Title: Group 1 Prof. Wolf Singer
1Group 1 Prof. Wolf Singer
On the search for the Neural Codes
Arnaud Delorme, Salk Institute, San Diego,
CA Claire Martin, ISC Lyon, France Joachim Gross,
Neurology Duesseldorf, Germany Thomas
Klausberger, Univ. of Oxford, UK Stirn Valentina,
Univ. of Frankfort, Germany
Role of oscillations, synchronous activity and
temporal patterns
- In feature binding in the retina
- In ongoing activity
- In perceptual awareness
- In hallucinations
? Unresolved issues
3Feature binding in the retina
Neuenschwander Singer, Nature, 1996
4Unresolved issues feature binding in the retina
- Gradient of contrast
- Shape
- Motion
- Synchrony of parts
- Continuity of parts
5Ongoing activity
Roelfsema et al., Nature, 1997
6Unresolved issues
- What triggers gamma oscillations in the cortex ?
- Neural encoding of expectancies (multi-electrode
recording) - Interaction between external stimulus and ongoing
7Perceptual awareness
(Fries et al, PNAS, 1997)
Neural correlates of visual awareness in V4
(Leopold Logothetis, Nature 1996)
8Unresolved issues
- What triggers perceptual switch is it neuron
fatigue ? - Does synchronization have a causal role in
perception disruption of oscillations in
olfactory system.
Hallucination in Schizophrenia Gamma burst
increased in sensory areas (EEG) (Kissler et
al., 2000, Clinical Neurophysiology)
Jack Cowan mathematical model Drugs (LSD) ?
depletion of inhibition in V1 ? oscillatory
waves ? moving spiral visual
illusions (Ermentrout Cowan 1979, Biological
10Unresolved questions
- Why do pathological oscillations occur? How do
they differ from Singers standard oscillations. - Can stimulations of specific cell assemblies
trigger specific hallucinations, or even specific
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