Title: Metacognition: The Key to Acing Courses and Exams
1Metacognition The Key to Acing Courses and
Saundra Y. McGuire, Ph.D Director, Center for
Academic Success Adj. Professor, Department of
Chemistry Louisiana State University
2 2004 National College Learning Center
AssociationFrank L. Christ Outstanding Learning
Center Award
3Reflection Questions
- Whats the difference between an excellent
physician and a mediocre physician? - What is the difference, if any, between studying
and learning? Which, if either, is more
4Desired outcomes
- You will analyze your current learning strategies
- You will understand the difference between
meaningful learning and rote memorization - You will have concrete strategies to use during
the remainder of your academic career, and you
will USE them! - You will see become a more efficient learner
5The Story of Four LSU Students
- Robert, freshman chemistry student
- 42, 100, 100, 100
- Amy, junior organic chemistry student
- 54, 82, 76, 78
- Michael, senior pre-medical organic student
- 30, 28, 80, 91
- Terrence, junior Bio Engineering student
- GPA 1.67 cum, 3.54 (F 03), 3.8 (S 04)
6Date of Final Exam December 14, 2005 Meeting
with Student No. 1 December 12, 2005 Meeting
with Student Nos. 2 4 December 2, 2005 Meeting
with Student No. 3 December 8, 2005 The final
was worth 100 points with a 10 bonus question.
7Als Cumulative Exam Record Pursuing Ph.D. in
2004 2005 9/04 Failed 10/04 Failed 11/04 Fail
ed 12/04 Failed 1/05 Passed 2/05 Failed 3/05 Faile
d 4/05 Failed
2005 2006 10/05 Passed 11/05 Failed 12/05 P
assed best in group 1/06 Passed 2/06 Passed 3/06 F
ailed 4/06 Passed last one! 5/06 N/A
Began work with CAS in October 2005
8Reflection Questions
- Whats the difference, if any, between
- studying and learning? Which, if either, is
more enjoyable? Why? - Did you study a lot in high school?
9Rote Learning
- Involves verbatim memorization
- (which is easily forgotten)
- Cannot be manipulated or applied to novel
situations - (e.g. remembering phone numbers, dates, names,
10Meaningful Learning
- Learning that is tied and related to previous
knowledge and integrated with previous learning - Can be manipulated, applied to novel situations,
and used in problem solving tasks - (e.g. comparing and contrasting the Arrhenius
and - B-L definitions of acids and bases.)
11Meaningful learning is a continuous, ongoing
process repetition is the key. let it soak
12This pyramid depicts the different levels of
thinking we use when learning. Notice how each
level builds on the foundation that precedes it.
It is required that we learn the lower levels
before we can effectively use the skills above.
Blooms Taxonomy
Graduate School
Making decisions and supporting views requires
understanding of values.
Combining information to form a unique product
requires creativity and originality.
Identifying components determining arrangement,
logic, and semantics.
Using information to solve problems transferring
abstract or theoretical ideas to practical
situations. Identifying connections and
relationships and how they apply.
Restating in your own words paraphrasing,
summarizing, translating.
High School
Memorizing verbatim information. Being able to
remember, but not necessarily fully understanding
the material.
Louisiana State University ? Center for Academic
Success ? B-31 Coates Hall ? 225-578-2872 ?
13Tips to remember...
- Use daylight hours wisely!
- 1 day light hour
- about 1 1/2 evening hours.
14Using Metacognition to Become an Expert Learner
- The ability to
- think about thinking
- be consciously aware of oneself as a problem
solver - to monitor and control ones mental processing
16Turning Yourself into an Expert Learner
- Do think aloud exercises
- Constantly ask yourself why and what if
questions - Move your activities higher on the Blooms
taxonomy scale by comparing and contrasting,
thinking of analogies, thinking of new pathways,
etc. - Always test your understanding by verbalizing or
writing about concepts practice retrieval of
17Study Strategies Gold Nugget
- The Study Cycle with
- Intense Study Sessions
18The Study Cycle
Phase One Read or preview chapters to be
covered in class before class (Create
chapter maps) Phase Two Go to Class. Listen
actively, take notes, participate in
class Phase Three Review and process class
notes as soon as possible after class Phase
Four Incorporate Intense Study
Sessions Repeat
19 Intense Study Sessions
- 2 - 5 minutes Set goals for next 40 min.
- 30 - 40 minutes Read text more
selectively/highlight - Make doodles/notes in margins
- Create mnemonics, work examples
- Create maps
- 5 minutes Review what you have just studied
- 10 minutes Take a break
- Repeat
20Get the Most Out of Homework
- Start the problems early--the day they are
assigned - Do not flip back to see example problems work
them yourself! - Dont give up too soon (lt15 min.)
- Dont spend too much time (gt30 min.)
21Get the Most from Tutorial Centers, Office Hours,
Study Groups
- Try to understand the concept or work the problem
by yourself first - Come prepared to ask questions
- Explain the material to the tutor or instructor
22Other Techniques to Try Immediately
- Concept Mapping
- Practice Retrieval
- List Concepts and Practice Teaching
- ________ ______ _______
- ________ ______ _______
- Write test questions at higher levels of Blooms
23Create a Chapter Map
Title of Chapter
Primary Headings
Secondary Subheadings
24Compare and Contrast
Strong Acids
Weak Acids
How are they similar?
How are they different?
25Helpful WebsitesVisit them soon!!!
- www.cas.lsu.edu
- www.drearlbloch.com
- www.howtostudy.org
- www.vark-learn.com
26 - The LSU Dental School First Year Class
- An Amazing Success Story!
- Metacognition Discussion August 13, 2004
- Histology Exam August 23, 2004
- Previous class averages 74 77
- Challenge to class on August 13 84 average
- Reported average on August 24 85!
27 - Challenge to Meharry Medical Students
- Metacognition Discussion Nov. 29, 2006
- Current GPA or class average
- Challenge for Fall semester GPA D 0.5
- Actual average ???
- Celebration TBA!!!
28Writing Exercise
- What behavior will you change
- for the next three weeks?
29If you dont try it in within the next 48 hours...
30Final Note
- Please visit our website at www.cas.lsu.edu.
- We have on-line workshops and information that
will teach you more effective study strategies. I
wish you a fantastically successful future! - Dr. Saundra McGuire