Multiculturalism in Canada: Living together with Differences - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Multiculturalism in Canada: Living together with Differences


... rather foreign born and native born would live together. ... Can we 'live together with our differences' in relation to maintaining our individual culture ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Multiculturalism in Canada: Living together with Differences

Multiculturalism in Canada Living
Together with Differences
Nazanin Eisazadeh Sonya Vitale
  • Multiculturalism is famed for its promise to
    accommodate diversity by acknowledging
    disagreements as long as people play by the
  • In a multicultural societies it becomes complex
    when fundamentally different and mutually opposed
    values come into context.
  • There are SIX meanings when defining the term
  • 1.) FACT- (What is)
  • 2.) IDEOLOGY (What should be)a corresponding
    array of ideas and ideals
  • 3.) POLICY (What is proposed)government policy
    or program
  • 4.) PROCESS (What really happens)set of
    practices for promoting political and minority
  • 5.) CRITICAL DISCOURSE (What is being
    contested)invites challenge and change
  • 6.) SOCAIL MOVEMENT (Collective resistance)
  • The framework for this presentation will be to
    provide a definition of multiculturalism, examine
    its different meanings, analyze the diverse
    perceptions and critical reactions, and evaluate
    its role in Canada-building.

  • Most agree that multiculturalism can mean
    whatever people want it to mean and that it has
    become a floating signifier.
  • There are FIVE definitions given within this text
    that define multiculturalism
  • 1.) Tends to dwell on the celebrating of
    differences as valuable in their own right or in
    challenging for cultural space.
  • 2.) As the coexistence of diverse cultures
    involving communities in interaction.
  • 3.) Provides a framework and official policy for
    advancing the regulated goals of cultural
    differences, social equality, social integration,
    and national unity.
  • 4.) As a package of policies and programs for
    integrating minority women and men into the
    institutional framework of society.
  • 5.) As a principle and a practice for
    engaging diversity as different yet equal
  • Not only does this definition describe what
    multiculturalism is, but it focuses on the fact
    that multiculturalism is a network of
    relationships involving cultural differences and
    social equality.
  • Multiculturalism can also be used as a metaphor.
    The most popular metaphor that people associate
    multiculturalism with is mosaic. Although
    mosaic is the most popular, a preferred metaphor
    is that of a kaleidoscope, with its emphasis on
    the recombining of elementary pieces into

  • 1.) FACT
  • most countries are ethnically diverse, composed
    of people from a variety of different backgrounds
    who speak, think, worship, and act differently.
  • Many wish to keep their cultural ties, but at the
    same time want to become a part of society.
  • There are some who dispute the notion that Canada
    is multicultural which are aboriginals, charter,
    and multicultural minorities.
  • Within Canada people have come from 170 different
    countries and speak 100 different languages.

  • 2.) IDEOLOGY
  • It prescribes a preferred course of thought or
    action with respect to how a society should be
    organized or how people ought to behave.
  • Comprised of freedom, tolerance and respect.
  • Community which is creating, guaranteeing,
    encouraging spaces within which different
    communities are able to grow at their own pace.
  • A belief that people are more than individuals,
    but social beings whose well-being depends on a
    shared identity within the cultural framework of
    an ethnic community.
  • Multiculturalism does not dismiss diversity as
    contrary to the goals of national unity or
    socio-economic progress.
  • A multicultural ideal build upon the principles
    of cultural relativism--cultural practice are to
    a particular time and place
  • A commitment to multiculturalism is predicated on
    the premise that those confident in their
    cultural backgrounds will concede a similar
    tolerance to others.

  • 3.) POLICY
  • Multiculturalism consists of specific government
    initiatives for transforming multicultural ideals
    into official programs and practice at
    institutional level.
  • It can be interpreted within a broader policy
    framework that justifies the design and
    implementations of diversity-driven programs
    without fear of inciting public concern over yet
    more government intrusion.
  • Multiculturalism was founded in the aftermath of
    publication of the Report of the Royal Commission
    on Bilingualism an Biculturalism in 1969. Ethnic
    minorities were lobbying that there language and
    culture was just as important as Quebecs to
    Canadian society building.

  • Pre-World War II Canada was not accepting of
    immigrants, more importantly of ethnic diversity.
    Cultural differences were inferior, irrelevant,
    or contrary to national interest.
  • The Anglo-American ideals began to occur because
    of the influx of immigrants from Europe and then
    other developing countries.
  • The first Citizenship Act was passed in 1947,
    which severed Canadas colonialist identification
    with United Kingdom. This meant that Canada
    would not define itself as belonging to a British
    culture, rather foreign born and native born
    would live together.
  • Race was not to determine entry, open hatred of
    other was uncivilized, and discrimination was
  • Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau founded the
    multicultural act on October 8th 1971 because he
    wanted to acknowledge other ethnic contributions
    within a Canadian society.
  • In 1985 the Charter of Rights and Freedom came
    into effect in relation to the multiculturalism
  • In 1988 it was declared that Canada was the only
    multicultural country.
  • Civic Multiculturalism is oriented towards
    Canada-building by promoting the ideal of a
    commonly shared citizenship.

