Title: Word Knowledge
1Word Knowledge 5th Grade Unit 1 Lesson 1 Class
President Line 1 compete competitor comp
etition Line 2 broke creature driver Fri
day green proud tripped winter
Line 3 occur pressure painter Each c
ompetitor was a good writer. Some kind of crea
ture broke into the green shed.
The competition will occur on Friday.
2Word Knowledge 5th Grade Unit 1 Lesson 2 The Ma
rble Champ Line 1 racket disturbance fuss
hubbub Line 2 whispers marbles muscles
Line 3 knuckle knee knot The cheerin
g fans created a racket and a hubbub.
Playing marbles can strengthen muscles in the h
ands. When I scraped my knees and knuckles, my
mom made a fuss.
3Word Knowledge 5th Grade Unit 1 Lesson 3 Juggli
ng Line 1 everyone volleyball homework af
ternoon Line 2 ten those both truth
Line 3 small spin most scout Most s
tudents do their homework in the afternoon.
Everyone saw both sport scouts at the game yest
erday. The volleyball spins and then skips acr
oss the net.
4Word Knowledge 5th Grade Unit 1 Lesson 4 The Ab
acus Contest Line 1 addition subtractio
n multiplication division Line 2 bounce lou
d round Line 3 teacher bead breathing
The teacher showed the students how to do
subtraction. The multiplication game is played
with a round bead and a game board.
The players are breathing hard as they bounce t
he ball.
5Word Knowledge 5th Grade Unit 1 Lesson 5 S.O.R.
Losers Line 1 loser believe caught th
rough Line 2 treason leave defeat Line
3 championship cheer chant
I believe that I caught you going through th
e fence. We will defeat your team before you l
eave the school. At the championship, the stud
ents cheered and chanted so loudly that it was
difficult to hear anything else.
6Word Knowledge 5th Grade Unit 1 Lesson 6 Storks
Line 1 hurried dawdled neat
messy distant close Line 2 except
explanation excite Line 3 kitchen ditch w
atch She had an explanation for why the kit
chen was so messy. Except for my cousin Joe, w
ho is very neat, none of my relatives live close
to here. They hurried after the ball, but they
had to watch it roll into the ditch.
7Word Knowledge 5th Grade Unit 2 Lesson 1 Galile
o Line 1 observe observatory observation
Line 2 carriage convex concave constel
lation Line 3 circle celestial cycle
The citizens observed he constellations in th
e sky. A telescope has concave and convex lens
es. The moon is a celestial body that circles
8Word Knowledge 5th Grade Unit 2 Lesson 2 Telesc
opes Line 1 eyepiece eyeglasses eyeball
Line 2 telescope telephone telegraph Lin
e 3 revolutionize stabilize dramatize
The secretary took off his eyeglasses when a
nswering the telephone. The eyepiece was brok
en when the telescope was knocked over.
In order to dramatize the functions of a telegr
aph machine, the teacher brought in a
9Word Knowledge 5th Grade Unit 2 Lesson 3 The He
avenly Zoo Line 1 all-round all-star swo
rd-belt Line 2 smallest fastest biggest
Line 3 regretted journeyed scared An al
l-round athlete like Rachel plays volleyball,
basketball, and softball. The smallest kid in
the class might also be the fastest.
I dont know about you, but the roller coaster
scared me.
10Word Knowledge 5th Grade Unit 2 Lesson 4 Circle
s, Squares, and Daggers Line 1 telescope
observation constellations Line 2 alphabet
photograph pharmacy Line 3 taxes mixes b
oxes We saw the constellations through a te
lescope. The alphabet book used a photograph o
f cake mixes. Remove the broken boxes from the
11Word Knowledge 5th Grade Unit 2 Lesson 5 Voyage
r to the Planets Line 1 umbrella-shaped
half-billion blue-green Line 2 smart smarte
r smartest big bigger biggest
Line 3 black cloud slope Neptune is
a beautiful blue-green color.
