Lattice Boltzmann - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Lattice Boltzmann


Explanation of the Lattice Boltzmann Method ... average density distribution function [all disadvantages are improved or vanish] ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Lattice Boltzmann

Lattice Boltzmann
  • Karin Erbertseder
  • Ferienakademie 2007

  • Introduction
  • Origin of the Lattice Boltzmann Method
  • Lattice Gas Automata Method
  • Boltzmann Equation
  • Explanation of the Lattice Boltzmann Method
  • Comparison between Lattice Boltzmann Method and
  • Applications

  • Computational Fluid Dynamics
  • (CFD)
  • solution of transport equations
  • simulation of mass, momentum and energy transport
  • Applications
  • automotive, ship and aerospace industry,
    material science,
  • Advantage
  • prediction of flow, heat and mass transport
  • fundamental physical understanding
  • optimization of machines, processes,

Experiment vs. Simulation
  • Experiment
  • measurement often difficult or impossible
  • expensive and time consuming
  • parameter variations extremely expensive
  • measurement of only a few quantities at
    predefined locations
  • Numerical Simulation
  • compliance of similarity rules is no problem
  • less expensive and faster
  • easy parameter variation
  • provides detailed information on the entire flow

General Procedure
Flow Problem
Solution of the Problem
mathematical model, measured data
Conservation Equations
Visualization Analysis Interpretation
discretization, grid generation
software, computer
Algebraic System of Equations
Numerical Solution
  • Macroscopic Methods
  • e.g. Navier-Stokes fluid simulation (FDM, FVM)
  • Mesoscopic Methods
  • e.g. Lattice Boltzmann method
  • Microscopic Methods
  • e.g. molecular dynamics

Lattice Gas Automata (LGA)
  • Cellular Automata (CA)
  • idealized system where space and time are
  • regular lattice of cells characterized by a set
    of boolean state variables 1 or 0 particle at a
    lattice node
  • Lattice Gas Automata (LGA)
  • special class of CA
  • description of the dynamics of point particles
    moving and colliding in a discrete space-time

Lattice Gas Automata (LGA)
streaming step flow simulation by moving
representative particles one node per time step
collision step
Lattice Gas Automata (LGA)
  • advantages
  • stability
  • easy introduction of boundary conditions
  • high performance computing due to the intrinsic
    parallel structure
  • disadvantages
  • statistical noise
  • lack of Galilean invariance
  • velocity dependent pressure

motivation for the transition from LGA to
LBM removal of the statistical noise by
replacing the Boolean particle number in a
lattice direction with its ensemble average
density distribution function all disadvantages
are improved or vanish
Boltzmann Equation (BE)
  • definition
  • description of the evolution of the single
    particle distribution f in the phase space by a
    partial differential equation (PDE)
  • particle distribution function f (x,?,t)
  • probability for particles to be located within a
    phase space control element dxd?
  • about x and ? at time t where x and ? are the
    spatial position vector and the particle velocity
  • macroscopic quantities, like density or
    momentum, by evaluation the first moments of the
    distribution function

Boltzmann Equation (BE)
collision term interaction between the molecules
time variation
spatial variation
effect of a force acting on the particle
velocity vector of a molecule
force per unit mass acting on the particle
position of the molecule
f f (x, ?, t) distribution function
The collision term is quadratic in f and has a
complex integrodifferential expression simplifica
tion of the collision term with the
Bhatnagar-Gross-Krook (BGK) model
Lattice Boltzmann Method (LBM)
assumptions - neglect of external forces - BGK
model (SRT single-relaxation-time
approximation) - velocity discretization using
a finite set of velocity vectors ei
- movement of the particles only along the
lattice vectors - modeling of the fluid by
many cells of the same type - update of all
cells each time step - storage of the number
of particles that move along each of the
lattice vectors particle distribution
function f
velocity discrete Boltzmann equation
Lattice Boltzmann Method (LBM)
  • common lattice nomination DXQY

