Title: Single spin asymmetries in pp scattering
1 Single spin asymmetries in pp scattering
Trento July 2-6, 2006
- Single Spin Asymmetries (SSA) in pp scattering
- Introduction what are we after?
- SSA and time reversal invariance
- Transverse momentum dependence (TMD)
- Through TMD distribution and fragmentation
functions to transverse moments and gluonic poles - Electroweak processes (SIDIS, Drell-Yan and
annihilation) - Hadron-hadron scattering processes
- Gluonic pole cross sections
- What can pp add?
- Conclusions
3Introduction what are we after?The partonic
structure of hadrons
- For (semi-)inclusive measurements, cross
sections in hard scattering processes factorize
into a hard squared amplitude and distribution
and fragmentation functions entering in forward
matrix elements of nonlocal combinations of quark
and gluon field operators (f ? y or G)
4The partonic structure of hadrons
- Quark distribution functions (DF) and
fragmentation functions (FF) - unpolarized
- q(x) f1q(x) and D(z) D1(z)
- Polarization/polarimetry
- Dq(x) g1q(x) and dq(x) h1q(x)
- Azimuthal asymmetries
- g1T(x,pT) and h1L(x,pT)
- Single spin asymmetries
- h1?(x,pT) and f1T(x,pT) H1?(z,kT) and D1T(z,kT)
- Form factors
- Generalized parton distributions
FORWARD matrix elements x section one hadron in
inclusive or semi-inclusive scattering
NONLOCAL lightcone
NONLOCAL lightfront
OFF-FORWARD Amplitude Exclusive
NONLOCAL lightcone
5SSA and time reversal invariance
- QCD is invariant under time reversal (T)
- Single spin asymmetries (SSA) are T-odd
observables, but they are not forbidden! - For distribution functions a simple distinction
between T-even and T-odd DFs can be made - Plane wave states (DF) are T-invariant
- Operator combinations can be classified according
to their T-behavior (T-even or T-odd) - Single spin asymmetries involve an odd number
(i.e. at least one) of T-odd function(s) - The hard process at tree-level is T-even higher
order as is required to get T-odd contributions - Leading T-odd distribution functions are TMD
6Intrinsic transverse momenta
- In a hard process one probes partons (quarks and
gluons) - Momenta fixed by kinematics (external momenta)
- DIS x xB Q2/2P.q
- SIDIS z zh P.Kh/P.q
- Also possible for transverse momenta
- SIDIS qT kT pT
- q xBP Kh/zh ? -Kh?/zh
- 2-particle inclusive hadron-hadron scattering
- qT p1T p2T k1T k2T
- K1/z1 K2/z2- x1P1- x2P2 ?
K1?/z1 K2?/z2 - Sensitivity for transverse momenta requires ?3
momenta - SIDIS g H ? h X
- DY H1 H2 ? g X
- ee- g ? h1 h2 X
- hadronproduction H1 H2 ? h X
- ? h1 h2 X
p ? x P pT k ? z-1 K kT
7TMD correlation functions (unpolarized hadrons)
quark correlator
F(x, pT)
- T-odd
- Transversely
- polarized quarks
8Color gauge invariance
- Nonlocal combinations of colored fields must be
joined by a gauge link - Gauge link structure is calculated from collinear
A.n gluons exchanged between soft and hard part - Link structure for TMD functions
- depends on the hard process!
DY ? FU- F-
9Integrating F(x,pT) ? F(x)
collinear correlator
10Integrating F(x,pT) ? F?a(x)
11Gluonic poles
- Thus
- F?a(x) F?a(x) CG pFGa(x,x)
- CG 1
- with universal functions in gluonic pole m.e.
(T-odd for distributions) - There is only one function h1?(1)(x)
Boer-Mulders and (for transversely polarized
hadrons) only one function f1T?(1)(x) Sivers
contained in pFG - These functions appear with a process-dependent
sign - Situation for FF is (maybe) more complicated
because there are no T-constraints
Efremov and Teryaev 1982 Qiu and Sterman
1991 Boer, Mulders, Pijlman, NPB 667 (2003)
201 Metz and Collins 2005
12Other hard processes
C. Bomhof, P.J. Mulders and F. Pijlman, PLB 596
(2004) 277
- qq-scattering as hard subprocess
- insertions of gluons collinear with parton 1 are
possible at many places - this leads for external parton fields to a
gauge link to lightcone infinity
13Other hard processes
C. Bomhof, P.J. Mulders and F. Pijlman, PLB 596
(2004) 277
- qq-scattering as hard subprocess
- insertions of gluons collinear with parton 1 are
possible at many places - this leads for external parton fields to a
gauge link to lightcone infinity - The correlator F(x,pT) enters for each
contributing term in squared amplitude with
specific link
U? UU-
14Gluonic pole cross sections
- Thus
- F?Ua(x) F?a(x) CGU pFGa(x,x)
- CGU 1
- CGU? U 3, CGTr(U?)U Nc
- with the same uniquely defined functions in
gluonic pole matrix elements (T-odd for
distributions) -
15examples qq?qq
Bacchetta, Bomhof, Pijlman, Mulders, PRD 72
(2005) 034030 hep-ph/0505268
16Gluonic pole cross sections
- In order to absorb the factors CGU, one can
define specific hard cross sections for gluonic
poles (which will appear with the functions in
transverse moments) - for pp
- etc.
- for SIDIS
- for DY
- Similarly for gluon processes
Bomhof, Mulders, Pijlman, EPJ hep-ph/0601171
17examples qq?qq
- Single spin asymmetries in hard processes can
exist - They are T-odd observables, which can be
described in terms of T-odd distribution and
fragmentation functions - For distribution functions the T-odd functions
appear in gluonic pole matrix elements - Gluonic pole matrix elements are part of the
transverse moments appearing in azimuthal
asymmetries - Their strength is related to path of color gauge
link in TMD DFs which may differ per term
contributing to the hard process - The gluonic pole contributions can be written as
a folding of universal (soft) DF/FF and gluonic
pole cross sections
Belitsky, Ji, Yuan, NPB 656 (2003) 165 Boer,
Mulders, Pijlman, NPB 667 (2003) 201 Bacchetta,
Bomhof, Pijlman, Mulders, PRD 72 (2005)
034030 Bomhof, Mulders, Pijlman, EPJ
hep-ph/0601171 Eguchi, Koike, Tanaka,
hep-ph/0604003 Ji, Qiu, Vogelsang, Yuan,
19Local forward and off-forward
Local operators (coordinate space densities)
Form factors
Static properties
Examples (axial) charge mass spin magnetic
moment angular momentum
20Nonlocal - forward
Nonlocal forward operators (correlators)
Specifically useful squares
Selectivity at high energies q p
Momentum space densities of f-ons
Sum rules ? form factors
21Nonlocal off-forward
Nonlocal off-forward operators (correlators AND
Selectivity q p
Sum rules ? form factors
Forward limit ? correlators
- We study forward matrix elements, including
transverse momentum dependence (TMD), i.e.
f(p,pT) with enhanced nonlocal sensitivity! - This is not a measurement of orbital angular
momentum (OAM). Direct measurement of OAM
requires off-forward matrix elements, i.e. GPDs.
- One may at best make statements like
- linear pT dependence ? nonzero OAM
- no linear pT dependence ? no OAM
unpolarized quark distribution
need pT
helicity or chirality distribution
need pT
need pT
transverse spin distr. or transversity
need pT
need pT