Title: Creativity With Pride
1Creativity With Pride
- This presentation will give an overview of how
Gosbecks Primary School uses its Learning
Platform e-folio - creatively to enhance
pupils learning. Our aim is to encourage pupils
to take pride in their work, be creative and
adventurous whilst being actively responsible for
their own web space. - The following slides will show screen shots
of how pupils access e-folio via a link on the
schools web site, the desk top background, email
and the administration areas.
3We access e-folio via a link on our school
website which is set as our home page.
4A secure login screen opens requiring a unique
user name and password.
5The users desktop opens as below. The user can
add and remove properties, upload files to their
personal files box and search for resources.
6By clicking on the tabs users can access
favourite search engines under bookmarks, search
for resources, customize their desktop and link
directly to the school website.
7When a user selects search for a property the
following screen appears. By entering a topic
into the search bar all relevant resources are
listed below. The user simply selects a property
and adds it to their desktop.
8All users have the option to personalise their
desktop background by customizing the theme.
9Below are just two of the themes available to
choose from. Some themes are set in colour and
design whilst others allow the freedom to
customize further.
10Email accessibility is determined at
administrator level with there being three
options email within the school only, email
within the Essex deployment (only schools with
e-folio) and full email to any domain. These
privileges can be set individually, by group or
whole school.
11My Classes is an add on facility which allows
teachers to create groups (called classes) of
which only those users who are made members have
access. Below are a few examples of how we use
My Classes at Gosbecks
12The Administrator area where users are added,
removed, moved up in groups and privileges set.
13Presented by Annette Murphy and Jo Wells Gosbecks
Primary School Colchester www.gosbecks.co.uk