Title: Behavior Expectations: Identified and Defined
1- Behavior Expectations Identified and Defined
- January 24, 2007
- www.cenmi.org/miblsi
2To create a culture of competence within our
schools- we need a common set of behavior
- List all the rules in your school and classroom
(or a classroom you are most familiar with).
Write in the boxes below. Do this by yourself and
then share with others.
4Rules Continued
- Do your rules match the rules listed by others
from your school? - Do your classroom rules fit with the general
school rules (e.g., is there a clear
5Big Ideas In Positive Behavior Support
- Identify expectations
- Teach expectation
- Monitor expected behavior
- Acknowledge/Encourage expected behavior
- Correct behavioral errors (continuum of
consequences) - Use information for decision-making
6Sometimes, we have too many rules to remember!
7Consider your impressions of this school
School Rules NO Food NO Weapons NO Backpacks NO
Drugs/Smoking NO Bullying
8School Values
- Values are the accepted principles or standards
of your schools culture. These may include such
descriptors as learning, honesty, integrity, or
compassion. - Take a minute to think about your schools
values. - As a school team, complete the statement below
In _______________________________________________
__ (school name), we value ______________________
_________________________________ ________________
_______________________________________________ __
9Define School-wide Expectationsfor Social
- Identify 3-5 Expectations
- Short statements
- Positive Statements (what to do, not what to
avoid doing) - Memorable
- Examples
- Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Be Safe, Be Kind,
Be a Friend, Be-there-be-ready, Hands and feet to
self, Respect self, others, property, Do your
best, Follow directions of adults
10Cherokee High School
Example Behavior Expectations
11Making the Expectations Memorable
12Memorable Behavior Expectations
Kenwood High School
13Sebastian River High School
Stay Safe- Behave in a manner that is safe for
you and those around you?Keep hands and feet to
yourself?Walk orderly to your destination?No
alcohol, tobacco, drugs or weapons?No sexual
behavior?Follow directions?Know procedures in
emergency situations Honesty-Practice it- Be
honest in all you say and do?No cheating?Speak
the truth?No deviant behavior?Use only what is
yours?Be faithful Act Responsibly- Be reliable
and trustworthy?Listen?No vandalism?Be on
time?Follow the dress code?Be present?Have all
materials?Have handbook Respect Everyone- Show
concern and consideration for others and
yourself?Be courteous with each other?Use
appropriate language?No class disruptions?Keep
hands and feet to self Keep it Clean?Clean after
self?Use appropriate language?Organize materials
14Lansdowne High School
15Team Time
- Identify 3 - 5 expectations that are
Write your expectations below
16Making the Expectations Visible
- Posted in classrooms, hallways, etc.
- Printed in school handbook
- Some schools have made videos of the behavior
17Posting Expectations Houston County High School
18Posting Expectations North Eugene High School
19Posting Expectations Senn High School
20Posting Expectations
21Some schools display expectations on shirts,
lanyards, etc.
22Team Work Time
- How might you make your schools behavior
expectations visible throughout your school? - Complete the Making Behavior Expectations
Visible worksheet
23Transform broad school-wide Expectations into
specific, observable behaviors.
- Expectations by Settings Matrix
24Behavior Expectation Matrix (example)
25Behavior Expectation Matrix (example)
26RAH at Adams City High School(Respect
Achievement Honor)
27RAH Athletics
28RRespectTo show consideration, appreciation,
and acceptance Respect yourself Respect
others Demonstrate appropriate language and
IIntegrityAdherence to an agreed upon code of
behavior Be responsible Do your own work
Be trustworthy and trust others
DDisciplineManaging ones self to achieve goals
and meet expectations Strive for consistency
Attend class daily be on time Meet deadlines
do your homework
PPerseveranceHolding to a course of action
despite obstacles Stay positive Set goals
Learn from mistakes
EExcellenceBeing of finest or highest
quality Do your personal best Exceed minimum
expectations Inspire excellence in others
NEHS website, Oct. 26, 2004
29Specific Setting Descriptions of the Behavior
Expectations Hallway
Houston County High School
Senn High School
30Sample A Behavior Expectation Matrix with Errors
31(No Transcript)
32Sample B Behavior Expectation Matrix with Errors
33(No Transcript)
34Team Work Time
- Within your group, complete the behavior
expectation matrix for your school
35Team TimeReview another schools matrix
- Are 3-5 comprehensive behavior expectations
identified? - Are general case behavior examples provided?
- Are the examples provided for all locations?
- Are the examples positively stated (presented as
what we want the students to do)?
36Team Work TimeOne more question
- How do you get staff input for your behavior
expectations and matrix examples?