Title: Dr. Annetta L. Cheek
1If you cant read it,you cant use it
- Usability and Plain Language
- June 17, 2008
2What is Plain Language?
- Material is in plain language if readers can
- Understand what they find
- Use it to fulfill their needs
And they should be able to do this the first time
they read or hear it!
3A very important point
- Plain language is audience-focused
- You must know who your audience is, what they
know, what they understand, what they need
Logical organization
Active voice
Lists and tables
Common words
Abbreviations, jargon, legal terms, Latin
Confusing constructions
Unnecessary words
Information the audience doesnt need
Long sentences
6- Read more about these and other techniques at
- http//www.plainlanguage.gov/howto/guidelines/bigd
7Heres a simplified table of contents
- Thinking about your audience
- Organizing your document
- Writing your document
- Words
- verbs
- nouns and pronouns
- other word issues
- Sentences
- Paragraphs
- Other aids to clarity
- Testing your Document
8In the event that a graffiti removal request is
reported that may not be the responsibility of
the County Department of Public Works, you will
be directed to the appropriate agency.
If you submit a request to remove graffiti that
is not our responsibility, we will direct you to
the right agency.
9- Easy access to information and resources
concerning long-term care issues for seniors and
the disabled has been made available on a new
website developed by the County Department of
Community and Senior Services. - You can easily get information and resources on
long-term care for seniors and the disabled on
our new website.
10- Infants and children who drink water containing
lead in excess of the action level could
experience delays in their physical or mental
development. Children could show slight deficits
in attention span and learning abilities. Adults
who drink this water over many years could
develop kidney problems or high blood pressure.
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12- The Department of Revenue saved 51,014 from
avoided phone calls after clarifying their
requirements. - The Department of Weights and Measures collected
an extra 144,000 after clarifying its payment
instructions. - The Department of Public Safetys incoming phone
calls declined 90 percent after they clarified
their instructions to fingerprint-card
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16- We provide User Experience Design practitioners,
focused on producing software artifacts and
deliverables that maximize the impact of the end
user experience. - ABC is a small firm which leverages its
capabilities through the association,
cooperation, and coordination with a number of
associate consultants, contractors and
professionals in human factors, usability, and
the development of interactive computer systems.
17- When youre looking for increased conversion
rates and repeat visitors, our patented
technology is the only customer experience
solution that gives you the information you need,
along with the recommendations to take action in
order to improve user experience.
18- (1) In order more effectively to detect and
interdict individuals known or reasonably
suspected to be or have been engaged in conduct
constituting, in preparation for, in aid of, or
related to terrorism ("suspected terrorists") and
terrorist activities, it is the policy of the
United States to - (a) enhance terrorist-related screening (as
defined below) through comprehensive, coordinated
procedures that detect, identify, track, and
interdict people, cargo, conveyances, and other
entities and objects that pose a threat to
homeland security, and to do so in a manner that
safeguards legal rights, including freedoms,
civil liberties, and information privacy
guaranteed by Federal law, and builds upon
existing risk assessment capabilities while
facilitating the efficient movement of people,
cargo, conveyances, and other potentially
affected activities in commerce and - (b) implement a coordinated and comprehensive
approach to terrorist-related screening -- in
immigration, law enforcement, intelligence,
counterintelligence, and protection of the
border, transportation systems, and critical
infrastructure -- that supports homeland
security, at home and abroad.
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22- Wordy phrases such as in order to and it is
the policy of - Annoying strings of similar words such as cargo,
conveyances, and other entities and objects - Redundant words such as legal rights . . .
guaranteed by Federal law - Noun sandwiches such as risk assessment
23- It is the policy of the United States to enhance
. . - The United States will enhance . . .
24- detect, identify, track, and interdict people,
cargo, conveyances, and other entities and
objects that pose a threat to homeland security - detect, identify, track, and stop anyone and
anything that threatens homeland security
25More information
- www.plainlanguage.gov
- www.centerforplainlanguage.org
- To contact me, email me at acheek_at_patriot.net.
Put plain language in the subject line.