Title: sa st atase dta tp
1??sa???? st?? ?atas?e?? d??t?a??? t?p??
2??sa???? st?? e??t?ta
3?? e??a? ? HTML
- ???e ???? se ??a s??desµ? (link), µetaß?ß??e? µ?a
se??da st? ???st? - ?????? e?d??µese? e????e?e? http, tcp, ip, ?
p???? p??fa??? e??a? ? se??da p?? ß??pete - ?? se??de? ????? t? s???e???µ??? eµf???s? ????
HTML - H HTML de? e??a? ???ssa p????aµµat?sµ??, ?p?? ?
C,C, Java - H HTML de? e??a? p????aµµa (p.?. ?pe?e??ast??
?e?µ???? ? desktop publishing) - H HTML ??e? st?? browser p?? ?a eµfa??se? t?
?e?µe?? p?? st???e? ? server - H HTML ???eta? ?a? ???ssa t?p?? markup d??t?
- S?µa??e? ta d??f??a st???e?a t?? ?e?µ????
- ?ee? st?? browser p?? t? e??a? ep??efa??da, p??
a????e? ? pa????af?? ... - ??? ?a µp??? ?a? µe p??? µ??e??? ?? e????e?
- H HTML e??a? d?e???? standard, p??
???s?µ?p??e?ta? ??a t?? ??d?s? ?e?µ???? st? Web
4?pe?s??desµ?? ?a? ??af???
- ?e ???L p??s??t??µe ?pe?s??d?sµ??? (hyperlinks)
ap? ?p???d?p?te s?µe?? e??? ?e?µ???? se
?p???d?p?te ?e?µe??, ?p??d?p?te a???? st?? ??sµ?. - ? HTML p??sf??e? d??at?t?ta e?sa????? ??af????,
video, ???? ?a? p??s?µ???se?? se µ?a se??da.
5??p?p???µ??? eµf???s?
- H HTML d??e? sta ?e?µe?a µ?a s?ed?? t?p?p???µ???
eµf???s?. - ?e? ??e? t?? ?pe??e? d??at?t?te? e??? epe?e??ast?
?e?µ????. - ??t? e??a? p?e????t?µa se d?af??et????
?p?????st???? µ??a???, µe d?af??et????? browser
t? ?d?? HTML ?e?µe?? µp??e? ?a e??a? ????
d?af??et??? (eµfa??s?a??) - ??af????, st?? eµf???s? ??aµµat?se????, ???µata
?a? a????s? ??af????. - ???? a? e??e p???e?? pe????af?? ta a??e?a HTML ?a
?ta? p??? µe?a??te?a
6HTML standard
- ?????? ? HTML ?ta? ??p??e? p??d?a??af?? ...
- ?e t? e??p??s? t?? web ????e standard, p??
e????eta? ap? t? World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). - HMTL e??a? ???ssa t?p?? mark up, d??ad? µp??e? ?a
???s?µ?p????e? ??a ?a ?a?a?t???se? t? d?µ? t??
?e?µ???? ?a? ?a ?atas?e??se? ?pe?s??d?sµ??? - H p???? p??sfat? ??d?s? e??a? ? HTML 4.01
7?? p??t? ?e?µe?? html
- Ge??!
- To p??t? ?e?µe?? HTML
- ? p??t? µ?? p??sp??e?a se html.
- ?e?te?? ep??efa??da
- ?e?te?? pa????af??. ???a? ??a??.
- ???t? pa????af??.
8?µf???s? to? ?e?µ???? µe html
- ?? p??t? ?e?µe?? html
- H p??t? µ?? p??sp??e?a se html.
- ?e?te?? ep??efa??da
- ?e?te?? pa????af??. ???a? ??a??.
- ???t? pa????af??
9?as??? html tags a
- ?? e?t???? html µpa????? µeta?? , ?????ta?
tags - tag a??????e?ta? ap? tag. ?d???a
p??? browser ?t? ß??s?eta? µeta?? t??? e??a?
html. - f????? ep?p??s?ete? p????f???e? se
p???p???a html ?e?µe?a. - eµfa???eta? st? title bar t??
browser - eµfa???eta? st? pa?????? t??
browser, ?????? ?e?µe?? - To p??t? ?e?µe?? HTML , e??a? d???t???