  • Equality of Status Canada does not have an
    official culture all cultures are equal to each
  • Canadian Identity Diversity lies at the heart of
    Canadian identity.
  • Personal Choice The ability to choose lifestyles
    and cultural traits is a positive factor in
  • Protection of Individual Rights Individuals have
    the right to be free of discrimination that
    precludes equality and participation.

  • 4.) PRACTICE
  • Multiculturalism as practice refers to its use by
    both political and ethnic sectors to advance
    goals and ambitions.
  • Official multiculturalism hoped to formulate a
    new founding myth of Canada as a land of
    opportunity and equality for all Canadians, thus
    uniting all Canadians at a time of political
    turmoil, yet doing so without any fundamental
    redistribution of power.
  • The growing heterogeneity of Canadas population
    has prompted all political parties to pursue the
    multicultural vote through promises of increased
    representation, funding, and affirmative action
    at federal levels.
  • Minority men and women are empowered with a tool
    for staking out their claims-it empowers an
    otherwise powerless sector with the leverage to
    prod or provoke central policy structures

  • Its goal includes fostering tolerance toward
    diversity, reducing prejudice, removing
    discriminatory barriers, eliminating cultural
    ethnocentrism, enhancing equitable access to
    service, expanding institutional engagement, and
    improving intergroup encounters.
  • Draw people into an existing Canada rather than
    bringing about social change.
  • Critical Multiculturalism is based on the
    premises that cultural institutions are racist in
    privileging Westocentric values at the expense of
    minority struggles. It could be connected to
    postmodernism because it is a mind dependent
    world where there is no center of authority, only
    different view points where everything is
    relative and true because nothing is absolutely

  • Canada is multicultural by virtue of its ethnic
    heterogeneity, where is empirically real,
    persistent, and shows no signs of easing in light
    of prevailing immigration flows.
  • Yes, because of the high level of support for
    multicultural principles and tolerance of
  • Yes, because Canada is a society with both
    political and minority sectors capitalizing on
    multiculturalism to achieve a variety of national
    or personal goals.

  • Some Canadians are vigorously supportive, others
    are in total rejection or denial others are
    indifferent, and yet other are uninformed.
  • Variables such as age, income, levels of
    education, and place of residence are critical in
    gauging support, with higher levels of approval
    among those who are younger, more affluent,
    better educated and urban.
  • Based on a survey in 1996 60-70 are for believe
    Canada is multicultural.
  • It is acceptable it everyone has a right to his
    or her culture in Canada, and if it means
    learning about other cultures.
  • Many support multiculturalism, but the support
    declines when multiculturalism is linked with
    unpopular government programs such as immigration
    policy or employment equity.

  • Residence of Ontario and Western Canada are
    supportive, but Quebecois and First Nations are
    not as much.
  • For both minorities they feel they have been
    nationally undermined their special status in
    exchange that Canada is a immigrant status.
  • Critics on the left believe multiculturalism as
    ineffective except as a mantra for politicians in
    regards to getting support from the public.
  • Those on the right believe that multiculturalism
    is a costly drain of resources that runs the risk
    of eroding national unity.
  • Those in the middle believe that it is great in
    principle, but in practice it is little more than
    a tacitly accepted contract of mutual
    indifference in which Canadians share geographic
    and political space.
  • Radicals believe multiculturalism is a capitalist
    plot to divide and distract the working class
    because minorities are ghettoized into certain
    occupational structures and residential areas,
    thus they are in no position for power and
  • Conservatives believes it has taken away Canadian
  • New Canadians feel that multiculturalism has a
    marginalizing effect in othering their status
    in Canada.

  • In a 1996 survey, 71 think multiculturalism is
    an important symbol of Canadian unity and
  • Multiculturalism has contributed to Canadas
    image as an open, secular and largely tolerant
    society because of its socially progressive
    society and enviable standards of living.
  • For the most part young Canadians are proud of
    Canadas multicultural heritage.
  • It is a blueprint for inclusiveness of all
  • In short, multiculturalism remains the policy of
    necessity if not of choice for a changing and
    diverse Canada.
  • PRIME MINISTER We have established a distinct
    Canadian way, a distant Canadian model
    Accommodation of cultures. Recognition of
    diversity. A partnership between citizenship and
    state. A balance that promotes individual
    freedom and economic prosperity while at the same
    time sharing risks and benefits.

  • What does multiculturalism mean?
  • Can we live together with our differences in
    relation to maintaining our individual culture
    while assimilating to the mainstream culture?
  • Is Canada a multicultural society? What are your
    reasons for your answer?
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