Title: Web Search
1Web Search
- CIS 430 November 6, 2008
- Emily Pitler
2What are queries like?
3Question Answering
4How do people actually search?
- Named Entities
- 1 or 2 words
- Ambiguous meaning
- Ambiguous intent
5What are they searching for?
6Searching follows temporal patterns
Mei and Church, WSDM 2008
7Queries are short
- Beitzel et. al. SIGIR 2004
- America Online, week in December 2003
- Popular queries
- 1.7 words
- Overall
- 2.2 words
8Most Queries are Rare
- Lempel and Moran WWW2003
- AltaVista, summer 2001
- 7,175,151 queries
- 2,657,410 distinct queries
- 1,792,104 queries occurred only once 63.7
- Most popular query 31,546 times
9What distribution does this look like?
Saraiva et. al. SIGIR 2001
10Zipfian Distribution of Popular Searches
Lempel and Moran WWW2003
11What makes queries difficult?
12Ambiguity makes queries difficult
American Airlines?
or Alcoholics Anonymous?
13Query Clarity
- Clarity score low ambiguity
- Cronen-Townsend et. al. SIGIR 2002
- Compare a language model
- over the relevant documents for a query
- over all possible documents
- The more difference these are, the more clear the
query is - programming perl vs. the
14Language Models
- Query Language Model
- Collection Language Model (unigram)
15Kullback-Leibler Divergence
- Relative entropy between the two distributions
- Cost in bits of coding using Q when true
distribution is P
16Kullback-Leibler Divergence
17Clarity score
18Clarity scores on TREC-7 collection
19Query Type Broders Taxonomy
- Navigational
- greyhound bus
- compaq
- Informational
- San Francisco
- normocytic anemia
- Transactional
- britney spears lyrics
- download adobe reader
Broder SIGIR 2002
20What results should the search engine show?
22How can you tell if a webpage is important?
- The more webpages that point to you, the more
important you are - The more important webpages point to you, the
more important you are - These intuitions led to PageRank
- PageRank led to
Page et. al. 1998
23Random surfer
24Random walk on the web
- Assume our surfer is on a page
- In the next time step she can
- Choose a link on the current page uniformly at
random - Or
- Go somewhere else in the web uniformly at random
- After a long time, what is the probability she is
on a given page?
25Simplified PageRank
Spread out their probability over outgoing links
Pages that point to v
26PageRank on a Graph
- Could also get bored with probability d and
jump somewhere else completely
28Compute PageRanks in O(log(n))
29Applications of PageRank
- Google, obviously
- Given objects and links between them, measures
importance - Summarization (Erkan and Radev, 2004)
- Nodes sentences, edges thresholded cosine
similarity - Research (Mimno and McCallum, 2007)
- Nodes people, edges citations
- Facebook?
31Find the query terms
- Words on the page
- Title
- Domain
- Anchor textwhat other sites say when they link
to that page
32What information can we get from this page?
Title Ani Nenkova - Home
Domain www.cis.upenn.edu
33Open Directory Project (dmoz)
- Ontology of webpages
- Over 4 million webpages are categorized
- Like WordNet for webpages
- Search engines use this
- Where is www.cis.upenn.edu?
- Computers
- Computer Science
- Academic Departments
- North America
- United States
- Pennsylvania
34Anchor Text
- What OTHER webpages say about your webpage
- Very good descriptions of whats on a page
Link to www.cis.upenn.edu/nenkova
Ani Nenkova is anchor text for that page
36Why not just use accuracy?
- 10,000 documents
- 10 of them are relevant
- What happens if you decide to return absolutely
nothing? - 99.9 accuracy
37Precision and Recall
- Standard metrics in Information Retrieval
- Precision Of what you return, how many are
relevant? - Recall Of what is relevant, how many do you
return? -
38Problems with Precision and Recall
- Not always clear-cut binary classification
relevant vs. not relevant - How do you measure recall over the whole web?
- How many of the 2.7 billion results will get
looked at? Which ones actually need to be good?
39Normalized Discounted Cumulative Gain (NDCG)
- Very relevant Somewhat relevant Not relevant
- Want most relevant documents to be ranked first
- NDCG DCG / ideal ordering DCG
- Ranges from 0 to 1
- Proposed ordering
- DCG 4 2/log(2) 0/log(3) 1/log(4)
- 6.5
- IDCG 4 2/log(2) 1/log(3) 0/log(4)
- 6.63
- NDCG 6.5/6.63 .98
41Relevance Feedback
42Queries and Documents Apples and Oranges?
- Documentshundreds of words
- Queries1 or 2, often ambiguous, words
- It would be much easier to compare documents and
documents - How can we turn a query into a document?
- Just find ONE relevant document, then use that to
find more
43Reformulating the query (behind the users back)
- New Query Original Query
- Terms from Relevant Docs
- - Terms from Irrelevant Docs
- Original query train
- Relevant
- www.dog-obedience-training-review.com
- Irrelevant
- http//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caboose
- New query train .3dog -.2railroad
44How do you know what is relevant?
- Explicit feedback
- Ask the user to mark relevant versus irrelevant
- Or, grade on a scale (like we saw for NDCG)
- Implicit feedback
- Users see list of top 10 results, click on a few
- Assume clicked on pages were relevant, rest
werent - Pseudo-relevance feedback
- Do search, assume top results are relevant,
45Query Suggestion
- Have query logs for millions of users
- hybrid car?toyota prius is more likely than
hybrid car- flights to LA - Find statistically significant pairs of queries
(Jones et. al. WWW 2006) using
46Graph-based query suggestion
- Make a bipartite graph of queries and URLs
- Cluster (Beeferman and Berger, KDD 2000)
47Clustering Queries
- Suggest queries in the same cluster
49Personalization helps Ambiguity
- A lot of ambiguity is removed by knowing who the
searcher is - Lots of Fernando Pereiras
- I (Emily Pitler) only know one of them
- Location matters
- Thai restaurants from me means Thai
restaurants Philadelphia, PA
50Entropy of Search
- Mei and Church, WSDM 2008
- H(URLQ) H(URL,Q)-H(Q) 23.88-21.142.74
- H(URLQ,IP) H(URL,Q,IP)-H(Q,IP)27.17-261.17
52Problems in search
- Powerset trying to apply NLP to Wikipedia
53Problems in search
- Descriptive searches pictures of mountains
- I dont want a document with the words
- picture, of, mountains
- Link farms trying to game PageRank
- Spelling correction a huge portion of queries
are misspelled - Ambiguity
54Web Search as Applied CIS430
- Text normalization, documents as vectors,
document similarity, log likelihood ratio,
relative entropy, precision and recall, tf-idf,
machine learning - Choosing relevant documents/content
- Snippets short summaries