel assist clients in locating and
notifying partners of possible HIV and syphilis
exposure and assist partners in accessing
counseling, testing, and other support services.
92Environmental Health
- Food Protection-Restaurant Inspection
- Onsite Wastewater-Septic Tank Approval
Inspection - Rabies
- Mosquitoes
- Vector Control
93DHEC Laboratory
- Newborn ScreeningBlood Environmental
LeadDrugs of Abuse ScreeningIndustrial
HygieneBacteria, ParasitesHepatitis, HIV,
Chlamydia, STD TuberculosisInfluenza, Rabies
Food and DairyPAP Smears
94Where do we in MCH go from Here?
- A multi-disciplinary group is working on
creating the Child Health Connection (CHC) - Mission To assure and promote a systems based
approach to ensure the health of children and
their families
95Where do we in MCH go from Here?
- Main Components of Action Plan
- DHEC will be available and responsive to the
needs of the community - Select specific content and methods used to
deliver information to clinicians - Expand and improve interface between DHEC and the
96Core Functions of Public Health
- Assessment
- Assess
- Investigate
- Analyze
- Policy Development
- Advocacy, stakeholder collaboration
- Prioritize
- Plan
97Core Functions of Public Health
- Assurance
- Manage
- Implement-Direct Service
- Inform/Educate
- Evaluate, including monitoring quality of
services provided by others.
98Essential Public Health Services
- Assessment
- Monitor health status to identify health
problems. - Diagnose and investigate health problems and
health hazards - Inform, educate, and empower people about health
99Essential Public Health Services
- Policy Development
- Monitor community partnerships to identify and
solve health problems. - Develop policies and plans that support
individual and community health efforts. - Enforce laws and regulations that protect health
and ensure safety.
100Essential Public Health Services
- Assurance
- Link people to needed personal health services
and assure the provision of health care when
otherwise unavailable. - Assure a competent public and personal healthcare
101Essential Public Health Services
- Assurance
- Evaluate effectiveness, accessibility and quality
of personal and population based health services - Research new insights and innovative solutions to
health problems
102Objectives for Presentation to Clinicians
- Present information and case studies about
- WHAT DHEC DOES operative support DHEC can offer
to practitioners, - WHERE TO GET INFORMATION about DHEC access
information on how practitioners can get the help
they need from DHEC. - HOW TO INTERACT with DHEC personnel to attend to
patients needs.