Title: Our Divine Worth
1Our Divine Worth
2Little Boys
- A little boy was in a relative's wedding.
- As he was coming down the aisle, he would take
two steps, stop, and turn to the crowd. - While facing the crowd, he would put his hands up
like claws and roar. - So it went, step, step, ROAR, step, step, ROAR,
all the way down the aisle. - As you can imagine, the crowd was near tears from
laughing so hard by the time he reached the
pulpit. - When asked what he was doing, the child sniffed
and said, "I was being the Ring Bear."
4Judgment Day??
- Obedience (Assets)
- Minus
- Sins (Liabilities)
- Negative(Telestial?)
Break Even (Terrestrial?)
Positive (Celestial?)
5Prophet Moroni, Gifts
- Moroni 10
- And again, I exhort you, my brethren, that ye
deny not the gifts of God, for they are many and
they come from the same God
- Ether 1227
- And if men come unto me I will show unto them
their weakness.
To Bless And Serve
6Elder C.S. Lewis
- Imagine yourself as a living house. God
comes in to rebuild that house. - At first, perhaps, you can understand what
He is doing. He is getting the drains right and
stopping the leaks in the roof and so on you
knew that those jobs needed doing and so you are
not surprised. - But presently He starts knocking the house about
in a way that hurts abominably and does not seem
to make sense. What on earth is He up to? The
explanation is that He is building quite a
different house from the one you thought of-
throwing out a new wing here, putting on an extra
floor there, running up towers, making
courtyards. - You thought you were going to be made into a
decent little cottage but He is building a
palace. - (Mere Christianity p. 176)
7Apollo 13
8Elder Bruce Hafen
Elder Bruce Hafen
Fallen, Natural Man
Divine Gravity
9Elder Bruce Hafen
Elder Bruce Hafen
President Eyring All of us can remember times in
our lives when we felt a pull to be better than
we were, to rise higher. The feeling may have
come at about the same time we had the thought
"There must be something better in life than
Make Covenents Repent Trust
The feeling that you are meant to be better,
perhaps in a way you haven't yet discovered,
comes from our Heavenly Father. The opposing
thought, that the upward pull is an illusion,
comes from the adversary, who wants us all to be
miserable, as he is.
Divine Gravity
Fallen, Natural Man
Heavenly Father does more than allow you to feel
that upward pull. He has provided a way to rise
higher, almost beyond our limits of imagination,
not by our own powers alone, which would not be
nearly enough, but through the power of the
atonement of his Son,
(Making Covenants with God, BYU Devotional, Sept
10Gifts of God
Remember Our Weaknesses and Imperfections do not
exist to embarrass or ruin our lives. They are
meant to bless us by teaching us to rely more on
the Lords Tender Mercies. And His grace really
Is sufficient for usif well let it!
- Moroni 10
- And again, I exhort you, my brethren, that ye
deny not the gifts of God, for they are many and
they come from the same God
- Ether 1227
- And if men come unto me I will show unto them
their weakness. - I give unto men (and women) weakness that they
may be humble - and my grace is sufficient
To Bless And Serve
To Humble and Bless us
11The Apostle Peter
- And Jesus constrained his disciples to
get into a ship,
andhe went up into a mountain, apart,
to pray. - And the ship was tossed with the
waves for the wind was contrary. - And in the fourth watch of the night,
Jesus went unto them, walking on the sea. - And when the disciples saw him walking
on the sea, they were troubled, saying,
It is a spirit and they cried out for
fear. - But straightway Jesus spake unto them, saying, Be
of good cheer it is I be not afraid. - And Peter answered him and said, Lord, if it be
thou, bid me come unto thee on the water. - And he said, Come.
- And when Peter was come down out of the ship, he
walked on the water - But when he saw the wind boisterous, he was
afraid and, beginning to sink, he cried, saying,
Lord, save me. - And immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand,
and caught him - And when they were come into the ship, the wind
ceased. (Matt 14)
13Questions for Julie
- Is God your Heavenly Father?
- Does He love you more than you can know?
- Does He want you to be happy?
- Does He want you to Pray?
- Is He anxious to answer you?
- Does He know exactly what you need?
- Does He know what is going to happen to you in
the future? - If all this is true, then what, exactly, are you
asking for?
14Dinner Tonight?
15Essential Questions
- So, why do we pray?
- What are we praying for?
16 Pres. Joseph F. Smith
- the education of our desires is one of
far-reaching importance to our happiness
in life - (Gospel Doctrine, 5th ed. 1939, 297
- Desires?
- Wait! I know what I what I need- dont I?
17Elder Maxwell
- One might ask, why is it necessary that
the Holy Ghost prompt us even in our
prayers? One reason is that only with the
help of the Holy Ghost can we be lifted
outside the narrow little theater of our own
experience, outside our selfish concerns, and
outside the confines of our tiny conceptual
cells. - God sees things as they really are and as they
will become. We dont! In order to tap that
precious knowledge during our prayers, we must
rely upon the promptings of the Holy Ghost. - With access to that kind of knowledge, we would
then pray for what we and others should have...
With the Spirit prompting us, we will not ask
amiss. - