Title: The Parts
1The Parts of a Newspaper
by Julia Benincosa-Bumgardner
2Your daily newspaper is the most helpful guide to
the world around us. It conveys information with
ease and in a manner that provides us with the
most important information up front.
3A Newspaper is made up of many parts. If you
know what these parts are, then it will be easier
to find information, and to publish your own
newspaper in the classroom.
4Parts of a Newspaper
- Front Page
- Masthead
- Table of Contents
- News
- Classifieds
- Editorial
- Weather
- Sports
- Horoscopes
5Front Page
The front page of a newspaper contains all of the
important news and information for the day. It
also contains the table of contents for the
entire newspaper.
April 7, 1999
The Daily Explorer
Sunny High of 70 See p. A2
Vol.. 89 No. 265
50 cents news stand 35 cents home delivery
The masthead informs you of the name of the
newspaper, date of publication, volume, issue,
cost, etc. It often includes information
regarding the weather, or clips of the top news,
and most importantly graphics.
7Table of Contents
The table of contents is a guide for readers to
find information on a specific page in a specific
The news section of the newspaper is the
informational section that relays stories
regarding occurrences during that day. It is the
reason for the newspaper and is the foundation of
the entire publication. Without it, what would
be the point?
For Sale
The Classifieds section is the ideal place to
put an ad to sell or buy things, which requires
knowledge of abbreviations. It is also a good
place to find a job, hire an employee, or to send
messages. This is also an area where
businesses place their ads to post positions with
their company or to announce a sale. Lost and
found items are often added to this section.
10Editorial Page
Regular Guy
This is the place where regular people can voice
their opinions regarding anything happening in
the area. Sometimes the editor or editors of the
paper themselves state their opinion. This is
often named the Opinion Page.
11The Weather
This part of the newspaper is rather small, but
in no way does that determine its importance to
the public at large. The weather section states
what the daily, weekly and regional or national
weather will be in either a graphic or textual
The Sports section of the newspaper informs
readers of scores, information about teams, games
and special sporting events. It usually includes
features about particular athletes and the scope
reaches from youth sports to professional leagues.
This slide is added simply because some students
are not aware of what a horoscope is. Another
term publishers may use is ASTROLOGY. They are
predictions based upon dates people were born.