Title: A Monte Carlo Model of Tevatron Collider Operations
1A Monte Carlo Model of Tevatron Collider
- Elliott McCrory, BD/(Proton Integration)
- November 13, 2003
- A phenomenological model of Tevatron
Collider operations has been created. Key
elements of the operation of the facility have
been randomized in this model to reflect actual
Run II performance. In particular, failures and
downtimes occur randomly, in agreement with the
rates observed in reality. Similarly,
performances are randomized, also in agreement
with the range of possibilities in reality. Some
of the performance elements that have been
randomized include PBar transmission and
emittance growth from the Accumulator to Low
Beta, Shot Setup time, the Luminosity Lifetime,
etc. A primary motivation for this model is to
guide the Run Coordinator on how to manage the
operation of the Collider. In particular, this
model answers the question of how a particular
criterion for ending stores affects the
integrated luminosity.
2Thanks To
- 1994
- Vinod Bhardawaj, Allan Hahn, Gerry Jackson and
Peter Lucas - 2003
- Dave McGinnis
- Jean Slaughter
- Paul Lebrun
- Larry Allen and the Linac Group
- Model overview
- Example
- Program Structure/Classes
- Random numbers
- Collider Operational Performance
- Data from Controls from Operations Weekly
Summaries - Matching Model to Reality
- Developing Intuition/Model Predictions
- Interesting Observations
- When should we start and end stores?
- Web mccrory.fnal.gov/montecarlo
- Conclusions
66 to 72 slides
41. Model Overview
- Phenomenological, non-analytic model of Tevatron
Collider Operations - Complexity ? Randomness
- Downtime
- For the Tevatron, stacking and the PBar Source
- Variations in all realistic parameters
- E.g., transmissions during a shot, lifetimes,
uncertainty in exactly how many PBars we extract,
shot setup time, downtime, etc. - Shot data is used Match Model to Reality
- Appropriate range of values for important
parameters - Correlations among the parameters
- Develop intuition/guidance for controlling stores
- Goal For the Model to reflect accurately present
and future Tevatron Operations - Many already have this intuition, but not all.
- Performance does not improve
- Random fluctuations around a specific set of
parameters - As performance changes, Ill modify the Model
- No shutdown periods
- Existing shot data is accurate
- Supplemented and supported by other sources
- Luminosity
- L (t0) K ? Np(0) ? NPBar(0) / ?p (0)
?PBar (0) - L (t) L (0) e -t/t(t)
- More on this later
6Example Tevatron Failure Rate
Time Between Tevatron Failures Real Data
Model data for Tevatron Failures
f(t) ? e -? t s lt t gt 1/?
? e -? t
R 1 - ??t ?t 42 hours
? 0.975 / hour
7Failure Rate Interpretation
- ? is measured directly from real data
- lt t gt s 1/ ?
- Probability of having stores of
- 1 hour 0.975
- 2 hours (0.975)2 0.951
- 10 hours (0.975)10 0.776
- 20 hours 0.603
- 30 hours 0.459
- Failure Rate is Independent of Time
- This is a random process!!
82. Program Structure
- How does this work?
- Step size 0.1 hours
- Diminish the luminosity
- Stack
- Has anything failed?
- Stacking stops?
- Stacking slows down?
- Lose a store?
- Lose a stack?
- End-of-store criterion? Start shot setup.
- Shot Setup over? Generate luminosity
- Shot process Heavily randomized
- Based on Reality
- Stack or store lost? Stack to reasonable stack
size shoot - Reasonable 100 mA (But see below!)
- If a stack is lost, we could keep the store in
for a long time! - Repeat for N weeks, dumping lots of relevant data.
