Title: Servers
- Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks (RAID)
- A group of hard disks is called a disk array
FIGURE 14-10 Server with redundant NICs
2RAID Level 0Disk Stripping
- Simple implementation of RAID in which data are
written in 64 KB blocks equally across all disks
in the array
FIGURE 14-11 RAID Level 0disk stripping
3RAID Level 1Disk Mirroring
- Data from one disk are copied to another disk
automatically as the information is written
FIGURE 14-12 RAID Level 1disk mirroring
4RAID Level 3Disk Stripping with Parity ECC
- Disk stripping with a special type of error
correction code (ECC) - Term parity refers to the mechanism used to
verify the integrity of data by making the number
of bits in a byte sum to either an odd or even
TABLE 14-1 Use of parity bits to achieve parity
5RAID Level 3Disk Stripping with Parity ECC
- Parity error checking
- Process of comparing the parity of data read from
disk with the type of parity used by the system
FIGURE 14-13 RAID Level 3disk stripping with
parity ECC
6RAID Level 5Disk Stripping with Distributed
- Data are written in small blocks across several
FIGURE 14-14 RAID Level 5disk stripping with
distributed parity
7Server Mirroring andServer Clustering
- Server mirroring
- Fault tolerance technique in which one server
duplicates the transactions and data storage of
another - Server clustering
- Fault tolerance technique that links multiple
servers together to act as a single server
8Data Backup
- Copy of data or program files created for
archiving purposes - Vault
- Tape storage library
FIGURE 14-15 Examples of backup tape media
9Tape Backups
FIGURE 14-16 Tape drive on a medium or large