Jupiter is the biggest planet visited by Voyage
2. Thick clouds cover the planet Uranus.
12Word Knowledge 5th Grade Unit 2 Lesson 6 A Meet
ing in Space Line 1 people though frie
nd Line 2 quick squirm squint Line 3
transmitter bravado creative growl
frown drive People expected Heather to s
quirm at the sight of the worm.
She frowned and squinted at the bright sun.
The transmitter sends a quick signal.
13Word Knowledge 5th Grade Unit 2 Lesson 7 Stars
Line 1 distant near ordinary unusual
powerful weak Line 2 cloud thousands sound
Line 3 hydrogen gigantic edge The
Andromeda Galaxy lies in distant space.
About two thousand stars are visible without a
t Stars begin to run out of hydrogen fuel.
14Word Knowledge 5th Grade Unit 2 Lesson 8 The Bo
ok That Saved the Earth Line 1 insignific
ant trifling decipher decode
Line 2 twentieth chart sandwich wish Lin
e 3 certainly closely breathlessly slowly
Pay no attention to the insignificant detail
s. The twentieth century ended when the new mi
llennium began. Ive just run a long race, s
he said slowly and breathlessly.
15Word Knowledge 5th Grade Unit 3 Lesson 1 The La
nd I Lost Line 1 deep shallow
enter exit lead follow
Line 2 feared season weak sneaky Line
3 whined wherever when whole
My little brother whined and followed me whe
rever I went. I feared this seasons whole cro
p would be ruined by the heat.
Weak swimmers should stay in the shallow end of
the pool.
16Word Knowledge 5th Grade Unit 3 Lesson 2 In Two
Worlds Line 1 small little withe
red shrank netted caught
Line 2 Scammon vast spawned snow
skimmed Line 3 tool school food In
the small lagoon, we netted the most fish we had
ever caught. In Scammon Bay, the vast, snow-co
vered tundra stretches as far as you can see.
At school, we use special tools in the kitchen
to prepare food.
17Word Knowledge 5th Grade Unit 3 Lesson 4 The We
st Side Line 1 blue blew to two red
read break brake Line 2 sprint
splendid stranger scream Line 3 watch ca
tch scratch The two girls will sprint acro
ss the playground. I have a red scratch on my
arm from my fall. I screamed when the stranger
tried to catch my blue balloon.
18Word Knowledge 5th Grade Unit 3 Lesson 5 Chinat
own Line 1 well-being sister-in-law high
-rise Line 2 remains wait rain Line 3
knew knit knight She cared about the w
ell-being of her sister-in-law.
Ill wait and see who remains in the high-rise.
The knight knew the rain would rust his armor
19Word Knowledge 5th Grade Unit 3 Lesson 6 The Ni
ght Journey Line 1 lambent
luminous stony inexorable
Line 2 short sharp
shutters sheer Line 3 cack
le chicken clucking
thickness We could see the lambent flickers
of light through the sheer curtains.
Sharp, short beeps emanated from a car alarm.
The farmer was greeted with the cackle and cluc
king of the chickens.
20Word Knowledge 5th Grade Unit 3 Lesson 7 Parmel
e Line 1 gas station firefighter punchin
g bag Line 2 laugh enough tough Line 3
narrow fellow grow The fire engine rac
ed to the gas station. That tough fellow seems
to think Im his punching bag.
Ive grown too tall to fit in those pants
21Word Knowledge 5th Grade Unit 4 Lesson 1 Half S
lave and Half Free Line 1 abolish abolit
ion abolitionist Line 2 efforts factions
slaves Line 3 manacled suppressed embattled
confined Abraham Lincoln hoped to abolish t
he buying and selling of slaves.
Slave traders often suppressed slaves by keepin
g them manacled and confined. Fearing a rise i
n the abolition movement, the embattled southern
states began efforts to secede.
