Title: The REsource for Advancing Children
1The REsource for Advancing Childrens
Implementing Evidence-Based Assessments and
Interventions in the Real World
2Families are not getting the assistance they need
- Many proven treatments now available but
- Information is not getting to families, health
care providers and schools - It takes anywhere from 15-20 years for a proven
intervention to reach a provider who will use it
with your child
- Information and assistance needs to be
- Family friendly
- Guided by family input and experience
- Science-based
- Practical and hands-on
3Accelerating this process
The REsource for Advancing Childrens Health The
REACH Institute
4The REACH Institute Putting Science to Work
The Institute was established in the spring of
2006 to accelerate the acceptance and effective
use of proven interventions that foster
childrens emotional and behavioral health.
REACH fills a unique role by
- Promoting a family-oriented approach to mental
health care - Developing partnerships with parents,
pediatricians, clinicians, schools, and others to
apply best practices and proven interventions - Providing hands-on assistance to partners
- Focusing on Key Disorder Areas
5REACH Approach A 4-step process
6REACHs Current Program Areas
- Psychotherapy
- Best practices for primary care provider
- Parent empowerment
- Currently expanding programs to schools
7Typical Training Approach
- Hands-on, with role plays and extensive practice
- Can be done on-site or at national locations
- 2 day face-to-face training followed by
- 6 months of twice-monthly phone call consultation
and support - Individual presentations
- Peer learning
8Improving Students School Success Through
Behavioral Supports
- In order to expand this model to schools
- 26 researchers and representatives from national
organizations attended a meeting in DC - 5 possible areas of training needs were
identified - Cognitive behavior treatments and specific EBPs
- Training staff in early identification
- Prevention of conduct problems in the classroom
(e.g., classroom management) - Violence prevention, school safety, school
climate interventions - Parent and family support
- Next steps include developing a steering
committee, contacting intervention developers,
and developing specific trainings for school
- For More Information
- www.TheReachInstitute.org
- Lisa Hunter Romanelli, PhD
- at lisa_at_thereachinstitute.org
- or
- Erum Nadeem, PhD,
- erum_at_thereachinstitute.org
- 1-212-947-7322
10The REACH Institute REsource for Advancing
Childrens Health