Title: San Fernando Valley Community Indicators Project
1San Fernando ValleyCommunity Indicators Project
2Project Team
- A Project of the Economic Alliance of the San
Fernando Valley - Sponsored by the James Irvine Foundation
- Looking Beyond Political Boundaries
- Looking Beyond Political Boundaries
- Emphasizing Shared Interests and Concerns
- Understanding Communities
- Looking Beyond Political Boundaries
- Emphasizing Shared Interests and Concerns
- Understanding Communities
- Addressing the San Fernando Valley as a
Significant Region
6The 1 Consideration for Relocating or Staying in
an Area?
7The 1 Consideration for Relocating or Staying in
an Area?
- Is this a community where I would want to live?
- CEOs,
- highly-skilled executives
- Trade and craft workers
8The 1 Consideration for Relocating or Staying in
an Area?
- Is this a community where I would want to live?
- CEOs,
- highly-skilled executives
- Trade and craft workers
- Would it be a good place for my family?
- How will it be in 20 years?
9Quality of Life Issues
10Quality of Life Issues
11Quality of Life Issues
- Broad-Based Prosperity
- Abundance of Opportunity
12Quality of Life Issues
- Broad-Based Prosperity
- Abundance of Opportunity
- Quality Environment
13Quality of Life Issues
- Broad-Based Prosperity
- Abundance of Opportunity
- Quality Environment
- Adequate Infrastructure
14Quality of Life Issues
- Broad-Based Prosperity
- Abundance of Opportunity
- Quality Environment
- Adequate Infrastructure
- Competent Workforce
15Quality of Life Issues
- Broad-Based Prosperity
- Abundance of Opportunity
- Quality Environment
- Adequate Infrastructure
- Competent Workforce
- Suitable Housing
16Quality of Life Issues
- Broad-Based Prosperity
- Abundance of Opportunity
- Quality Environment
- Adequate Infrastructure
- Competent Workforce
- Suitable Housing
- Secure Surroundings
17Quality of Life Issues
- Broad-Based Prosperity
- Abundance of Opportunity
- Quality Environment
- Adequate Infrastructure
- Competent Workforce
- Suitable Housing
- Secure Surroundings
- Access to Amenities and Activities
18Shared Values
19Shared Values
- Common Goals and Concerns
- Sustainable Practices
- Responsible Governance
20Shared Values
- Common Goals and Concerns
- Sustainable Practices
- Responsible GovernanceThree Categories
- Issues we can easily agree upon.
- Perceived Irreconcilable Conflicts.
- Areas ripe for ongoing dialog.
21Community Indicators Forum
- Recognize Common Goals and Concerns.
- Determine Highest Current Priorities.
- Identify Forces that Control or Drive the Issue.
- Gather Recommendations Solutions.
22Community Indicators Forum
- Recognize Common Goals and Concerns.
- Determine Highest Current Priorities.
- Identify Forces that Control or Drive the Issue.
- Gather Recommendations Solutions.
- List Those Who Have Motive or Jurisdiction to
Act. - Publicize and Communicate Findings.
23Expected Outcomes
- Establishment of Ongoing Dialog.
- Benchmarks to Establish Baselines for
Sustainability. - More Comprehensive Local and Regional Planning.
- Publication of the San Fernando Valley
Indicators 2000 Publication. - Bring new focus to Quality of Life Issues in the
24Actionable Indicators
- Should Tell a Story about an Important Local
Issue - Representative of the Underlying Issue
- Understandable to the General Public
- Measurable Over Time and Across Jurisdictions
- Comparable
- Affordable and Accessible
- Credible as Coming From a Reliable Source
- Consistent Process for Development
- Actionable based upon Identified Controlling
25The San Fernando Valley . . . Where do we go from
26Assessing the Quality of Life in the San Fernando
Valley Establishing a Set of Community
Indicators Setting Benchmarks Ongoing Dialogue
27Population Density
Population Continues to grow at a Moderate
Rate With New Construction Density is Increasing
in Outlying Zones and also in Lower Income Areas
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34Employment Jobs
Unemployment Stands at Very Low Levels New Jobs
are Developing in Emerging Industries such as
High-Tech and Entertainment
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42Income Distribution
Lower Income Areas Have Seen The Largest
Proportionate Increase in Incomes Higher Income
Areas Have Also Increased
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46Residential Real Estate
The Housing Market Has Recovered from a
Mid-Decade Slump and From the Effects of the 1994
Northridge Earthquake
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51Housing Affordability
Housing Values Have Recovered to 1989-1990
Levels Incomes Have Risen Steadily
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53Education Test Scores
SAT and Stanford 9 Test Results are Mixed The
LAUSD Runs Well Below State National Averages
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58Commercial Real Estate
Vacancy Rates Have Decreased on Both Commercial
and Industrial Properties
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61Crime Public Safety
Crime Has Steadily Decreased Over the Last Five
Years This is Consistent with a National Trend
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66Transportation Commuting
The Level of Services at Selected Intersections
has Generally Deteriorated Since 1992
67Level of Service Key Valley Intersections
68Level of Service Key Valley Intersections
69Level of Service Key Valley Intersections
70Water Usage
Per Capita Water Usage is Lowest in the City of
San Fernando and Highest in Calabasas
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73Air Quality
For the First Time in Recent History the San
Fernando Valley Had No Days Where the Ozone Level
Exceed the Federal Standards
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75Health Wellness
Homicide Related Deaths are Less Than Half the
Level of Los Angeles County, While Infant
Mortality and Coronary Heart Disease Related
Deaths are Slightly Higher
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82The Community Indicators Dialog
83Community Indicators
An Ongoing, Interactive Process.
Informing the Public Debate
84Community Indicators
A Self-Assessment of the the San Fernando Valley
85Community Indicators
Issues Population DensityEmployment
JobsTransportation CommutingHousing
AffordabilityEducation, Graduation Test
ScoresHealth Care, Availability DiseaseCrime
Public SafetyIncome Distribution / EquityAir
QualityWater Quality AvailabilityCommercial
Real Estate TrendsResidential Real Estate Trends
86Community Indicators
- Assessment
- How Important is this issue?
87Community Indicators
- Assessment
- How Important is this issue?
- What are the forces that drive this issue?
88Community Indicators
- Assessment
- How Important is this issue?
- What are the forces that drive this issue?
- How can this situation be improved or resolved?
89Community Indicators
- Assessment
- How Important is this issue?
- What are the forces that drive this issue?
- How can this situation be improved or resolved?
- Who has the authority, responsibility, or
ability to act?
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