- Colonel Theodore S. (Ted) Kyle
- Pledge of Allegiance Maj. Russell
3Wing Commanders Briefing
4PCR Commanders Call
- National Commanders Briefing
- Staff Briefings
- April PCR Meeting
- Operation Gray Flag (PCR EX)
- Commanders Issues
5National Commanders Briefing
- Rose Garden Ceremony
- One CAP, One Country
- United States Civil Air Patrol
- C4 CAP Crisis Control Center
- USAF Aux off insignia
- Vehicles (60 members / vehicle)
- 30 replacement vehicles
6National Commanders Briefing
- Laptop computers to units
- Black Jacket
- Blue Pants
- G-1000 factor training
- Narrowband Radio Transition
- Wreaths Across America
7Staff Briefings
- Region Staff College in May
- National Staff College in October
- New CLC/SLS out in June
- Admin Awards are due now
- Vehicle Orange Triangles
- Centralized Aircraft Maintenance
- Wing Banker
8Staff Briefings
- Compliance Inspection Update
- Self Assessment for Units
- April 27,28, 29 PCR meeting
- Friday DO and CC meetings
- Saturday Joint Meeting
- Sunday AM Recap
- Other Staff Anytime (call for appointment)
9Region Exercises
- April 2-8 Homeland Security
- No details
- Operation Gray Flag (30 Jul 5 Aug)
- Tsunami (USGS participating)
- Could be a National EX.
- Move low lying Aircraft quickly
- Survey the coast
- Get mission Numbers Now
- Region Cadet Comp May 4-6
- 60-1 rewrite
- CAPF 104 overhaul
- Centralized Maintenance
- Narrowband repeater instillation
- Funding
- Frequencies not released
- Looking for region ES officer
11Safety Review
- Older Pilots and Drivers
- Prop strikes on tow bars
- Assessments
- Hanger rash
- 50 year members
- How does CAP impact communities
13Other Items
- The Time Capsule
- Staffing Changes
- Logistics Policy
- Next Months meeting
- Conflicts with National Board
- Squadron Commander Changes
- Central Coast
- South Coast
- Linn-Benton
14Finance Indicator Valid invoices paid in 10
days or less
As of 31 Jan 2007
- Short Term
- Get all squadrons on Wing Banker by 9/30
- 2 Complete
- 2 in process
- 14 not started yet
- Long Term
- Find source of income to replace Family
Entertainment - Maj Ira Rosenberg, Finance Director
16Bank BalancesAs of 31 Jan 07
- Bank Balance
- Aircraft 31.99
- General Fund 19,441.22
- Cadet Fund 7,808.02
- Squadron Fund 9,015.65
- CD 25,000.00
- AccountsReceivable 6,630.73
- None is over two months old.
- AccountsPayable 1,171.86
- AE Annual Report We have still be waiting for
reports to filter in from the Units, however I
must have my report completed in the next few
days. - Unit visit I met with the Washington County
Composite Squadron. - Wing AE presentation.
- Milestones 40
- 1st Encampment 37
- NCSA Completed Applications 14
- Color Guard Comp 1
- Cadet of Year Nominations 1
- Wing Scholarships 4
- Milestones 28
- 1st Encampment 35
- NCSA Completed Applications 13
- Color Guard Comp 1
- Cadet of Year Nominations 1
- Wing Scholarships 5
- Counter Drug Program
- Roster 41
- Elected to Drop 3
- Not Responding 7
- Form 83 Pending 17
- Orientation Pending 3
- Processing Due in 2007 9
- Currently Qualified Will Remain so Through
2007 2
20ES Program IndicatorMajor David Rudawitz
21ES Update
- Intercept missions going great
- Request in for UDF training in March/April
- ES Director appointed to Oregon Governors SAR
Task Force starts this week - Two PCR ES exercises this year
- April HLS Tsunami recon
- August not sure, may be a problem since we have
two exercises incl the Eval in August already.
22The New Kid On The Block
- Thomas A. Pine, Capt Director of Logistics,
Oregon Wing CAP
23Principles and Concerns
- Accountability
- Responsiveness
- Fairness
- Compliance with Regulations
- Streamlined approach
- K.I.S.S. principle
- Vehicle Maintenance
- Vehicle Assignments
- Equipment Upgrading
- Disposal of Obsolete equipment
- Revamping of Wings DMRO Program
- Modernization
24(No Transcript)
25DO Operations Capt. Robert Asher
26(No Transcript)
- Douglas K. Richards, Maj, CAP
- Director of Professional Development
28Level One Requirements Completed from 1 Dec 06 to
31 Jan 07
As of 26 Dec 2006
29State Director
- CAP Reserve Assistance Program
30New Reservists
- Major Martin Conroy from 64th ARSq
- Tanker and rescue helicopter pilot
- Assigned WASHCO NW Coastal Squadrons
- Primary CAP-USAF Evaluated ES exercise planner
- Captain Melinda Lepore from 446th ALC Flight
- Airlift Control Officer
- Assigned to Metro McMinnville Sq
- Primary Encampment Liaison Officer
31New Reservists (Continued)
- SMSgt Deron McMaster from 939th Aircraft
Maintenance Squadron - Production Control Superintendent
- Assigned to High Desert and John Day Squadrons
33CAPR 10-2
- Use of computer storage methods is encouraged
when appropriate. - Oregon Wing will move to a paperless electronic
archive for wing documents - The Oregon Wing Server is being upgraded to allow
sufficient space and redundancy to manage this
task - Documents will be stored as either
- PDF (Preferred)
- MDI (Microsoft Document Image)
34Paperless Archive Goals
- Oregon Wing should start archiving new documents
that are received/generated as soon as the new
server is installed and procedures are published - Directorates should examine their paper archives
and remove documents according to the CAPR 10-2
rules - Conversion to electronic should be started as
soon as practical - Goal is to have all documents electronically
archived by July 1, 2007 - Wing Administrator will assist in scanning
documents and archiving them onto the server - Documents placed on the server will have limited
access to only authorized members based on the
file structure - Sensitive documents will only be available to
authorized sub staff
35Standardize Document Names
- Each document will be named according to the
following rule - ltdategt ltroutinggt ltformgt ltlocal use
descriptiongt.ltFormatgt - where
- ltdategt is the document date in the format YYMMDD
- ltroutinggt is the appropriate department mail code
associated with the document or department.
ltformgt is the CAP form identifier if the
document is a standard NHQ or unit document. If
the document is not a form, the identifier will
be set to one of the following - ltlocal use descriptiongt is used to specifically
identify the document. It will be department
specific. For documents related to a CAP
authorized mission, it will consist of the
Mission Number and text as required. For
documents specifically related to a member, it
will include the member CAPID followed by a
description. - Example 1 A CAPF 108 from a member with a WMU
reference number 06OR123456-004 dated on 3 Jan
2007 for mission 07-T-1234 saved in PDF format
would be named. - 070103 FM CAPF108 07-T-1234 06OR123456-004.pdf
- Example 2 A unit personnel authorization for
finance committee members dated 1 Jan 07 for unit
OR-007 saved in MDI format would be - 070101 DP PA OR-007 Finance Committee.mdi
- See Maj. Russell appointments, paperwork.
- Colonel Kyle
- Major Bishop