Title: Wheels to Wealth A journey toward selfreliance
1Wheels to WealthA journey toward self-reliance
2Car ownership a transformative asset
- A valuable tool for low-income workers
- Facilitates employment and higher wages.
- Increases the flexibility to allocate time
between work, training and family. - Increases housing options.
- Facilitates access to mainstream financial
services-Step toward asset-building.
3A boon to the employer
- Improves work culture
- Facilitates recruiting and retaining work force.
- Decreases absenteeism.
- Workers willing to take responsibility.
- Workers consider their job as career.
4Car ownership for low-income workers is different
from other social service programs
- Incorporates business practices.
- Necessitates industry-related knowledge.
- Requires collaboration with financial institutes,
insurance companies and car-dealers. - Offers a long-term solution for workers.
- Self-sustaining programs.
5Car Ownership Program Basics
- Target Population TANF
- Low-Income
- Client processing Minorities
- Functions Vehicle processing
- Self-sustaining programs
selling used and new cars in the existing
private-sector auto. mkt.
Investing the profits back in the program.
Banks/Insurance interest in extending service
6Host organizations running car ownership programs
- Host organizations 1. Service
provider orgs. - 2. Faith-based orgs.
- 3. Employment agencies
- 4. Universities/Training
- agencies
- 5. Auto-repair garages/
- car dealers
- 6. Government agencies
7Car ownerships contribution to increasing the
efficiency of existing regional transportation
- Individuals and households living far away from
transit routes can reach bus stops if there is
free parking arrangement. Park Ride Centers are
available in Wilsonville. - Low-performing routes that are expensive to
maintain can be suspended without causing
inconvenience to low-income riders. - Car-ownership has a regional component and is not
Portland centric.
8Need for car ownership program in Wilsonville
- SMART (South Metro Area Rapid Transit)
- Offers services Monday through Friday, 530 a.m.
to 830 p.m - Only two routes operate on Saturday
- Buses do not run on Sunday
- Does not provide service on holidays like New
Year's Day and Memorial Day
9Initiatives to be taken
- Investigating the transportation needs of the
workers - Involving car dealers and insurance companies
- Involving banks Washington Mutual, Bank of
America, US Bank - Partnering with SMART
10Wheels to Wealths collaboration with Ways to Work
- Informational Outreach Campaign launched this
year jointly with Metropolitan Family Service
Ways to Work program which administers an auto
loan program for low income working parents - Educating employers/employees, non-profits and
policy makers - Regional Transportation Plan is being updated in
coming four months the campaign will emphasize
regional problems. It will also address the
equity and mobility issues.
11- For more information contact
- Sreya Sarkar
- Wheels to Wealth Policy Center
- Cascade Policy Institute
- 4850 SW Scholls Ferry Road
- Suite 103
- Portland, OR 97225
- t. 503.242.0900
- f. 503.242.3822
- sreya_at_cascadepolicy.org
- www.cascadepolicy.org