Title: User Modeling in IR LIS678 CoTeaching
1User Modeling in IRLIS678 Co-Teaching
- Pei-Chia Chang
- Dr. Luz M Quiroga
- LIS678 Personalized Information Delivery
2Required Readings
- - Belkin, Nicholas J. (2000). "The human
elements Helping people find what they dont
know." Communications of the ACM 43(8), 58-61. - - Daniels, P. J. (1986). "Cognitive models in
information retrieval An evaluative review."
Journal of Documentation 42(4), 272-304. - - Rich, Elaine A. (1983). "Users are individuals
individualising user models." International
Journal of Man - Machine Studies 18, 199-214. - - Luz M. Quiroga, Martha E. Crosby Marie K.
Iding (2004) "Reducing Cognitive Load". In
Proceedings of the 37th Hawaii International
Conference on System Sciences.
3Additional Readings
- H Liu, P Maes (2004) What would they think? a
computational model of attitudes - Proceedings
of the 9th international conference on
Intelligent User Interfaces - Plinio Thomaz Aquino Junior, Lucia Vilela Leite
Filgueiras (2005) User modeling with personas -
ACM Proceedings of the 2005 Latin American
conference on Human-computer interaction
4Additional References
- Marvin Minsky(1988) The Society of Mind, Simon
Schuster - Amanda Spink and Charles Cole(2005) New
Directions in Cognitive Information Retrieval,
Springer - Constantine, L. L and Lockwood, L. A. D.(1999),
Software for Use, Addison Wesley
5Why User Modeling?
- Belkin claims user modeling for Information
Retrieval to help people find what they dont
know. - Quiroga et al. advocate user modeling for
Information Filtering to reduce the cognitive
6Mental Models, Marvin Minsky 1988
- Knowing facts, opinions, beliefs.
- Freedom of will
Free Will
7Space of User Models, Rich, 1983
- One model of a single, canonical user vs. a
collection of models of individual users. - Models specified explicitly either by the system
designer or by the users themselves vs. models
inferred by the system on the basis of users'
behavior. - Models of fairly long-term user characteristics
such as areas of interest or expertise vs. models
of relatively short-term user characteristics
such as the problem the user is currently trying
to solve.
8Canonical vs. Individual Models, Rich, 1983
- Canonical homogeneous user communities.
- Individualizedheterogeneous user communities
- Differenceflexibility
9Explicit vs. Implicit Models , Rich, 1983
- Explicit manually configure the system
parameters - Implicitfeedback based personalizationintellige
nt modeling
10Long-term vs. Short-term Models , Rich, 1983
- Short-termcurrent goal
- Long-terma series of interactions
11Rich, 1983
12User Modeling Techniques , Rich, 1983
- Inferring individual factspatterns of user
behaviorscondition-action rules - Using stereotypes to infer many things at a time
13Cognitive Information Retrieval Techniques,
Editor Amanda Spink and Charles Cole (2005)
- Implicit feedback
- Knowledge domain visualization
- Learning and training to search
From Amanda Spink and Charles Cole - New
Directions in Cognitive Information Retrieval,
2005, Springer
14Case studies
- Grundythe use of stereotypes
- User Modeling with Personasuser modeling
techniques - What would they think (WWTT)affective user model
- Recommender systems
15Grundy, Rich1983
- Individual user
- Implicitly constructed
- Longer-term
- Use stereotypes
16Grundy , Rich1983
- User is asked to provide a few words and these
words trigger appropriate stereotypes. - If the system has enough information, books are
recommended. Otherwise, it asks user for more
19User Modeling with Personas, Plinio Thomaz
Aquino Junior, Lucia Vilela Leite Filgueiras
- A persona is a user representation intending to
simplify communication and project decision
making by selecting project rules that suit the
real propositions.
20User Modeling Techniques Plinio Thomaz Aquino
Junior, Lucia Vilela Leite Filgueiras (2005)
- User roles
- User profiles
- User segments
- Marketing segments
- Extreme characters
- Persona
21User Role, Constantine, L. L and Lockwood(1999)
- A collection of attributes that characterize
certain user populations and their intentional
interactions with the system
22User Profile Plinio Thomaz Aquino Junior, Lucia
Vilela Leite Filgueiras (2005)
- Fictitious biographical summary, adding
motivation, goals, and personalities. 1 - The understanding of user individual
characteristics might be achieved by the user
profile, including information related to age,
gender, skills, education, experience, and
cultural level.
