Title: EcoVillage at Ithaca: Pioneering a Sustainable Culture Liz Walker
1EcoVillage at IthacaPioneering a Sustainable
CultureLiz Walker
2The Challenge
- Humans must learn to live sustainably
- Climate Change
- Environmental Destruction
- Social and Cultural Breakdown
- Economic Injustice
3How can you make a difference?
- One way I save energy.
- One way I connect to nature.
- One way I create community in my life.
4What is an Ecovillage?
- Communities modeling sustainable
lifestyles... - ecological
- social
- economic
- spiritual-cultural
5EcoVillage at Ithaca Ithaca, NY
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7EVIs Best Practices for Sustainable Living
- Conserve 90 of land as Open Space
- Integrate Organic Agriculture
- Develop a village of several Cohousing
neighborhoods - Build Energy-efficient, Passive Solar homes
- Develop On-site Businesses
- Create Educational opportunities
8Original Developers Plan
9 10Integrated Agriculture
- 10 acre organic farm
- Feeds 1000/week
- CSA Farmers Market
- Community gardens
- Sheep chickens
- Berry farm, orchards
EVI organic farm
Berry Farm
EVI sheep
11Weekly pick-up at C.S.A. Farm
12Cohousing - Definition
- Balance of privacy and community
- Common House
- Pedestrian street
- Cooperative Decision-making
FRoG common house
13EcoVillage currently 100 adults, 60 kids, all
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17- Green Buildings
- Local materials when possible.
- Design to minimize waste and maximize
multi-functionality, doing more with less. - Link residents, building, and place together
- Passive Solar Design
- Solar panels
- Reused Materials
Reused barn beams in timber frame home
Photovoltaic Panels
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20EcoVillage homes use 40-50 less gas
electric than other homes in Northeast.
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- Inspiring Vision
- Privacy/Community balance
- Community spirit
- Environmental concern
- Living demonstration
- Mainstream approach
- Easily accessible
- Project Complexity
- Affordability
- Zoning Code Hurdles
- Pervasive culture of individualism
- Living laboratory
- Action based education research
- Affiliation with Cornell
- Partnership with Ithaca College
- Internships, Graduate research
- Education Ctr/ Land-based High School
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26Hands-on learningopportunities
Passive solar bus shelter
27Earth bag Root Cellar
28EcoVillage at Ithaca.ripple effects
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30Sustainability Educator Jaime Cloudplans
strategy with EcoVillagers to reach Ithaca City
School District
31Ithaca Carshare was awarded 177,220 to support
its first two years of operation. The first
carsharing services will start in the Ithaca area
at EcoVillage as soon as insurance is figured
out, and operations are expected to expand to
Ithaca College, Cornell University and downtown
32Publicity and Outreach
- Phenomenal media attention
- CNN, PBS, Nickelodeon, NPR, Japanese and Spanish
TV - Time Magazine, New York Times, Wall Street
Journal, Popular Science, Residential Architect,
American Demographics, Utne Reader, Japanese,
British, Korean, Arabic and Spanish national
magazines - Featured in many books
- Tours for U.S. visitors, professionals, and
international groups - National international speaking/consulting
33EcoVillage at Ithaca Pioneering a Sustainable
Culture, has been getting great reviews around
the world. It has been translated into Japanese
and Korean.
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35Gaia Education teaching best practices from
ecovillages around the world
36AV - Student harvesting rice
37Morning circle at a week-long intensive training
at EcoVillage at Ithaca on "Creating Sustainable
Communities The Ecological Dimension, part of
the Ecovillage Design Education.
38Filipino groups work to save Mainit National
Park, and create an ecovillage
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- 2008 Workshops
- EcoVillage Experience Weekends, May 9-11, August
29-31, Oct. 17-19 - Creating Sustainable Communities the Social
Dimension, July 12-19