Title: Genetic Diversity among Imperata cylindrica
1Genetic Diversity among Imperata cylindrica
- Josiah Raymer,
- Undergraduate Research Assistant
- Mack Thetford,
- Associate Professor
- West Florida Research and Education Center,
Milton, FL - Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences
- University of Florida
2Background Information Imperata cylindrica Cogon
- Invasive weed
- No reliable methods of control
- Obligate outcrosser (can not self fertilize)
- Lack of genetic diversity (clonal populations)
- Red leaf variants are sold as an ornamental
- Limited knowledge of genetic relationship
3Imperata cylindrica Cogon Grass
Variety? Cultivar? Cultivar of a variety?
Cranberry Grass Red Baron Grass Red Baron
Cranberry Grass Imperata cylindrica
rubra Imperata cylindrica Red Baron Imperata
cylindrica rubra Red Baron
4(No Transcript)
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- Develop a reliable method of extracting
amplifiable DNA from both red and green leaf
selections of Imperata - Determine if diversity exists among red leaf
selections of Imperata
7Objective 1
- Determine a reliable DNA extraction method
- Evaluate the effectiveness of two alternative DNA
extraction procedures compared to the standard
CTAB procedure to obtain amplifiable DNA
8Qiagen DNeasy Extraction
- DNeasy Plant Mini Kits
- A commercially available Plant DNA extraction kit
- RAPD/PCR reactions
- Replication of DNA fragments of specific size
based on the primer used in the reaction - Gel Electrophoresis
- Separation of DNA fragments of specific size
using an electrical current
10Amplification (Qiagen)
- DNA from green leaf samples produced well
amplified fragments - ? DNA from red leaf samples did not produce
amplified fragments
11DNA Purification (red samples)
- Centricon
- YM-100 ultrafilters
- Membrane based filtration tubes
12Results of Amplification
- ? Ultrafiltered DNA isolated from red leaf
Imperata via Qiagen DNeasy kits, produced
amplified fragments
- DNA of green leaf Imperata extracted using the
Qiagen DNeasy kits produced amplifiable DNA - DNA of red leaf Imperata extracted using the
Qiagen DNeasy kits required an extra
ultrafiltration step before amplification
14Objective 2
- Is There Genetic Diversity Within Selections of
Red Leaf Cogongrass? - Are Red Leaf Selections similar to Green Leaf
- 29 Samples
- 13 green leaf (UF Collection)
- 16 red leaf (multiple industry sources)
- 5 Primers
- 5 Different fingerprints/sample
- Horizontal gel electrophoresis
- Digital Images
17Gel Images Imperata cylindrica Cogon Grass
18Gel Processing
- Gel imaging software (Gel Comprar II)
- 5 fingerprints for each sample were linked to
form a composite data set - Dendogram was constructed
- Principal component analysis
- Jacknife comparison
19Dendogram Imperata cylindrica Cogon Grass
20 Principal Component Analysis Imperata
cylindrica Cogon Grass
21Jackknife comparisonImperata cylindrica Cogon
- Red and green leaf selections of Imperata
cylindrica were separated into two distinct
- Red leaf selections of Imperata cylindrica were
further separated into two distinct groups.
24Significance to Industry
- Genetic diversity is present within populations
of red and green leaf selections of cogongrass. - Potential exists for cross pollination between
the different selections.