Title: What is in the course Advanced SuperStructures: Scattering
1What is in the courseAdvanced SuperStructures
Scattering Microscopy (ASSM)?
2Structures in ASSM
- Between microworld and macroworld (between 1 nm
10 mm) - Nanotechnology new functional materials
- Polymers
- Composites
- Photonic materials
- Colloids
- Catalysis
- (Nanostructured) catalysis supports
- Biology
- Proteins, DNA, Muscles,
How one can see them?
3Parts of ASSM
- Waves
- Theoretical introduction
- Ends with a deeltoets
- Scattering
- Principles, Experimental applications
- Essays
- Electron Microscopy
- Principles Applications in
- Biology
- Inorganic chemistry
- Optical Microscopy
- Principles Applications
Essays Demonstrations are obligatory!
10-11 Wentgebouw N022 9.00 - 12.45 Golven
(AP) 12-11 Wentgebouw N022 9.00 - 12.45 Golven
(AP) 17-11 Wentgebouw N022 9.00 - 12.45 Golven
(AP) 19-11 Wentgebouw N022 9.00 - 12.45 Golven
(AP) 24-11 Wentgebouw N022 9.00 - 12.45 Golven
Tussentoets (AP) 26-11 Wentgebouw N022 9.00 -
12.45 Verstrooiing (AP) 01-12 Wentgebouw N022 9.00
- 12.45 Verstrooiing (AP) 03-12 Wentgebouw N022 9
.00 - 12.45 Verstrooiing (AP) 08-12 Wentgebouw N02
2 9.00 - 12.45 Verstrooiing (AP) 10-12 Wentgebouw
N022 9.00 - 12.45 Essays verstrooiing
(AP) 15-12 Wentgebouw N022 9.00 - 12.45 EM (Bruno
Humbel) 17-12 Wentgebouw N022 9.00 - 12.45 EM
(John Geus) 05-01 Wentgebouw N022 9.00 - 12.45 EM
demo (John Geus) 07-01 Wentgebouw N022 9.00 -
12.45 EM demo (John Geus) 12-01 Wentgebouw N022 9.
00 - 12.45 OM (Hans Gerritsen) 14-01 Wentgebouw N0
22 9.00 - 12.45 OM (Hans Gerritsen) 19-01 Wentgebo
uw N022 9.00 - 12.45 OM (Hans Gerritsen) 21-01 Wen
tgebouw N022 9.00 - 12.45 OM demo (HG)
5Eindcijfer in ASSM
- Golven (24 november) Verstrooiing Essay (10
december) EM OM demonstraties (5 of 7
januari 21 januari) - Deelname aan demonstraties levert jullie in het eindcijfer op - Golven deel komt nog een keer in het eindtentamen
6Zijn er nog vragen?
8Examples of waves
9Examples of waves
10Examples of waves
Sound waves
11Electromagnetic waves
12Matter waves
Erwin Schroedinger
13Intro to Fourier analysis
What is the period of this function?
15Intro to Fourier analysis
- Examples
- radio / television
- colours
16Travelling wave
(? 0)
17Travelling wave
(? 0)
18Standing wave
19Standing wave
20Standing wave string resonances
21Examples of waves
22Waves in 3D
23(Home) werkcollegeExercises I.1 I.7(at the
end of the lecture notes)