Title: Promoting Recycling Market Development Scrap Tire Rubber
1Promoting Recycling Market DevelopmentScrap Tire
- Michael Blumenthal
- Rubber Manufacturers Association
- Washington, DC
- September 22, 2008
2RMA Scrap Tire Activities
- Began in 1990
- Scrap Tire Management Council RMA
- Sponsored by all RMA tire manufacturers
- Work with governments, scrap tire users, NGOs,
general public to accomplish mission
3RMA Scrap Tire Strategic Goals
- To promote the elimination of all scrap tire
piles in an environmentally and economically
sound manner - To promote the management of all annually
generated scrap tires in an environmentally and
economically sound manner
4RMA Scrap Tire Strategic Goals
- To seek public awareness of scrap tire management
success - To advocate for a legislative and regulatory
environment that is conducive and supportive of
the RMA scrap tire mission
5RMA Tire Company Members
6Ground Tire Rubber Applications
- Highest value added use for tire rubber
- Markets/demand for these products are expanding
15-20 annually - Since 1992 usage has gone from 0 to 50 million
tires 1/6th of all tires generated - Focus of many state tire programs
7Ground Tire Rubber Applications
- Rubber modified asphalt
- Molded rubber products
- Extruded rubber products
- Bound rubber products
- Horticultural applications
- Athletic fields playground cover
8Athletic and Recreational Applications for Ground
- Ground rubber is used as surface cover in
playgrounds, achieving key benefits - Lower microbial growth
- Fewer serious brain injuries
- Lower costs over time due to lower decomposition
and compaction
9Athletic and Recreational Applications for Ground
- Ground rubber also used as part of artificial
turf systems - Lower serious head, neural and ligament injuries
- Greater durability
- Lower maintenance costs
10Recent Questions Raised
- Questions have been raised in several states
about environmental or human health risk
associated with ground rubber used in playground
and/or sports surfacing applications - Challenge of the so-called Toxic Tire
11Why All of the Questions?
- Report from an agricultural research station in
Connecticut raised questions concerns called
tires toxic - Concerns arise from materials used to make tires
- Tire manufacturing process an unknown to these
12Why All of the Questions?
- A preference for natural grass as opposed to
artificial surfaces - Urban heat sink (rubber not the cause)
- Natural grass industry is losing market share
suspected of leaking allegations - Tire rubber not a natural material
13Tires 101
- Tire are not classified as anything other than a
non-hazardous solid or special waste - Tires are a sum of their parts the raw materials
used to make tires are chemically bound in tire
making process
14Market Development for Tires
- Development of new product
- Introduction to market
- Slow initial phase
- New product is discovered
- Demand grows
15Market Development for Tires
- Questions arise
- Demand is impacted
- Demand wanes
- Answers are obtained (time consuming)
- Information is provided/issued addressed
- Are there lingering questions/doubts?
- Can the demand be revived?
16Recent Studies
- New York City Department of Health and Mental
Hygiene published a fact sheet on artificial turf - Provided the benefits of using artificial turf
fields in place of natural grass - Found that there is unlikely to be a health risk
based on current information
17Recent Studies
- New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection
released a white paper on ground rubber in
playgrounds and artificial turf fields - Found no obvious toxicological concern
- California Office of Environmental Health Hazard
Assessment released a risk assessment of the use
of recycled tires in playgrounds and tracks - Found little risk associate with chemical
exposure from recycled tires used in playgrounds
or tracks
18Recent Studies
- Connecticut Department of Public Health released
a fact sheet concluding that there is little risk
to public health - Concord, Massachusetts commissioned experts who
concluded that there is little risk of exposure
and thus little risk
19RMA Literature Review
- RMA has recently released a literature review of
all of the available literature using a weight of
the evidence approach across all of the available
studies in order to make a comprehensive
assessment of risk - Over relevant 120 studies were reviewed and
20RMA Study
- Review of the Human Health Ecological Safety of
Exposure to Recycled Tire Rubber found at
Playgrounds and Synthetic Turf Fields - The purpose of this report was to evaluate the
health and ecological risks associated with the
use of recycled tire rubber in consumer
applications, particularly playgrounds and
athletic fields. In doing so, a thorough review
of available literature was conducted including
studies from both advocates and opponents to the
use of recycled tire materials
21RMA Report Conclusions
- No adverse human health or ecological health
effects are likely to result from these
beneficial reuses of tire materials and - While these conclusions are supported by existing
studies or screening risk assessments, additional
research would provide useful supplemental data
regarding the safety of recycled tire products
and enhance the weight of evidence used in risk
22CIWMB Research Project
- Interagency Agreement with Office of
Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA)
for Synthetic Turf Research - 200,000 project approved April 22, 2008
- Designed to provide the Board, the public and
tire-derived product manufacturers with current
objective information on the health aspects of
these turf fields, which in turn will result in
better informed decisions about the product. - Will also assess potential inhalation risks
associated with particles or chemicals and
abrasion injury risks and risk of bacterial
infection in abrasion injuries.
23Market Development for Tires
- Both infill and loose-fill playground cover
markets have been impacted by these allegations - Infill applications still expanding, but to a
lesser degree than a year ago - Loose fill playground market still viable, but
lower rate of growth than last year
- Rubber products face many obstacles
- Clear need for abundant sources of good science
reports - Risk communication is very important
- Supporting data will not reach everyone and there
will always be those opposed - Key factor address concerns immediately
25(No Transcript)
26Thank you!
- Contact Information
- Michael Blumenthal
- Vice President
- Rubber Manufacturers Association
- 202 682 4882
- michael_at_rma.org
- http//www.rma.org/scrap_tires/