22Word Knowledge 5th Grade Unit 4 Lesson 2 Carryi
ng the Running-Aways Line 1 light pen w
atch Line 2 overseer stir vendor occur
Line 3 finally then eventually afterward
Eventually the actor stepped into the
light. Then he began to play the role of the o
verseer. Afterward the drama critic looked at
her watch and pulled out a pen to begin writing
her review.
23Word Knowledge 5th Grade Unit 4 Lesson 3 So I B
ecame a Soldier Line 1 capital superior
excellent Line 2 batteries flurries hobbi
es Line 3 bombardment government recruitment
The government did such a capital job of r
ecruitment that more than 20,000 people
enlisted. Because the enemys gun batteries we
re superior to ours, they did a superior job
holding the fort. When the bombardment began,
flurries of sparks rained down on us.
24Word Knowledge 5th Grade Unit 4 Lesson 4 Charle
y Skedaddle Line 1 mane main tale tail pa
le pail Line 2 assemble reassemble assess
reassess Line 3 shrieking believing perce
iving receiving Believing the scary
tale, the man ran shrieking out of the main
house The soldiers will reassemble so that the
lieutenant can assess their skills.
Using soapy water from a pail, he washed the ho
rses mane and tail.
25Word Knowledge 5th Grade Unit 4 Lesson 5 The Si
ege of Vicksburg Line 1 untidy unconscio
us untended Line 2 chicken jockey lucky
peck Line 3 wryly wreck write wrong
If you write on the wrong lines, the paper will
look untidy. Left untended, the chicken contin
ued to peck through the fence.
After the wreck, the jockey lay unconscious on
the ground.
26Word Knowledge 5th Grade Unit 4 Lesson 6 Under
Siege Line 1 moth-eaten half-hearted full
-length Line 2 tension occupation location
Line 3 dodge judge pledge My
full-length coat was moth-eaten.
The tension becomes unbearable as we try to dod
ge the incoming shells. The judge made the tai
lor pledge to remain at the same location.
27Word Knowledge 5th Grade Unit 4 Lesson 7 Emanci
pation Line 1 fulfill fulfillment fulfil
ling Line 2 nearby around northern upper
Line 3 jumped shouted dropped whispered
To fulfill her promise, she shouted a warnin
g to the people on the northern side of the
river. When Tom jumped successfully to the upp
er ledge, he felt a sense of fulfillment.
When I whispered to my friend that a moose was
nearby, he dropped his binoculars.
28Word Knowledge 5th Grade Unit 4 Lesson 8 Gettys
burg Address Line 1 add detract discor
d harmony perish survive
Line 2 conceived deceived perceived Line
3 create great proposition
We were deceived by the appearance of harmon
y. He perceived that a positive comment would
add to the discussion, while a negative comment
would detract from it. When she first conceive
d the idea for the invention, Elise hoped to
create something great.
29Word Knowledge 5th Grade Unit 5 Lesson 1 Buffal
o Hunt Line 1 night knight plains
planes tale tail Line 2 buffalo sh
eep bison Line 3 catch dispatch match
Last night the knights listened to the
tale. The Plains Indians depended on the buffa
lo for most of their needs. The sheriff will d
ispatch the men to catch the robbers.
30Word Knowledge 5th Grade Unit 5 Lesson 2 Old Ye
ller and the Bear Line 1 scared afrai
d tired exhausted biggest
heavy burdensome Line 2 wedge drudge
plunge danger Line 3 sweat bre
ath leather ready scream
breathe cheap I was exhausted from car
rying that burdensome load of boxes.
Rita took a deep breath and plunged into the ic
y water of the lake. The man in the cheap leat
her jacket screamed when he saw the danger.
31Word Knowledge 5th Grade Unit 5 Lesson 3 Death
of the Iron Horse Line 1 useful usef
ully useless uselessly usable
Line 2 prophet nephew orphan pamp
hlet Line 3 boxes axes mixes
The boxes were stuffed with useless junk.
The pamphlet was full of useful information.
I bought several boxes of the cake mixes that we
re on sale.