number of distinct lattice velocities
number of dimensions
model for two dimensions
f4 4 3 f3 2 f2
D2Q9 - most common model in 2D - 9 discrete
velocity directions - eight distribution
functions with the particles moving to the
neighboring cells - one distribution function
according to the resting particle
e4 e3 e2
f5 5
1 f1
e6 e7 e8
f6 6 7 f7
8 f8
source J.Götz 2006
Lattice Boltzmann Method (LBM)
models for three dimensions D3Q15 D3Q19 D3Q2
7 small range of good compromise highest
stability between the two computational
models effort
19 distribution functions one stationary
velocity in the center for the particles at
rest 6 velocity directions along the Cartesian
12 velocities combining two coordinate
directions resting particles dont move in the
following time step, but changing amount of
resting particles due to collisions
source J.Götz 2006
Lattice Boltzmann Method (LBM)
next step calculation of the density and
momentum fluxes in the discrete velocity
space starting point velocity discrete
BE equilibrium distribution function for D2Q9
discrete particle velocity vector
weighting factor
4/9 i 0 1/9 i 1, 3, 5, 7
1/36 i 2, 4, 6, 8
lattice speed with the lattice cell size x
and the lattice time step t
Lattice Boltzmann Method (LBM)
calculation of the density and the
momentum density momentum
Discretization discretization in time and space
leads to the lattice BGK equation
dimensionless relaxation time
point in the discretized physical space
Lattice Boltzmann Method (LBM)
  • lattice BGK equation is solved in two steps
  • collision step
  • streaming step
  • collision step
  • interpretation as many particle collisions
  • calculation of the equilibrium distribution
    function for each cell and at each time step from
    the local density ? and the local macroscopic
    flow velocity u using the equations of the slide

values after collision and propagation, values
entering the neighboring cell data for the next
time step
distribution values after collision
Lattice Boltzmann Method (LBM)
  • streaming step
  • streaming of the particles to their neighboring
    cells according to their velocity directions
  • lattice vector 0 no change of its particle
    distribution function in the streaming step

particle distribution before stream step
particle distribution after stream step
source J.Götz 2006
LBM Parametrization
  • standard parameters describing a given fluid flow
  • size of a LBM cell ?x m
  • fluid density ? kg/m3
  • fluid viscosity ? m2/s
  • fluid velocity u m/s
  • strength of the external force g m/s2
  • lattice time step ?t, lattice density ?,
    lattice cell size ?x constant during simulation
  • no multiplications with real world values of
    the time step, the density, the lattice size are

LBM Parametrization
  • calculation of the dimensionless lattice values
  • lattice viscosity
  • lattice velocity
  • lattice gravity
  • relation of all lattice values to the physical
  • calculation of the physical time
    step restricted time step depending on the
    maximal lattice velocity

lattice viscosity, lattice velocity, lattice
gravity are dimensionless lattice velocity of
0.3 means that the fluid moves 0.3 lattice cells
per time step
LBM Parametrization
  • calculation of the lattice viscosity ?
  • Calculation of the relaxation time
  • fluid velocity v is given calculation of
    the relaxation time needed for a simulation with
    the formula above
  • due to stability reasons

relaxation time
speed of sound 1/v3
LBM Boundary Treatment
  • no-slip
  • no movement of the fluid close to the
    boundary each cell next to a boundary has the
    same amount of particles moving into the boundary
    as moving into the opposite direction
    zero velocity (along the wall and in wall
  • reflection of all distribution functions at the
    wall in the
  • opposite direction
  • sourceN.Thürey 2005

LBM Boundary Treatment
  • free slip
  • reflection of the velocities normal to the
  • boundaries with no friction (zero velocity only
    in wall direction)
  • inflow
  • given velocities calculation of the
    distribution function based on the equilibrium
    function (only on special type)
  • outflow
  • several different types

sourceN.Thürey 2005
LBM Boundary Treatment
  • periodic
  • particles that leave the domain through the
    periodic wall reenter the domain at the
    corresponding periodic wall copying the PDFs
    leaving the domain to the corresponding cells
    during the streaming step

source C.Feichtinger 2006
Navier-Stokes Equations (NSE)
  • description of the macroscopic behavior of an
    isothermal fluid
  • conservation of mass
  • incompressible fluid (? constant)
  • momentum equation

velocity in i-direction (i 1,2,3 for x,y,z)
viscous stress tensor
advection pressure momentum
forces acting due to molecule
upon the fluid movement
Comparison between LBM and NSE
Navier-Stokes Equations Lattice Boltzmann
  • second order partial differential equations
  • non-linearity quadratic velocity terms
  • need to solve the Poisson equation for pressure
  • global solution for all lattice cells grid
    generation needs longer than simulation
  • set of first order partial differential equations
  • linear non linear convective term becomes
    a simple advection
  • pressure through an equation of state
  • regular square grids
  • kinetic-based easy application to micro-scale
    fluid flow problems
  • complicate simulation of stationary flow problems

  • Java-Simulation

source N.Thürey
  • metal foam simulation
    sourceN.Thürey 2005
  • D3Q19 model
  • free-surface model
  • filled with fluid
  • interface contains both liquid and gas
  • gas not considered in fluid simulation
  • computation of the fill level of a cell by
    dividing by the density of this cell (0 empty
    cell ? filled cell)
  • transformation of fluid and gas cells into
    interface cells and vice versa

source N.Thürey
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