Title: Capability First Federal NMEDA Dealer Finance Program
1Capability First FederalNMEDA Dealer Finance
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2Your Association Member Is Listening
Capability First Federal
Do You Have Something To Say?
3Our Objective
- To provide Our Dealers with an affordable,
quality, and reliable Finance Program designed
to meet the unique needs of the Mobility
4 Capability First Federal
Your 1st choice in Mobility Financing
5Quality - Customer Service
- Toll Free Customer Service Numbers and email
access at t.meeks_at_comcast.net
- E-Commerce Availability 24 / 7
- Fast and Reliable Support
6Expert Financing - Experience
- Professional Underwriting
- Minimum Approval Turnaround
100 Satisfaction Guarantee
7Optional Add-ons - Financed
Extended Warranties Up to 72 mos. / 100,000 miles
8Added Benefits
- Increased Sales !!!
- More Income
9With CFF - More Approvals
Designed to Meet Your Needs
- Residuals adjusted to lower payments
- Vehicle Re-marketing Availability
10Sale - Close More Customers
New Vehicle Leasing
"A" tier
715 Fico Score
"B" tier
680 Fico Score
"C" tier
635 Fico Score
"D" tier
600 Fico Score
"D" tiers are under Sub-Prime Guidelines,
cosigner required.
Advance pymt/deposit plus admin. Fee may apply
11Leasing Program - Used
12Commercial Leasing
- Up to 60 Months
- Minimum 3 yrs. in Business
- Minimum 5 yrs. in Business (over 50K)
- Three Trade References
- Two Yrs. Business Returns
- Minimum 10 Cap Reduction
13Sub-Prime Lease - Programs
- D Tier Rate
- Advance 90 Invoice (New)
- Advance 85 Low NADA (used)
14Sub Prime Limits - Amounts
16 Capability First Federal
17A Successful Program Starts With Building a
Quality Network
- NMEDA Dealers Capability First Federal
- Customer Service and Fast Approvals
- Complete Information and Support
- Competitive Rates and Terms
18Customer Satisfaction
Our Strengths
19 Capability First Federal
13018 Lebanon Rd., Suite 200 Mount Juliet, TN
37122 PH 1-800-998-8997 FX 1-877-998-8997 Web
www.capabilityfirstfederal.com E-mail
20The Mobility World Is Growing
Capability First Federal wants to support this
Do You Have Something To Contribute?
21(No Transcript)
22Thank You for viewing our presentation on NMEDA
Dealer Finance Program We look forward to
working with you.. Sincerely, Terry Meeks, Vice
Pres. PH 1-800-998-8997 ext. 203