Title: Please sign in on the pink friendship sheet circulating
- Please sign in on the pink friendship sheet
circulating - We will only send you a letter of welcome, unless
you ask us for something more! - check underneath for brochures about our church
- Join us for coffee and conversation following the
2- Please maintain a quiet, holy space before
worship. Some people may be talking to, or
listening for God!
3Our Mission
People at every stage of their lives will
experience the transforming love of God as
revealed in Jesus Christ, and will commit to a
life of discipleship.
4Ministry Team
- Rev. Anna Christie, B.A., M.Div.
- Minister of Word, Sacrament Pastoral Care.
- Rev. Jennifer Goddard-Sheppard, B.A. M.A. M.Div
- United Supply Minister of Word, Sacrament
Pastoral Care. - Miri Lee, M.Mus. Minister of Music
- Grant Smith, Lay Minister of Marriages
- Anne Marie Kelly, Administrator
- Hans Stutz, Custodian
- Dena Williams, Child Care Provider
- Karen Dar Woon, Community Meal Chef
- Kara Martens, Multimedia Consultant
- Our most important ministry with this meal
- program is to eat together with people
- and build relationships
- On Thursday we served
6 7Gilmore Park is plugged in
- Check for news updates on our WEBSITE
- Read Rev. Annas BLOG
- Find us on
- Become a friend on
8Pastoral Care Prayer Team
- This dynamic team is always working on your
behalf visiting in hospital nursing homes,
sending cards and most importantly spending time
in prayer for those in need. - If you would like to be part of this team and
care for others, please contact Dorothy Dawson,
team leader or one of the ministers.
9Help bring great change by donating your spare
change The Gilmore Park Well Project
Clean water for humankind
10San Miguel Coffee New Shipment Available!
Fairly Traded Support Growers Their
Families 12/lb A fundraiser for the community
11 12- that no child in Richmond
- will suffer from poverty
13- Richmond Dream Auction
- sponsored by Gilmore Park United
- Saturday, November 28, 2009
- 10 am to 2 pm
- Richmond Executive Inn
14Dream Auction 2009 How can you help?
BUY A TICKET! Tickets on sale now.
VOLUNTEER! Add your name to the Volunteer
Sign-Up Grid
DELIVER your auction donations to the church
INVITE your friends and spread the word
15Joint Needs Assessment Committee(JNAC)
- Rev. Jennifers interim appointment ends June
30th, 2009 - We need a committee of people to work with
presbytery over the next few months to assess all
our ministry personnel and staff needs for the
future. - If you have a NOMINATION for the committee,
please forward to Grant Smith, chair of Council,
by Nov. 15th.
16St. Albans Extreme Weather Shelter
Paid and volunteer help needed. Please check the
notice in the bulletin and additional information
posted in the narthex.
18Winner of multiple awards, this powerful
film follows the lives and the faith of gay and
lesbian Christians and their families, and their
journeys towards acceptance inclusion.
19A movie not to be missed by anyone who believes
God's love is for everyone FRIDAY, NOVEMBER
27 7 pm (here) Fair Trade Coffeehouse will be
20Advent Choral Service at Gilmore Park Sunday,
November 29th at 7 pm. Join with all the United
Churches in Richmond for this exciting
massed-choir event!
21Baking needed for Advent Carol Service See
sign-up sheet in narthex.