32Word Knowledge 5th Grade Unit 5 Lesson 4 The Co
ming of the Long Knives Line 1 harm h
elp strength weakness gather
disperse Line 2 village courage ca
rriage bandage Line 3 knives lives
loaves wolves The strong winds dispe
rsed the clouds that had gathered.
The mayor of the village was a man of great cou
rage. The committee worked to improve the live
s of the wolves in the zoo.
33Word Knowledge 5th Grade Unit 5 Lesson 5 Bill P
ickett Rodeo-Ridin Cowboy Line 1 free-s
pirited full-scale small-time
best-loved Line 2 trail raise plain
Line 3 worked performed cheered
bulldogged Bill Pickett performed in a fu
ll-scale rodeo. The horses worked their way do
wn the rocky trail. The crowds cheered as the
free-spirited rodeo star rode into the ring.
34Word Knowledge 5th Grade Unit 5 Lesson 6 McBroo
m the Rainmaker Line 1 drought flood
common extraordinary shrink
expand Line 2 drier cozier dimmer
sadder Line 3 quiet quite wea
ther whether Objects expand when they a
re warm, and shrink when they are cool.
Your cottage is drier and cozier than mine.
Well let the weather decide whether we go to
the park or not.
35Word Knowledge 5th Grade Unit 5 Lesson 7 The Se
arch Line 1 rest left stick
kind Line 2 breathing listening b
ringing bumping Line 3 school bell
post office bank teller
I rested for the rest of the day. Listen
ing is an important skill in school.
When the school bell rang, I ran to the post of
fice to mail my letter.
36Word Knowledge 5th Grade Unit 6 Lesson 1 The St
ory of Jumping Mouse Line 1 far-off l
ong-term high-ranking Line 2 mouse m
ice goose geese ox oxen
Line 3 perilous dangerous marvelous
Few mice would attempt a dangerous journe
y to the far-off land. The ten-year-old geese
had marvelous feathers. Led by a team of oxen,
the wagon train crossed the perilous river.
37Word Knowledge 5th Grade Unit 6 Lesson 2 Sacaga
weas Journey Line 1 explore explore
rs exploring exploration
Line 2 cache campfire captain conti
nent Line 3 tomatoes echoes pianos
solos Explorers learned many things abou
t our continent. The exploration party buried
a cache of food near the campfire.
The captain was exploring when he discovered th
e buffaloes.
38Word Knowledge 5th Grade Unit 6 Lesson 3 Tanya
s Reunion Line 1 idle lazy ligh
t ignite Line 2 cities boundaries
ponies Line 3 quickly gently ha
ppily honestly He held the match to th
e twigs in order to ignite the fire quickly.
The ponies couldnt go beyond the boundaries of
the fence. The grandmother gently rocked the
baby to sleep.
39Word Knowledge 5th Grade Unit 6 Lesson 4 When S
hlemiel Went to Warsaw Line 1 lazybones
sleepyhead daydream roadside
outskirts Line 2 possible bundle a
ssemble stumble Line 3 neighbors w
eight reign My friend likes to daydrea
m so much that sometimes he is called lazybones
and sleepyhead. If possible, put all the veg
etables into one bundle. My neighbors and I li
ve on the outskirts of town.
40Word Knowledge 5th Grade Unit 6 Lesson 5 Alberi
c the Wise Line 1 sharp dull wisd
om ignorance simple complex
Line 2 phantom physician sophomore
Line 3 discontented dissatisfied
displaced A physician must possess a great
deal of wisdom. A phantom must have caused the
sharp knife to become dull. The sophomore was
dissatisfied with his ignorance.
41Word Knowledge 5th Grade Unit 6 Lesson 6 Underg
round to Canada Line 1 admire admira
tion admirable Line 2 script splas
hing spread strong Line 3 right
brought through though
We stopped to admire the schooner as it spre
ad its sails. Our admiration faded as the boat
sent water splashing right on our clothes.
The strong wind brought three huge trees to the