Title: Photosynthesis
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- Reproductive Strategies
- Alternation of generations
- Adaptation to a land environment
- Flowers
- Pollination
- Fertilization
- Seed Development
- Fruit
- Seed Germination
- Asexual Reproduction
- Tissue Culture
3Reproductive Strategies
- All plants have a two-stage, alternating life
cycle - Sporophyte produces haploid spores by meiosis
- Spores divide mitotically to become haploid
gametophytes - Gametophytes produce gametes
- Gametes fuse to produce zygote
- Zygote divides mitotically to become diploid
4Alternation of Generationsin Flowering Plants
5Reproductive Strategies
- Flower produces two types of spores
- Microspore - Male gametophyte
- Undergoes mitosis
- Becomes pollen grain
- Megaspore - Female gametophyte
- Undergoes mitosis
- Becomes embryo sac within an ovary, within an
ovule - Ovule becomes seed
- Flower develops in response to environmental
signals such as day length - In monocots, flower parts occur in threes and
multiples of three - In eudicots, flower parts occur in fours or fives
and multiples of four or five
7Anatomy of a Flower
8Monocot vs. Eudicot Flowers
- Leaf-like sepals protect the bud
- Open flower has whorl of petals
- Four whorls of modified leaves attached to a
receptacle at the end of a flower stalk - Receptacle with a single flower is a peduncle
- Receptacle with several flowers is a pedicle
- Leaf-like sepals protect the bud
- Open flower has whorl of petals
- Four whorls of modified leaves attached to a
receptacle at the end of a flower stalk - Receptacle with a single flower is a peduncle
- Receptacle with several flowers is a pedicle
- Stamens are male portion of flower
- Anther - Saclike container
- Filament - Slender stalk
- Carpel is female portion of flower
- Stigma - Enlarged sticky knob
- Style - Slender stalk
- Ovary - Enlarged base enclosing ovules
- Complete vs. incomplete flowers
- Complete flowers have sepals, petals, stamens,
and a carpel - Incomplete flowers missing one or more of above
- Bisexual vs. unisexual flowers
- Bisexual flowers have both stamens and carpel
- Unisexual flowers have one but not the other
- Monoecious vs. dioecious plants
- Monoecious plants have staminate flowers and
carpellate flowers on the same plant - Dioecious plants have all staminate or all
carpellate flowers
13Corn Plants are Monoecious
14Life Cycle of Flowering Plants
15From Spores to Fertilization
- Male Gametophytes
- Microspores are produced in anthers
- Each anther has four pollen sacs, each with many
microsporocytes - Undergoes meiosis to produce microspores
- Mitosis produces pollen grains
- Pollination is the transfer of pollen from an
anther to the stigma of a carpel - Self-pollination occurs if the pollen is from the
same plant - Cross-pollination occurs if the pollen is from a
different plant
18Production of Female Gametophyte
- Ovary contains one or more ovules
- Ovule has mass of parenchyma cells
- One cell enlarges to become megasporocyte
- Undergoes meiois and becomes four haploid
megaspores - Functional megaspore divides mitotically until
there are eight nuclei of a female gametophyte
- When pollen grain lands on stigma, it germinates
forming a pollen tube - Passes between the stigma and style to reach the
micropyle of the ovule - Double fertilization occurs
- One sperm nucleus unites with the egg nucleus,
producing a zygote - Other sperm nucleus unites with the polar nuclei,
forming a 3n endosperm cell
20Seed Development
- Development of eudicot embryo
- After double fertilization, endosperm nucleus
begins to divide asymmetrically - Small cell is destined to become the embryo
- Larger cell divides repeatedly to become a
21Development of a Eudicot Embryo
22Monocot vs. Eudicot
23Development of Eudicot Embryo
- During globular stage, prembryo is ball of cells
- Outermost cells will become dermal tissue
- Embryo is heart shaped when cotyledons appear
- Epicotyl is portion between cotyledons
contributing to shoot development - Hypocotyl is portion below that contributes to
stem development - Radicle contributes to root development
24Fruit Types and Seed Dispersal
- Simple Fruits
- Simple fruits are derived from single or several
united carpels - Legumes are fruits that split along two sides
when mature - Dehiscent - Split open
- Indehiscent - Fail to split open
25Pea Flower and Pea Pod
26Simple Fruits
- Dry
- Follicle
- Legume
- Capsule
- Achene
- Nut
- Grain
27Simple Fruits
- Dispersal
- Many seeds are dispersed by wind
- Woolly hairs, plumes, wings
- Fleshy fruits - Attract animals and provide them
with food - Peaches, cherries, tomatoes
- Accessory fruit - Bulk of fruit is not from
ovary, but from receptacle - Apples
28Structure and Function of Fruits
29Compound Fruits
- Compound fruits develop from several individual
ovaries - Aggregate Fruits
- Ovaries are from a single flower
- Blackberry
- Multiple Fruits
- Ovaries are from separate flowers clustered
30Seed Germination
- When seed germination occurs, the embryo resumes
growth and metabolic activity - Length of time seeds retain their viability is
quite variable - Some seeds do not germinate until they have been
through a dormant period - Temperate zones - Cold Weather
- Deserts - Rain
31Seed Germination
- Environmental requirements for seed germination
- Availability of oxygen for metabolic needs
- Adequate temperature for enzyme activity
- Adequate moisture for hydration of cells
- Light (in some cases)
- Respiration and metabolism continue throughout
dormancy, but at a reduced level
32Seed Structure and Germinationin the Common
Garden Bean
33Corn Kernel Structure and Germination
34Asexual Reproduction in Plants
- Plants contain nondifferentiated meristem tissue
- Allows them to reproduce asexually by vegetative
propagation - Plant hormone auxin
- Can be used to cause roots to develop
- Expands the list of plants that can be propagated
from cuttings
35Asexual Reproduction in Plants
36Tissue Culture of Plants
- Tissue culture is the growth of a tissue in an
artificial liquid or solid culture medium - Plant cells are totipotent
- Meristem culture
- Auxins and cytokinins allow many new shoots to
develop from a single shoot tip - Virus-free clonal plants
- Suspension Culture
- Rapidly growing calluses are cut into small
pieces and shaken into a liquid nutrient medium - Single cells or small clumps break off and form a
37Tissue Culture in Plants
38Genetic Engineering
- Traditionally, hybridization was used to produce
plants with desirable traits - Crossing different varieties of plants
- Transgenic plants can now be produced by placing
foreign genes into a plant - Agricultural plants with improved traits
- Pest or insecticide resistant
- Commercial Products
- Human hormones, antibodies
40Genetically Engineered Plants
- Reproductive Strategies
- Alternation of generations
- Adaptation to a land environment
- Flowers
- Pollination
- Fertilization
- Seed Development
- Fruit
- Seed Germination
- Asexual Reproduction
- Tissue Culture
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