10?as??? html tags ß
- ?e?te?? pa????af??, ?e????e? ?a???????a
pa????af?. - S?ed???eta? µ?a ??????t?a ??aµµ?
- t?p??e? µe ??t??a ???µµata
- My Second Document
- The Wonderful World of Hyperlinks
- Let's create a hyperlink to
- Sun
Microsystems,Inc. - If we move our cursor over the words "Sun
Microsystems, Inc.", our cursor should turn into
a hand. We can access the Sun Microsystems
homepage with just a click of the mouse.
12S??ta?? ?pe?s???sµ??
- Sun
Microsystems,Inc. - ?a tags p?? ???s?µ?p?????ta? ??a ?pe?s??d?sµ???
e??a? and . - ?? ?e?µe?? Sun Microsystems, Inc. ???a? a?t? p??
fa??eta? µe - ?? http//www.sun.com e??a? ? t?p?? st?? ?p???
p?µe. - tag, s?µa??e? italics
- ?a tags, µp??e? ?a ???f??ta? µe ?efa?a?a ? µ????
???µµata p.?. e??a? t? ?d?? - ?p?????? ??? ep?peda ep??efa??d??, d?? h1, h2,
h3, h4, h5, h6 - ?a ?e??, ?? ?a?a?t??e? ?e??? ??aµµ??,
µetaf?????ta? se ??a ?e??. - ?? ???ete a??a?? pa?a???f??, t? d????ete ??t??,
µe . - Ta tags, p??pe? ?a e??a? eµf???asµ??a
- tml , s?st?!
- , ?????!
14???e??? ??aµµat?se????
- ?a??de??µa
- ???sd?????e? t? µ??e??? t?? ??aµµ?t??, ? pa???e?
t?µ?? -6 .. 6 - ?a?at???s?
- H e?t??? ??t?e? ??a ?a???????? µ??e???
??aµµat?se???? - ???e? ??a a???µ?, p?? d????e? t? µ??e???.
- ??t? ?a?e?ta? attribute. ???ad? ?p???e?
- ???µa font size
- ??µ? ??a? a???µ?? ap? -6 .. 6
- Attributes/µe t?µ?? e?daµe ?a? st???
15???????µµ?s? ?e?µ????
- G?a e??????µµ?s? ?e?µ????
- ???t??
- a??ste??
- de???
- ?a?at???s?
- ?e?te t? attribute ?a? t?? t?µ? p?? pa???e?
- ????µe ep??tas? t?? e?t???? a??a??? pa?a???f??.
- ?pa?a?t?t? t? ??e?s?µ?
16?pe?s??desµ?? ß
Ype?s??d?sµ?? p?? ?d??e? st?? SUN. href e??a? t?
attribute, http. ? t?µ? t??. ?p?s?ef?e?te t? href"http//www.sun.com"SUN
?pe?s??desµ?? p?? ?d??e? st? email href"mailtojburns_at_htmlgoodies.com"Click Here
To Write Me
17???s???? ?????a?
- IMG s?µa??e? p??s???? e????a? st? s?µe?? p??
µpa??e? t? tag - SRC e??a? attribute, source,
- ?mage.gif e??a? t? ???µa t?? e????a?, ?a? t?µ?
t?? attribute - gif bmp jpeg/jpg e??a? µ??f?? ap????e?s??
e????a?. ?a s?????ste?a e??a? gif, bmp
18?????a ?a? ?pe?s??desµ?? a
- ??? µp????µe ?a ß????µe e????a, ?a? ?????ta? ????
?a p?µe se ??a site - SRC"homepage.gif"
- ??af??? se s??s? µe p??????µe???? ?pe?s??d?sµ???
st? ??s? p?? ?µpa??e t? ?e?µe?? ß??? e????a
19?????a ?a? ?pe?s??desµ?? ß
- ?a?????e? t? µ??e??? t?? pe????????, ???? ap? t??
e????a. ?? p???e?µ??? 0
20??p???t?s? e????a? st? se??da
- ?? e????e? t?p??et???ta? ap? t?? browser sta
a??ste??. - ??t? µp??e? ?a a????e? p.?.
21S??s? e????a? µe ?e?µe??