1, from Brusilovsky, P. Methods and techniques
of adaptive hypermedia. User Modeling and
User-Adapted Interaction 6, 2-3 (1996) pp.
87-129. And Shneiderman, B., Designing the User
Interface, 1990.
23User Segments Plinio Thomaz Aquino Junior, Lucia
Vilela Leite Filgueiras (2005)
- Groups of people who will use the services or
24Marketing Segments Plinio Thomaz Aquino Junior,
Lucia Vilela Leite Filgueiras (2005)
- Establishes the marketing portions which reveal
personal involvements with particular
characteristics in common, according to the
segmentation initial objective.
25Extreme characters Plinio Thomaz Aquino Junior,
Lucia Vilela Leite Filgueiras (2005)
- The modeling of radical personalities will help
cover all kinds of users.
26Personas Plinio Thomaz Aquino Junior, Lucia
Vilela Leite Filgueiras (2005)
- The personas technique is based on data gathered
through user research, mapping user archetypes,
that represent a few important classes of users
whose goals and needs a specific digital products
or services.
27Personas Implementation Plinio Thomaz Aquino
Junior, Lucia Vilela Leite Filgueiras (2005)
- Personal information
- Technical information
- Relationship information
- Opinion information
28Persona Representation Plinio Thomaz Aquino
Junior, Lucia Vilela Leite Filgueiras (2005)
29Persona Representation Plinio Thomaz Aquino
Junior, Lucia Vilela Leite Filgueiras (2005)
- His salary is R1200,00 per month.
- He has modest experience with computers and
infrequent access - to the Internet. Although he is not an expert
user, he does not - present a dodging behavior towards technology and
computers. - He reacts favorably when asked to used a computer
for internet - service.
- His use of governmental services is highly
occasional, driven by - some extreme motivation the need of being
regular with - government obligations, such as his income
declaration to save - money, like the electronic licensing of vehicles
or to make more - money, applying for a better job through civil
service exams. - When using the government websites, he has
problems with the - mouse and the printer, with the concept of URL
and with the - understanding of texts in the website
30Persona Representation Plinio Thomaz Aquino
Junior, Lucia Vilela Leite Filgueiras (2005)
31Persona Representation Plinio Thomaz Aquino
Junior, Lucia Vilela Leite Filgueiras (2005)
32What Would They Think, H Liu, P Maes,04
- Generate a model of a persons attitudes from
automated analysis of personal texts. - Use affective memory system to build digital
persona. - Mining attitudes through natural language
processing and commonsense-based textual affect
33Computing a Persons Attitudes , H Liu, P Maes,04
- A bipartite affective memory system
- Mining attitudes from personal texts
- Predict attitudes using the model
- Enriching the basic model.
34Affective Memory System , H Liu, P Maes,04
- Concepts, topics, and episodes are extracted
from text and associated with their respective
affective valence scores. - Each pair constitutes a single exposure of an
attitude, which accumulate in an affective memory
system. - Affective long-term episodic memory (LTEM)
- Affective reflexive memory
35Affective Memory System , H Liu, P Maes,04
- Affective long-term episodic memory (LTEM)
- An episode is a basic unit of memory.
- Compute an affective LTEM as an episode frame.
- Episodes are content-addressable.
36Affective Memory System , H Liu, P Maes,04
- Affective long-term episodic memory (LTEM)John
and I were at the park. John was eating an ice
cream. I asked him for a taste but he refused. I
thought he was selfish for doing that.
37Affective Memory System , H Liu, P Maes,04
- Affective reflexive memory
38Mining Attitudes from Personal Texts , H Liu, P
- Digital persona can be automatically acquired
from suitable personal text using natural
language processing and textual affect sensing. - Suitable text first-person, opinion-rich,
well-balanced, explicitly episodic. - Coping strategies were employed for dealing with
erroneous appraisals.
39Predict Attitudes using the Model, H Liu, P
- Predict the attitude by offering some affective
reaction. - Point-of-view agree/disagree
40Predict Attitudes using the Model, H Liu, P
41Enhancing the Basic Model , H Liu, P Maes,04
- Imprimer someone whose goals and attitudes we
admire and hope to emulate. - Heuristic approach was implemented to identify
imprimers from a persons affective memory. - Attach the imprimers affective memory to
supplement the persons own affective when
appraising new textual episodes.
42Recommender Systems, Belkin, 2000
- Explicit term suggestion is a better way for
recommender system supporting query
reformulation. - Understanding the contents of database
- Learning about effective vocabulary
- Being able to evaluate the relevance of an
information object quickly and accurately