Title: Chapter 27: Nutrition and Stress
1Chapter 27Nutrition and Stress
- Fortunately or unfortunately, we live in a world
that tempts us with a great variety and abundance
of food, and many of us eat not to satisfy
physical hunger, but to allay anxiety,
depression, and boredom, to provide a substitute
for emotional nourishment, or to try to fill an
inner void. - - Andy Weil, M.D.
2 Optimal nutrition includes
- nutrients
- digestion
- absorption
- metabolism
- elimination
3The Food Guide Pyramid
fats, oils, and sweets
use sparingly
milk, yogurt, cheese group
meat, poultry, fish, dry beans, eggs, and nut
2-3 servings
2-3 servings
fruit group
vegetable group
3-5 servings
2-4 servings
6-11 servings
bread, cereal, rice, and pasta group
4 Nutritional recommendations
- Nutritionists recommend that you follow
guidelines regarding - adequacy (of essential nutrients),
- moderation (limited sugar, fat, and salt),
- balance (of nutrients), caloric control, and
5 Six essential nutrients
- carbohydrates
- fats
- proteins
- vitamins
- minerals
- water
6 A malnourished diet
- A malnourished diet
- one that is deficient of essential amino acids,
essential fats, vitamins, and minerals - a stressor on the body.
7 Poor Nutrition and Stress
- Research has shown that some foods actually
induce a state of stress. Excess amounts of
sugar, caffeine, salt, and foods poor in vitamins
and minerals weaken the bodys resistance to the
stress response.
8 Additional Stress andNutritional Factors
- a high fat diet may suppress immune system
- excess simple sugars deplete vitamin stores,
particularly B-complex - caffeine triggers sympathetic nervous system
- chronic stress depletes vitamins B C
9 Additional Stress andNutritional Factors
- high sodium may raise blood pressure
- excessive alcohol consumption is thought to
suppress the immune system - hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated foods
- transfatty acids, leading to free radical
damage to cells
10Nutritional Needs of Women
- Women should pay specific attention to their
nutritional needs regarding the relationship
between food substances and - breast soreness
- breast cancer
- cervical cancer,
- colorectal cancer
- premenstrual problems
- osteoporosis
11Eating Disorders
- anorexia
- bulimia
- overeating
12Federal-GovernmentRecommended Daily Allowances
- Typical American Diet
- carbohydrates
- 30 - 40
- fats
- 40 - 50
- proteins
- 20 - 30
- U.S. RDA Suggested Diet
- carbohydrates
- 55 - 70
- fats
- 20 - 30
- proteins
- 15 - 20