Title: Manifolds or why a cow is a sphere
1Manifoldsor why a cow is a sphere
- Cindy Grimm
- Media and Machines Lab
- Department of Computer Science and Engineering
- Washington University in St. Louis
- What is a manifold?
- Constructive definition
- Building a circle manifold
- Simple example showing concepts
- Using a manifold
- Surface modeling
- Applications
- Environment mapping
- Facial animation
- Image-based rendering
3What is a manifold?
- History
- Mathematicians 1880s
- How to analyze complex shapes using simple maps
- Cartographers
- World atlas
- Informal definition
- Map world to pages
- Each page rectangular
- Every part of world on at least one page
- Pages overlap
- May not agree exactly
- Agree enough to navigate
The world
4Traditional definition
- A manifold M is an object that is locally
Euclidean - For every p in M
- Neighborhood U around p
- U maps to Rn
- No folding, tearing
- Technical note
- M may be a surface embedded in Rm
- n is dimension of surface
- m n
- M may be abstract (topological)
Not manifold examples
5A mesh is manifold if
- We can construct local maps around points
- Point is in face
- Point is on edge
- There are exactly two faces adjacent to each edge
- Point is on vertex
- The faces around a vertex v can be flattened into
the plane without folding or tearing - Vertices wi adjacent to v can be ordered
w0,,wn-1 such that the triangles wi,v,w(i1)mod
n all exist - Can do on abstract or embedded mesh
6Traditional definition
- Given Manifold M
- Construct Atlas A
- Chart
- Region Uc in M (open disk)
- Region c in Rn (open disk)
- Function ac taking Uc to c
- Atlas is collection of charts
- Every point in M in at least one chart
- Overlap regions
- Transition functions
- yij aj o ai-1 smooth
7A circle manifold
- How to represent a circle?
- Problem
- All we have are Euclidean operations
- In R2, must project onto circle
- Solution
- Represent circle as repeating interval 0,2p)
- Point q2pk is same for all k integer
These are embeddings
0 2p
8/ A point on the circle, represented as an
angle value from 0 to 2 pi). If the angle is
bigger (or smaller) it is shifted until it lies
in the 0 to 2 pi range / class CirclePoint
protected double m_dTheta public
double GetTheta() const return m_dTheta
CirclePoint( const double in_dTheta ) m_dTheta(
in_dTheta ) while ( m_dTheta M_PI
2.0 ) // Bring theta into the 0,2pi range
m_dTheta - 2.0 M_PI while (
m_dTheta CirclePoint()
/// Definition for S1, an embedding of the
circle class Circle protected public
Point2D operator()( const CirclePoint in_circPt
) const return Point2D( cos(
in_circPt.GetTheta() ),
sin( in_circPt.GetTheta() ) )
Circle() Circle()
9Chart on a circle
- Chart specification
- Left and right ends of Uc
- Counter-clockwise order to determine overlap
region - Co-domain c (-1/2,1/2)
- Simplest form for ac
- Translate
- Center in 0,2p)
- Scale
( )
10Chart on a circle
- Chart specification
- Alpha function
- Sort point first
- Euclidean distance is topological distance
- Alpha inverse
- Point in 0,2p)
ChartPoint ChartAlpha( const CirclePoint
in_circpt ) const const double dTheta
in_circpt.GetTheta() double dThetaShift
dTheta // Find the value for theta (- 2
PI) that is closest to my chart center if (
fabs( dTheta - m_dThetaCenter )
dThetaShift dTheta else if ( fabs(
(dTheta 2.0 M_PI) - m_dThetaCenter )
) dThetaShift dTheta 2.0 M_PI
else if ( fabs( (dTheta - 2.0 M_PI) -
m_dThetaCenter )
dTheta - 2.0 M_PI else
assert( false ) const double dT
(dThetaShift - m_dThetaCenter) m_dScale
return ChartPoint( this, dT )
CirclePoint ChartAlphaInv( const double in_dT )
const const double dTheta in_dT /
m_dScale m_dThetaCenter // Converts to
0,2pi range return CirclePoint( dTheta )
11Making a chart
const Chart AtlasAddChart( const CirclePoint
const CirclePoint in_circptRight
) double dThetaMid 0.0 double dScale
1.0 // Does not cross 0, 2pi boundary
if ( in_circptLeft.GetTheta() in_circptRight.GetTheta() ) dThetaMid
0.5 ( in_circptLeft.GetTheta()
in_circptRight.GetTheta() ) dScale 0.5
/ (in_circptRight.GetTheta() - dThetaMid)
else // Add 2pi to right end point
dThetaMid 0.5 ( in_circptLeft.GetTheta()
in_circptRight.GetTheta() 2.0M_PI )
dScale 0.5 / (in_circptRight.GetTheta() 2.0
M_PI - dThetaMid) if ( dThetaMid
2.0 M_PI ) dThetaMid - 2.0 M_PI if (
fabs( dScale ) const Chart opChart new Chart(
m_aopCharts.size(), dThetaMid, dScale )
m_aopCharts.push_back( opChart ) return
12An example circle atlas
atlas.AddChart( 0.0, M_PI
) atlas.AddChart( M_PI / 2.0, 3.0
M_PI / 2.0 ) atlas.AddChart( M_PI,
2.0 M_PI ) atlas.AddChart( 3.0 M_PI /
2.0, 5.0 M_PI / 2.0 )
- Four charts
- Each covering ½ of circle
- Only 4 points not covered by two charts
- Check transition functions
- All translates
- Overlaps ½ of chart
13Why do I care?
