Title: office2office plc
1- office2office plc
- Interim Results
- Six months to 30 June 2004
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immediately and take no other action.
- office2office (o2o) is the UKs leading
independent contract supplier of office
consumables - o2o was formed in late 2000 to acquire Banner
Business Supplies Limited (bbs) which, up to
1996, had been a division of Her Majestys
Stationery Office - The core business is a single source solution for
procurement and supply of office supplies,
computer supplies and print - The company offers value-added services such as
just-in-time delivery services, cost-centre
billing, a range of e-commerce solutions and
management information systems - An important aspect of the companys approach is
in reducing the total cost of customers non-core
procurement - Total workforce 769 FTE
- o2o is growing and highly cash generative
3Key Points
- Continuing sales growth
- Strong profit growth
- New customer wins
- Efficiency gains
- Improved service to customers
- Increased cash flow
4Financial Highlights
- Sales up 15 to 72m (63m)
- Gross margin up to 32.4 (30.9)
- Underlying profit before tax¹ up 102 to 4.86m
(2.41m) - Underlying profit after tax¹ up 108 to 3.44m
(1.65m) - Earnings per share¹ 7.9p (4.7p )
- Pro-forma earnings per share² 9.4p (4.7p)
- Operating cash flow3 up 19 to 7.4m (6.3m)
- 1. before goodwill amortisation and exceptional
items. - 2. assumes company floated for both
periods, with 36.3m ordinary shares in issue. - 3. before exceptional items.
- As stated at the time of the flotation -
- an interim dividend will not be paid in respect
of H1 2004 - half-year interims show pre-float dividends
- 2004 final dividend proposal of 1.5m
- equivalent to a full-year dividend of 3m
7Underlying Earnings
8Balance Sheet
9Cash Flow
10Sales History
office2office sales split 2001 - 2003 (m)
11Market key features
- Total UK market value c.9.5bn.
- of which, traditional office and computer
supplies 6.4bn. - Fragmented market
- Multiple channels
- Consolidation, national and international
- Prices static, declining
12Market Demand
- Factors influencing demand
- Economy growing
- GDP c3
- Employment
- level of unemployment undoubtedly low (FT)
- Gershon Report / Defence cuts
- anticipated impact in line with expectations
- Members
- office2office plc
- UK Ireland
- Ahrend Office Products
- Germany, Benelux France
- Errebian
- Italy
- Tybring Gjedde
- Scandinavia
- Paperipalvelu
- Finland
- iba
- Switzerland
- Burototal
- Spain Portugal
14Group Products and Services
15Warehousing and Distribution
- Warehousing
- Six sites
- Flexible operations
- Capacity to mid 2006
- Distribution
- 2 more logistics centres
- Liveried fleet with 158 trucks
- Strong sales growth
- Continuing to gain market share
- Procurement savings
- Net customer wins
- Positive cashflow
- Good opportunities in a still-fragmented market
for - - organic sales growth
- Current trading in line with expectations
- The Board views the future with confidence
18- office2office plc
- Interim Results
- Six months to 30 June 2004