Title: Cub Scout Leader Training
1Cub Scout Leader Training
2Pledge of Allegiance
Always start the meetings with an opener.
3Aims and Methods of Scouting(Handout 1, 1)
- Mission of Boy Scouts of America
- The mission of the Boy Scouts of America is to
prepare young people to make ethical choices over
their lifetime by instilling in them the values
of the Scout Oath and Law.
4Aims and Methods of Scouting
- Purpose of Scouting (Aims)
- Started on February 8, 1910. Scouting is an
educational program to help develop character,
provide citizenship training and to develop youth
both mentally and physically.
5Aims and Methods of Scouting
- How the Purpose is fulfilled (Handout 1, 2)
- The Ideals in Cub Scouting
- Den
- Advancement
- Family involvement
- Activities
- Home and neighborhood centered
- Uniform
6Aims and Methods of Scouting
Cub Scouting Boys grades 1-5
Venturing Young men and women Ages 14-20
Boy Scouting Boys ages 11-18
7Ideals (Handout 2, 1)
- Purpose of the Cub Scout Promise, Law of the
Pack, Sign, Handshake, Motto and Salute. - The Promise and Law reminds a boy to do his best.
They teach good citizenship and strengthen
feelings about reverence and respect for God. - The Sign, Handshake, Motto and Salute give a boy
a sense of belonging to a special organization.
8Cub Scout Promise
I, name, promise to do my best, To do my duty to
God and my country, To help other people, and to
obey the Law of the Pack
Law of the Pack
The Cub Scout follows Akela. The Cub Scout helps
the pack go. The pack helps the Cub Scout grow.
The Cub Scout gives good will.
Cub Scout Motto
Do Your Best!
9Cub Scout Sign
Cub Scout Salute
Cub Scout Handshake
10Sticker Question
- Write down 3 three questions you have about
Scouting that we can address at the end of this
training session.
11Youth Protection Training
- 2 deep Leadership
- Two leaders with a group at all times
- Protects the boys and the leaders
- Separate Youth Protection Training held by
Council or completed online at www.twinvalleybsa.o
12Pack Organization (Review sample job descriptions
on Handouts 4a 4d)
13Pack Committee Meetings Purpose
- Operation Committee behind the program
- Should meet once a month or at least every 2
months (before/after a meeting or on a separate
night) - Makes all pack level decisions
- Checks and Balances of the program
- Led by the Pack Committee Chairman
- Tiger Leaders are part of the Pack Committee and
should be give regular reports as to how the Den
is doing.
14Family Involvement (Handout 5, 1)
- Get to know the scouting parents
- Parent and Family Talent Survey (Handout 6)
- Get the Parents involved
- Set the expectations right up front of what is
expected of them for the program to be
successful. - Shared Leadership
15Advancement Badges of Rank
- There are badges of rank for each level of
scouting as reward/incentive for reaching the
achievement. A boy does not have to earn the
badge of rank to go on in scouting. The only
required badge is Bobcat. (After Tiger or before
any other rank.
17Tiger Scout Advancement
- Parents Role
- Some advancements take place with parents. This
enriches and develops parent/son relationships. - Parents sign off in the book and bring books to
Den Meetings. - Tiger Cubs is shared leadership. The parents
must be involved.
18Tiger Scout Advancement
- Leaders Role
- Facilitator
- Provide information on sections and achievements
- Get parents involved to do sections (Shared
Leadership) - Communicate regularly
- Decide with parents how often to meet
19Tiger Scout Advancement
- Boys do not have to advance in rank by Blue and
Gold Banquet in February. They have until the
end of the scouting year. Blue and Gold is to
celebrate the anniversary of Scouting. - Totem Beads, Tiger Badge, Elective Beads (Handout
20Tracking Advancement
- Advancement Report Forms (Handouts 7 8a 8d)
- Turned in to the Pack Advancement Chair
- Advancement Wall Chart
- Filled in by Den Leader
- Lets boys see their progress.
21Uniform (Handout 5, 2)
- Blue Shirt
- Blue Pants
- Rank Specific Hat and neckerchief
- Insignia (Handouts 9a 9b)
22Program Planning
- Pack Program Planning
- What/Why, When, Who, Funding
- Plan out for the following scouting year
- Usually done in April or May
- Facilitated by Pack Committee Chairman and
Cubmaster. Pack Committee and any parents should
be involved as well - Pack Program is funded through Popcorn Sales or
other fundraisers. This teaches the boys
financial responsibility of earning their way.
23Tiger Den (Handout 2, 2)
- Boys like to belong to a group. In the den they
can - Have fun at meetings, and activities
- Learn sportsmanship and good citizenship
- Learn how to do their best for themselves and the
den - Learn new skills do new things
24Tiger Scout Program Planning
- What/Why, When, Who, Funding
- The purpose is to plan the upcoming scouting
year, activities, and go see its. - Usually done late September, early October
- Planning is facilitated by the Tiger Leader
- Tiger Den Programming should be funded through
Popcorn Sales or other fundraisers. This teaches
the boys financial responsibility of earning
their way. - Tiger Dens could meet 1-4 times a month. All
parents should be involved in this decision. - The key is to have fun with age appropriate
activities and programs.
25Tiger Scout Program Planning (cont.)
- The Tiger Den Program should consist of
- Go See It
- These could revolve around Advancement or it
could just be FUN EDUCATIONAL. - Den Activity
- In some cases the Den Activity could be done as a
family function.
26Fail to plan . . . . . .Plan to Fail
27Program Development
- Based on what we have discussed and utilizing the
resources in the Guild Book (Handouts 12a 12b),
lets plan your Program Calendar for the year.
28Other Resources
- Twin Valley Council
- www.twinvalleybsa.org
- National Council
- www.Scouting.org
- Monthly Roundtable meetings
- Various Training Sessions
- Various web sites Google on Cub Scouts
29- Sticker Question Review
- Other Questions
30Scouting is and needs to be fun