- linux simulate_week -f paramGold.dat -n10 -c 2
-T 180 -M 24 -z 9 -y 10000 -H - Wk Integ_Lum StrHrs Pbars stkHrs suHrs
Setps TevDn PbarDn DStore DStk - 0 6726.813 70.10 1028.334 138.60 13.60
7 7.10 12.20 5 0 - 1 10669.255 126.70 893.990 123.70 11.70
5 1.20 12.50 1 0 - 2 8805.500 106.00 864.362 132.60 16.10
5 2.60 9.60 0 0 - 3 6884.789 85.70 881.393 111.80 22.00
6 7.70 15.60 5 2 - 4 6028.576 82.80 1055.254 134.70 14.00
7 6.70 16.20 4 0 - 5 6522.033 73.40 935.862 134.60 15.00
7 4.20 12.00 5 1 - 6 7165.688 90.60 816.992 110.80 12.90
6 10.10 10.70 4 0 - 7 9236.213 116.80 868.210 111.20 22.80
6 0.00 15.50 0 1 - 8 4265.170 54.40 707.972 92.90 22.00
6 3.30 14.40 4 0 - 9 9860.740 115.50 1021.286 143.40 14.90
6 6.80 8.70 2 0 - Downtime stacking 207.073 (Total stacking time
1664.6) - Tevatron 1427.77
- 61 total stores, 30 Stores lost
- 4 Stacks lost
10Model data Weeks 7, 8 and 9
11Pictorially Weeks 7, 8, and 9
10000 1/nb
100 E30
200 mA
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
7 9236.213 116.80 868.210 111.20 22.80 6
0.00 15.50 0 1 8 4265.170
54.40 707.972 92.90 22.00 6 3.30
14.40 4 0 9 9860.740 115.50 1021.286
143.40 14.90 6 6.80 8.70 2 0
12Program Internals
- Written in C
- No external package dependencies
- Some object oriented features
- Random Numbers End-Store mechanism
- Run on FRH Linux 9
- Celeron PC at 2.2 GHz
- 5000 weeks (100 years) of operations 40 seconds
- Over 100 parameters
- Parameter definition file
- Command-line arguments
- Run from the Unix command line
- Shell/perl scripts control parametric scans
- A fledgling web interface is under development
132a. Random Numbers
RandomLikely(-2, 12, 8)
Product of these two distributions
RandomLikely(0, 5, 2)
143. Collider Performance
- Measurements of Operation Performance
- From our control system
- Shot Data Acquisition (SDA)
- D44 data logger
- D18 downtime logger
- From Weekly Operations Data Sheets
- Weekly hour usage
- Weekly integrated luminosity
- How well do we understand operations?
- Put it together Matching Model to Reality
- Match to good weeks of running in 2003
- Note Only 35 weeks in 2003 so far
15Performance Measures from SDA
- Mostly from the Super Table
- Stacking rate
- Shot Setup duration
- Emittance of the PBars from the core
- PBars from the Accumulator to Low Beta
- Efficiency
- Emittance Growth
- Protons at Low Beta
- Stack Size vs. Initial Luminosity
- Initial Luminosity Lifetime
- As calculated in the Super Table
- From D44/Datalogger
- Time in store
- Time between stores
16Stacking Rate 18-25 Aug 03
Matched to Reality, see below
17Stacking Rate Fluctuations
RandomLikely(0.7, 1.02, 0.95)
Number records, per bin, August 18-25, 2003
Ratio of Actual Rate to Expected Rate
18Randomizations Shot Setup
RandomLikely(1.2, 3.5, 2.3)
Data from SDA Super Table
Setup Duration, Hours
19Correlation Stack vs. Core ?V
Upper Limit 1E-4 x2 8E-3 x
Best Fit 5E-5 x2 8E-3 x
Lower Limit 1E-5 x2 8E-3 x
Vertical Emittance in the Core
Stack Size, mA
20Shot PBar Effic vs. Stack Size
Transmission from Accumulator to Collisions
Subtle Stack Size dependence added
Stack size before first transfer
21Emit Blow-up vs. Stack Size
PBar Emittance change, additive (p mm mr)
Stack size before first transfer
22Protons at Low Beta Intensity
For all of 2003
In August, 2003
RandomLikely(140, 260, 170)
RandomLikely(230, 270, 250)
Number of shots, per bin, since Aug 2002
Protons per bunch at low beta, E9
23Correlations NP (Low ß) vs. ?ltxygt
Longitundal Emittance at low Beta
24Correlations NP (Low ß) vs. ?z
Transverse Emittance at low Beta
25Initial Luminosity vs. Stack Size
Initial Luminosity (E30)
Stack size before first transfer
26Luminosity Lifetime
- Luminosity lifetime imposed on the Real Data
- L (t) L (0) e t /t
- From t0 to 2 hours
- Lebrun Algorithm for fit
- Terrible fit to Real Data
- Model assumption
- L (t) L (0) e t /t(t)
- t(t) t(0) C1 t C2
- t(0) depends on L (0) and is adjusted to fit
Real Data - C1 1.8 0.2
- C2 0.595 0.005
- Excellent fit to Real Data
C11.7, c20.595
27Initial Luminosity Lifetime
2003 Stores
Luminosity Lifetime (first 2 hours), hours
Simulated Stores
Initial Luminosity, E30 cm-2 sec-1
28D44 Store Duration
Reality in 2003
RandomLikely(16.5, 25.5, 21.5)
29D44 Time Between Stores
30Weekly BD/Ops Dept. Data Sheets
- Presented at the All-Experimenters Meeting.
- Data obtained Ops Staff from the E-Log
- Ops crews How many hours during their shift were
spent in each category? - Down Time Logger?
