Title: 36x48 vertical poster template
Pang and Yu-Chong Tai Micromachining Lab,
California Institute of Technology
This work presents a new electrolysis-based MEMS
diaphragm actuator. Electrolysis is a technique
for converting electrical energy to pneumatic
energy. Theoretically it can achieve a strain of
136,000, and is capable of generating a pressure
beyond 200 MPa. Electrolysis actuators require
modest electrical power and produce minimal heat.
Due to the large volume expansion obtained via
electrolysis, small actuators can create a large
force. They operate at room temperature and can
have latching and reversing capability, which is
the main goal of this project.
Figure 2. (a) The process flow for the silicon
membrane chip fabrication, (b) The process flow
for the electrodes glass chip fabrication, (c)
Bonding the two chips together.
Figure 5. (a) Device aligned by PR
aligner. (b) PR aligner reflows and sticks two
chips together.
Figure 4. (a) Electrodes of the
actuator. (b) Electrolysis generated by the
Movable Neuroprobe for Brain Implant
Figure 8. Electrolysis performed in
the actuators chamber.
Bubbles generated by electrolysis in the chamber
Figure 7. Fluorescent liquid completely
filled the chamber.
Filling the chambers with electrolyte is done by
immersing the bonded chambers in electrolyte
under vacuum, where the air in the chambers is
first evacuated and then immediately filled by
the liquid. After filling, a small amount of
epoxy is used to seal the channel.
This work is supported by NSF ERC Center at
CALTECH (EEC-9402726) and NIH.