Title: SS 3011 Space Technology and Applications
1SS 3011Space Technology and Applications
Applications of the Rocket-Equation Calculating
the Fuel Budget for an Orbital Phasing Maneuver
of a GeoStationary Satellite
2Phasing Maneuver
Design a Orbital Maneuver that Allows
Transfer of a GEO Synchronous Communication
Satellite from the Longitude of New York City
to the Longitude of Los Angeles
3Phasing Maneuver (part 2)
Design a Reverse Orbital Maneuver that Puts
the Satellite Back to the Longitude of New York
City after Mission Has been accomplished
4What To Compute
Compute Phasing Orbit
Parameters Phasing Orbit Period
Required DV1, DV2 Assume Rmin gt
32,000 km (to stay above Van Allen belts)
Note It may take Multiple orbits of
Phasing Orbit to accomplish this task
5What To Compute (contd)
Compute Burn time for Transfer
Orbit Insertion Burn Time for
Final Orbit Insertion Required
Fuel Budget for DV1, DV2
6Parameters of the Problem
Longitude of New York City 40 deg, 40 min West
Longitude Longitude of Los Angeles 118 deg, 15
min West Longitude
7Parameters of the Problem (contd)
8Parameters of the Problem (Concluded)
Fthruster 0.500 kNt Spacecraft mass
1000 kg Dry
9First Compute Radius ofGeo Orbit
10Next Compute Angular Velocity of GEO Orbit
11Compute Linear Velocity of GEO Orbit
12Compute Required Time of Flight for Phasing
Longitude of New York City 40 deg, 40 min West
Longitude Longitude of Los Angeles 118 deg, 15
min West Longitude
13Use Exterior Phasing Orbit
Positive DV
14Required Period for Exterior Phasing Orbit
15Compute Eccentricity of the Phasing Orbit
Do we need this?
16Compute Perigee Velocity of Phasing Orbit
17Compute DV Required to Insert Spacecraft into
Phasing Orbit
18Compute DV Required to Insert Spacecraft into
Final GEO Orbit
Retrograde Burn
19Return Trip
20Look Interior Phasing Orbit
Retro-grade Burn (Negative DV)
21Required Period for Interior Phasing Orbit
22Next Compute Semi-Major Axis of Phasing Orbit
with Perigee at 32,000 km(as per problem
23Compute Period of Phasing Orbit with Perigee at
32,000 km (as per problem constraints)
Allowable Minimum size interior orbit is far
too big
24Must use Exterior Phasing Orbit
Positive DV
25Required Period for Exterior Phasing Orbit
26Compute Perigee Velocity of Phasing Orbit
27Compute DV Required to Insert Spacecraft into
Phasing Orbit
28Compute DV Required to Insert Spacecraft into
Final GEO Orbit
Retrograde Burn
29Delta-Vee Summary for Round Trip Maneuver
30Fuel Budgeting
Spacecraft mass 1000 kg Dry Start at
Burn 4 and Work Backward
Weight of Vehicle at End of Maneuver Series
31Burn 4 Fuel Consumption
32Burn 4 --gt Burn Time
33Burn 3 Fuel Consumptionand Burn Time
Add in fuel Reserved for burn 4
34Burn 2 Fuel Consumptionand Burn Time
Add in fuel Reserved for burns 3 and 4
35Burn 1 Fuel Consumptionand Burn Time
Add in fuel Reserved for burns 2, 3 and 4
36Propellant Burn Summary
524.1 kg total propellant consumed
37Burn-Time Summary
3187 seconds total burn life of engine expended