- Applications
- Joint angle, closed curve
- Advantages
- Can pretend everything is Euclidean
- Make chart that overlaps area of interest
- Scaled to fit
- Encapsulates 2p shift once and for all
- Use existing code as-is
- Derivatives all work (atlas is smooth)
- Can move calculation to overlapping chart
- No seams
- No boundary conditions
14Closed curve
- Create an embedding of the manifold
- Embed each chart
- Standard R-R2 problem
- Blend between embeddings
15Joint angle example
- Reinforcement learning
- Swing pendulum until balanced
- Can apply angular force at each time step
- Goal
- Learn how to apply force from any position,
velocity, to get to balanced state - Manifold Circle X R
- Function on manifold force to apply
- Learn function on each chart
- Blend to get force
- Extend to two joints Circle X circle X R X R
16Writing functions on manifolds
- Do it in pieces
- Write embed function per chart
- Can use any Rn technique
- Splines, RBFs, polynomials
- Doesnt have to be homogenous!
- Write blend function per chart
- k derivatives must go to zero by boundary
- Normalize to get partition of unity
- Spline functions get this for free
17Blend functions
- Define proto-blend function
- Defined on chart
- Support equals chart
- Ck use B-Spline basis function
- Cinf use rational combination of exponentials
- Promote to function on manifold by setting to
zero - Normalized blend function
- Divide by sum
- Sum not zero by atlas covering property
- Only influenced by overlapping charts
Proto blend function
18Final embedding function
- Embedding is weighted sum
- Generalization of splines
- Define using transition functions
- Derivatives
- Embed point in chart c
- Continuity is minimum continuity of constituent
192D manifolds
- Sphere
- Point as x2 y2 z2 1
- Latitude-longitude mappings
- Each chart ½ sphere (approx)
- Nice 6 chart partition
- Bounded by great arcs
- Polar projection
- Charts anywhere
- Center plus radius
202D manifolds
- Torus
- Nine charts
- Each 2/3 of torus
- Torus as tiled plane
- Specify 4 corners
- Ordering matters
The nine charts relative to t.
212D manifolds
- Torus
- Overlaps
- May be more than one disjoint region
222D manifolds
- N-holed torus
- Hyperbolic disk tiled with 4n-sided polygon
- Linear fractional transforms
- Well-defined inverse
23Hyperbolic disk
- Unit disk with hyperbolic geometry
- Sum of triangle angles
- Angle is defined by tangents
- Lines are circle arcs
- Circles meet disk perpendicularly
24N-holed torus
- Why hyperbolic geometry?
- 4n-sided polygon
- Each paired edge creates loop
- One loop through hole
- One loop around
- Tiling
- Corners that meet at 2p/(4n) angles
25N-holed atlas
- One chart for each element of polygon
- Face
- Edge
- Two maps to center polygon
- Vertex
- 4n maps to center polygon
26N-holed arbitrary charts
- LFT specifies center and radius
- Data structures to keep track of which copies are
27Surface modeling applications
- Parameterization
- Use correct topology
- No seams
- Well-defined overlaps
- Mip-mapping, texture transfer, fluid-flow,
procedural textures
Spherical cow
28Surface modeling applications
- Surface reconstruction
- Choice of embedding function
- Spline, RBF, etc.
- Decide number of charts
- Fit each chart individually
- No boundary constraints
Original mesh
Mesh in 1-1 correspondence with manifold
29Surface modeling applications
- Consistent parameterizations
- Selected points on both meshes
- Parameterize both so points match
- Fit surface
Right (reflected)
Source meshes (David Laidlaw, Brown University)
Fitted surfaces
30Surface modeling
- Making new models
- Start with manifold of correct topology
- User creates sketch (mesh)
- Embed mesh in topology
- Creates atlas
- Use mesh geometry to create chart embeddings
31Surface modeling
- Editing models
- Draw on surface to indicate locations for new
charts - Inverse function (embedding to manifold)
well-defined - Caveat How do we ensure new charts over-ride
old ones? - Surface pasting or hierarchical editing
32Adding charts
- Adding new charts
- Option 1) Crank up blend function
- Option 2) Zero-out blend functions in higher
level - Define masking function h for each level
33Other applications
- Environment mapping
- Parameterization of the sphere
- Animation
- Configuration space is a manifold
- Image-based rendering
- Rotation and push-broom camera capture
- Goal is to find single image (manifold)
- Lining up images finding transition functions
- Manifolds
- Provide a natural way to partition complex
surfaces - Simple functions on Rn
- Maintain analytic properties
- Moving analysis (no seams!)
- Separate topology from geometry
- Adjacency relationships
- Consistent parameterizations
- Encapsulate non-Euclidean operations
- Closest point, geodesics, movement in domain