Title: Are Men more Aggressive than Women
1Are Men more Aggressive than Women?
2Male sexist and determined feminist dont agree
on much, but they have found one common thread...
3Both groups insist that men are more aggressive
4But what makes the man so much more aggressive?
5- Men have higher amounts of the hormone
testosterone in their blood streams - This is often associated with men's bravery or
6Studies have shown that males in combative
situations often do not show a rise in
testosterone levels
7Harris doesnt refute the correlation between the
two, but points out that many factors can
influence or distort the relationship
8Harris doesnt believe the possession of higher
levels of testosterone may predispose men to
learn aggressiveness more readily than women
9Women who are learning to compete against men for
professional positions have shown a higher level
of testosterone
10But did that hormone level raise due to the job,
or was the job due to the higher level in
11While there is definitely a relationship between
the two, the question still remains...
12 Are Men More Aggressive than Women?