- text text
text rwrwer - text
text text qweqwe - text
text text qweqweqweqwe
22??? ?e?µ????, e????a
- ?p??e? ?a pa?at???sate ?t? top, middle, bottom
attributes, ep?t??pe? µ??? µ?a ??aµµ? ?e?µ????
?a? t? ?p????p? p?e? ??t? ap? t?? e????a - ??s? µ?? ???s?µ?p??e?te top, middle, bottom
attributes. ???s?µ?p??e?ste ALIGN"left" and
23???µ?s? µe?????? e????a?
- ?p??e? ?a ???µ?ste? t? ???? ?a? t? p??t?? t??
e????a? se pixels
24??????t?a d?a????st??? ??aµµ?
- ????µe a?af??e? t? p?? af??e? ??????t?a
d?a????st??? ??aµµ?. -
- ?atas?e???e? ??aµµ? 40 t?? µ???st??
25???µata ?p?ß?????
- ?p?te?e? ep??tas? t?? tag.
- ?? ???µa p??sd?????eta? ap? t?? e?a??f?? ??d???.
- ? ap? t? ???µa t?? ???µat??
- ?a?ade??µata ??d????
- ?p??e?te ?a ???s?µ?p???sete ?a? µ?a e????a ??
background. - ??t? ?a epa?a??f?e? p????? f????, ?ste ?a ?eµ?se?
t?? ????? t?? browser -
- ? e????a µp??e? ?a e??a? t?p?? gif/jpeg
27???a?? ???µat?? ?e?µ???? a
- ??t???? p?? a??????? t? ???µa ???? t?? ?e?µ????
- text""-- To ???µa t?? ?e?µ????.
- link"" -- ?? ???µa t?? s??d?sµ??.
- alink"" -- ?? ???µa t?? s??d?sµ?? ?t?
???e? click. - vlink"" -- ?? ???µa t?? s??d?sµ?? µet? t??
ep?s?e?? t???. - ???p?? ???s??
- ?
- ?
28???a?? ???µat?? ?e?µ???? ß
- ?? p??????µe?e? e?t???? a??????? ??? ???µa ????
t?? ?e?µ????. - ?? ???ete ?a a????ete µ???? t?? ?e?µ????
- ??????? ?e?µe??
- ?????e? µ??? t? s???e???µ??? ??µµ?t? ?e?µ????
29???a?e? html
- Me t??? p??a?e? ß????µe se t??? ded?µ??a.
- ??? ?atas?e?????µe t?? p??a?a
30??d??a? ??a d?µ??????a p??a?a
- The Directors
- Alfred
- Hitchcock
- David
- Lynch
- a??? t???? p??a?a.
- ep??efa??da p??a?a.
- ta ded?µ??a t?? p??a?a.
- table row, ??aµµ? p??a?a
31???a?e? µ??f?p???s?
- cellpadding"13"
- The Directors
- Alfred
- Hitchcock
- David
- Lynch
- Bordersize, t? µ??e??? t?? e??te????? p?a?s???
t?? p??a?a - Cellspacingap?stas? µeta?? t?? ?e????
- Cellpaddingap?stas? ap? ta ???a t?? ?e????
32???a?e? ??a ?µad?p???s? ?pe?s??d?sµ??
- cellpadding"12"
Sun - Microsystems,Inc.
?a?ep?st?µ?? ??p??? -
- 1.com/22"Formula
- 1
Se t? d?af??e? ? ??d??a?, ap? a?t? t??
p??????µe??? d?af??e?a?
33?????e? se p??a?e?
- ?p??e?te ?a t?p??et?sete e????e? st?? ??aµµ?? ?a?
t?? st??e? e??? p??a?a - ? µ??? p??s????/a??a?? st?? ??d??a
- ?p?? image.gif e??a? ? e????a p?? ???ete
34??ste? a
- O? ??ste? ?at??????p?????.
- ?? ??ste? e??a? ??a?e?.
- ?? ??ste? e??a? e????e?.
- O? ??ste? ?at??????p?????.
- ?? ??ste? e??a? ??a?e?.
- ?? ??ste? e??a? e????e?.
UL unordered list, d??ad? de? ???s?µ?p?????ta?
a???µ?? LI list item
35??ste? ß
36??ste? ?
37?µf???asµ??e? ??ste?
38??ste? ???sµ?? (Definition lists)
39(No Transcript)