Title: 2005 Michigan Grower Survey Results
12005 Michigan Grower Survey Results
- 5 year average soybean yield for MI is 35 bu/acre
- Responses split into two groups
- Above average producers (35 bu/a or higher)
- Below average producers (34 bu/a or lower)
3(No Transcript)
4Do you use soil tests to determine fertilizer
application rates?
5Have you used lime in the past 5 years?
6Percentage of producers that use MSU soybean
variety trial info
7Row Spacing
8Do you calibrate using seeds/acre?
- Above 67 yes
- Below 53 yes
9Average seeds/acre 183,830
- In general, average planting population and speed
were very similar between above and below average
10Do you scout your fields on a regular basis?
- Above 78 yes
- Below 67 yes
- Professional crop scouts are used by 29 in both
11Do you use insecticides or fungicides?
12Glyphosate Tolerant
- What percent of producers use?
- High vs. low producers
- Percent of total soybean acres
- High vs. low producers
13Weed Control
- Nearly 30 of respondents control weeds after
they are more than 4 inches tall
14Stand Emergence
- High producing field
- Uniform 220 (86)
- Variable 37 (14)
- Low producing field
- Uniform 125 (52)
- Variable 116 (48)
What is causing poor emergence in some fields and
not others?
15Soybeans high value to cropping system?
16(No Transcript)
17Yield Trend over past 5 years
18Top 5 Factors Influencing Yield
- Above
- Herbicide effectiveness/failure
- Weed pressure
- Soil type
- Planting date
- Insect damage
- Below
- Planting date
- ? soybeans in rotation
- Weed pressure
- Herbicide effectiveness/failure
- White mold