- Financial Advisory Committee
- September 14, 2006
- Created from input from
- OM staff
- Building Administrators with input from their
staff - ASC Administrators
- Report lists
- Priorities, Location, Project Description, Year,
Estimated Costs - Updated annually
- How Created
- Mandatory State of Illinois Technology Plan
adopted by Board of Education in June 2004 (3
year cycle) - Administrators have annual input
- Input from District wide Technology Committee
- Report lists
- Technology Category, Estimated Costs, Number of
items, Replacement cycle, Year to be purchased - Updated annually
4OPTION 1Status Quo Option
- Dont do anything
- No new revenue sources
- No new property taxes
- No new issues of bonds
- Do not solve our existing expenses issues
- Deficit budget
- Do not implement Technology Plan
- Do not implement Facilities Plan
5OPTION 1Status Quo Option
- Pro
- Lower Taxes
- Not spending tax dollars on bond interest
- Avoids public relations issue
- Avoids timing issues
- Con
- Safety
- Postpones maintenance
- Spends down fund balance for emergency
operations/roofs - Replacement of technology will not occur
- Creates a need for an earlier referendum
- Possible future criticism by public for not
responding to school district needs - Lack of public input
- Future bond market
- Reactive vs. Proactive
6OPTION 2Sell 15-Year Alternative Financing
BondsPrincipal 6,919,770 Interest
- Issue new debt
- Implement
- Portion of Technology Plan
- Portion of Facility Plan
7OPTION 2Sell 15-Year Alternative Financing
BondsPrincipal 6,919,770 Interest
- Pro
- Receive some money up front
- Protects fund balance
- Voter approval is not required
- History of success
- Spreading debt over more taxpayers
- Current interest rates
- Bond tax rate is in a downward cycle
- Postpones immediate need for referendum
- Con
- Short term solution
- Only a five year plan for maintenance and
technology - Meets partial needs, only maintenance and
technology - Does not address educational issues
- Public perception of bond sale
- Not voted on by the people
- Bond interest payments
8OPTION 3Sell 20-Year Alternative Financing
BondsPrincipal 8,824,542 Interest
- Issue new debt
- Implement
- Portion of Technology Plan
- Portion of Facility Plan
9OPTION 3Sell 20-Year Alternative Financing
BondsPrincipal 8,824,542 Interest
- Pro
- Receive some money up front
- Protects fund balance
- Voter approval is not required
- History of success
- Spreading debt over more taxpayers
- Current interest rates
- Bond tax rate is in a downward cycle
- Postpones immediate need for referendum
- Con
- Short term solution
- Only a five year plan for maintenance and
technology - Meets partial needs, only maintenance and
technology - Does not address educational issues
- Public perception of bond sale
- Not voted on by the people
- Bond interest payments
10OPTION 4Referendum for Roofs and Technology
- Property Tax Rate Increase in OM Fund
- Implement
- Technology Plan (portion or full Plan?)
- Facility Plan (portion or full Plan?)
11OPTION 4Referendum for Roofs and Technology
- Pro
- Forever factor
- Requires voter approval
- Better track record for public approval
- More buying power
- Ability to plan better
- No interest payments
- Pay as you go
- Meets both short and long term needs better
- Con
- Referendum requires full support of Board
- Requires voter approval
- Ethics Act implications
- Determination of tax increase amount
- Timing cycle
- Anti-tax movement
- Current fund balance
- No lump sum up front (options 2 3)
- Forever factor
- Impact on an education fund referendum question
in future - Impact of the tax cap
12OPTION 5Referendum for Education and
Alternative Financing
- Property Tax Rate Increase in Ed Fund
- Issue new debt
- Implement
- Impact on deficit ?
- Technology Plan (portion or full Plan?)
- Facility Plan (portion or full Plan?)
13OPTION 5Referendum for Education and
Alternative Financing
- Pro
- Forever factor
- Requires voter approval
- Does not reduce fund balance for roofs
- More buying power
- Ability to plan better
- Addresses all needs
- Program competition
- Con
- Referendum requires full support of Board
- Requires voter approval
- Ethics Act implications
- Determination of tax increase amount
- Timing cycle
- Anti-tax movement
- Current fund balance
- Program competition
- Bond interest payments
14OPTION 6Referendum for Education
- Property Tax Rate Increase in Ed Fund
- Implement
- Impact on deficit ?
- Technology Plan (portion or full Plan?)
15OPTION 6Referendum for Education
- Pro
- Program improvement
- History of fiscal responsibility
- No bond interest
- Secured source of funding
- Requires voter approval
- Con
- Referendum requires full support of Board
- Requires voter approval
- Ethics Act implications
- Determination of tax increase amount
- Timing cycle
- Anti-tax movement
- Does not meet roofs, maintenance and tech needs
- Current fund balance
- Impact of the tax cap
- Wise use of referendums
16OPTION 7Referendums for Education and OM
- Property Tax Rate Increase in Ed and OM Fund
- Implement
- Impact on deficit ?
- Technology Plan (portion or full Plan?)
- Facility Plan (portion or full Plan?)
17OPTION 7Referendums for Education and OM
- Pro
- Community trust
- Flexibility
- Safety needs addressed
- Forever factor
- Secured source of funding
- Requires voter approval
- Addresses all needs
- No bond interest payments
- Con
- Referendum requires full support of Board
- Requires voter approval
- Ethics Act implications
- Determination of tax increase amount
- Anti-tax movement
- Current fund balance
- Impact of the tax cap
- Wise use of referendums
18OPTION 8Balanced Budget
- No new revenue sources
- No new property taxes
- No new issues of bonds
- Balance the Budget through expense cuts
- Do not solve our existing expenses issues
- Do not implement Technology Plan
- Do not implement Facilities Plan
19OPTION 8Balanced Budget
- Pro
- No new taxes
- Meeting some community members expectations
- Option of future referendums
- Could increase possibility of passing future
- Con
- Requires full support of the Board
- Negative impact on kids
- Failure to be a kid friendly community
- Program deterioration
- Downward spiral
- Living in past rather than preparing kids for the
future - Roofs, maintenance, safety issues
- Not a long term solution
20OPTION 8Balanced Budget - continued
- Con
- Staff insecurity
- Decreasing morale
- Recruitment and retention of staff
- Increase in class size
- Parent dissatisfaction
- Collective bargaining issues
- Decrease in desirability of District
- Decrease in property values
- Impact on businesses
- Lack of faith in community
21Financial Summary
22Financial Assumptions
23Financial Assumptions-cont.
24Financial Options
- Questions????
- Next Session Topic
- Tax Cap Legislation
- Understanding your tax bill
- Tax rate comparisons