- Minimal correlation
31Operations Sheets from 2003
32Understanding Column Headings
- Store
- Time in which there is luminosity at the
experiments - Shot Setup
- Some problems with these numbers in SDA
- Resolved, somewhat, by OSDA/D44
- Tevatron Studies
- How to classify parsing the squeeze?
- Shutdown
- Tevatron is in access, Including overhead
- E.g, racking out and racking in.
- Failure
- Tevatron down
- For example, a quench and its recovery
- Turn Around
- Time between failure and useful Tevatron time
- Useful Shot Setup or Studies
- Operations and/or Tevatron staff wants to do more
investigation before proceeding. - Standby
33Turn Around vs. Failure?
- The Real World
- Somewhat subjective.
- Operations crews differ on which hours go where
- Is not consistent with Down Time Logger
- The Model
- Much simpler!!
- Failure ? Recovery ? (Optional Studies/Access) ?
Shot Setup - Natural end ? (Studies/Access) ? Turn Around ?
Shot Setup - Different time spectrum for Recovery and Turn
Around. - For comparison
- Sum all time without Tevatron activity for both
34Removing Non-Productive Weeks
- Only consider weeks when we are actually running
- Remove weeks in which
- Shutdown time gt 35 hrs
- Removes 6/35 weeks
- Study time gt 40 hrs
- 6/35 weeks
- Store Time lt 60 hrs
- 13/35 weeks
- Total eliminated
- 15 out of 35 weeks
- Only 20 weeks remain!
- Apply these cuts to the Model.
35Averages for FY03 Ops Sheets
- From the Operations Summary Sheets
- With Cuts described previously
Note Average of 6 stores per week in 2003
36Average Hour Usage per Week
373b. Matching Model to Ops Sheets
- Simultaneously match
- Average hours per week.
- Average weekly integrated luminosity
- PBars stacked
- Etc.
- Histograms of
- Store hours per week
- Stacking hours per week
- (More plots examined but omitted here)
38Store Hours per Week
39Stacking Hours per Week
40Best Match of Model to Data
- The parameters of the model have been adjusted to
get this match.
41Params that Match to Reality
424. Developing Intuition/Predictions
- Interesting observations (Optional)
- Error bars from Model
- What is important?
- When should we end a store and why?
- End-of-store criteria Which is best?
- How best to recover from failures
- Dealing with interruptions
- Tevatron studies, access
43Error Bars
0.5 error on centroids
21 RMS spread over 5000 weeks of running
Uncertainty on mean
44Whats Important? Integ Luminosity!
- First and foremost
- Hours per week in collisions
- Secondarily
- Stack size from which we shoot
- Maximize the effectiveness of the antiprotons
- Time spent at low luminosity vs. high
- Minimize the effects of
- Failures
- Interruptions in the program Studies, accesses
454b. When to Start End Stores?
- Describe various End-Store criteria
- Defining a Best Criterion
- What is the Best Criterion?
- Which criteria work well and which dont?
- Extensive search over some of the available
parameter space - Recovery from failure
- When should we start a store after a failure?
- Dealing with Tevatron studies/access
46Some End-Store Criteria
- Stack Size
- Minimum Luminosity
- Store Duration
- Integrated Luminosity
- Run Coordinator 2003
- Luminosity Potential
- Make assumptions on L ( Stack Size )
- Ratio, difference
- Simplify (Stack Size) / Luminosity
47Defining a Best Criterion
- Integrates lots of luminosity
- Insensitive to many/most performance changes
- Some performance changes may be unnoticed
- Random fluctuations or improvements?!
- Simple
- Have rejected complicated schema
- Easy to define clear criteria for
- Running flat out
- Running that has intentional interruptions
48Target Stack Size
Average Weekly Luminosity, E30
Note Shift!
No Studies or Post-Store Accesses
Green TevUp 0.99
Green/Magenta TevUp 0.99
Red TevUp 0.975
Red/Blue TevUp 0.975
Shoot when stack reaches this value, mA
49Search Parameter Space
Caution Lots of data hidden here!
- Odd numbered sets TevUp 0.975/hour
- Even numbered sets TevUp 0.99/hour
- Each Set is run without (NSA) and with
- Tevatron Studies
- Experiment access
- Each Set is run for each End-Store criterion
- Search for optimum for each criterion, each set
- Goal Which criterion works best
50Minimum Luminosity
Optimum shifts higher with better performance
Sets 5, 6 Enhanced Stacking, Improved Lum Life
Sets B, C More Protons, Enhanced stacking.
Sets D, E More P, PBar Reduced recovery
Sets 1, 2 2003 Running
Sets 7, 8 Reduced Recovery time
Sets 3, 4 Enhanced Stacking
Sets 9, A 25 more protons
51Store Duration, Hours
Broad Optima NSA Shorter stores
52Luminosity Potential
- Use chart, here
- Turn existing stack size into a likely initial
luminosity - Two choices for how to end store
- When difference gt L.
- When the ratio gt V.
- Problem?
- Assumption on the potential curve
Luminosity Potential
Initial Luminosity, E30
50 recent stores
Stack Size, mA
53Luminosity Potential Ratio
Best End store when ratio 5
Average Weekly Integrated Luminosity, nb-1
(Likely Initial Luminosity) / (Actual Luminosity
54Luminosity Potential Ratio
Average Weekly Integrated Luminosity, nb-1
Optimum stays between 3 and 4
(Likely Initial Luminosity) / (Actual Luminosity
55Simplified Luminosity Potential
(400, 70)
(200 mA, 50 E30)
Initial Luminosity, E30
Stack Size, mA
56Simplified Ratio
Optimum also stays between 3 and 4
57Real Simple Ratio Method
- Ratio (Stack Size) / (Luminosity Now)
- For example 180 mA, 12 E30 1/cm2 1/sec,
- Ratio 180/12 15.
- No assumptions on Luminosity Potential
- But is very closely related to this method
- Model determines target ratio
- And Model does not need to enter non-linear
region - Assumptions on luminosity potential are built
in - Not so simple Requires knowledge of Np
58A week running with Simple Ratio
Ratio 16
Stack Size, 10 mA Luminosity, E30 (cm-2 sec-1)
200 mA
Time, hours
59Simple Ratio
Optimum shifts left (16 ?12) with more protons
60Luminosity Potential Wins, but
- Default assumption is complex.
- Also, the target curve was derived from the Model
- What assumption for Stack?Luminosity is right?
- Use recent performance to determine luminosity
potential? - Handicapping?
- Simplified
- Luminosity at 200 mA could be changed as
performance improves - Real Simple works well
- If Np is factored in
- More work needed!
61Recovery from a Failure
- What is the best way to maximize luminosity after
a fault? - Store lost
- Stack lost
- Shoot ASAP?
- Wait for a reasonable stack?
62Reasonable Stack Size
Average Integrated Weekly Luminosity, nb-1
Choices from 60 to 120 mA 1.2 100 mA is a
good choice
Uncertainty on mean 25 nb-1, 0.3
Simple Ratio, mA/(E30 cm-2 sec-1)
63Dealing with Tevatron Studies
- Change of strategy if you know that
studies/access follows a store - Will create an end-store criterion to simulate
this - More work needed
64Time Spent in Store Studies
In Tevatron Stores
Using parameters for normal running
In Tevatron Studies
Target Simplified Ratio
Minimum Luminosity
65Study Hours vs. Store Hours
Study Hours per Week
Store Hours per Week
Using MinLum
66Where do we integrate Luminosity?
Target Stack Size
Store Duration
Run Coordinator 2003
Simplified Ratio
Minimum Luminosity
675. Web Pages
- http//mccrory.fnal.gov/montecarlo
- http//mccrory.fnal.gov/testForm.html
686. Conclusions
- Review specific findings
- Whats next?
- General Conclusions
69Review of Specific Findings
- Tevatron failures are independent of time
- Up time 0.975/hour
- Stacking rate for 2003 has been
- R 13.4 / ( 1 S/280 ) mA/hour
- 20 weeks of good running in 2003
- Luminosity
- Averaged 6810 nb-1 4 ( 272 nb-1)
- Could have gotten about 7100 0.5
- Luminosity Lifetime
- L (t) L (0) e t /t(t)
- t(t) t(0) C1 t C2
- C1 1.8 0.2, C2 0.595 0.005
- After failure Build to 60 lt Stack Size lt 120 mA
- Allows time for Tevatron studies
- May need different End-Store criteria for flat
out versus normal running.
70Whats Next?
- Real Run Coordinator 2003 End-Store criterion
- Via Ron Moore, Doug Moehs, etc.
- 10 hours into store
- Estimate time to 10E30 at CDF
- Set end of store to not span shift change
- nb-1/hr measure
- Recycler/SY tax
- Incorporate Recycler
- ACNET variables for the new End-Store criteria
- E.g., Luminosity potential Difference Ratio
71General Conclusions
- Model matches Reality well
- Hours per week
- Luminosity, luminosity lifetime, etc.
- Interruptions to integrating luminosity are
important. - Failures
- Studies, experiment access, recovery, etc
- Some End-Store criteria work well
- Ratio or Difference with luminosity potential
- Store Duration, minimum luminosity, target stack
size - Simple ratio of stack size to instantaneous
luminosity - Needs work
- Some criteria do not work well
- Work Continues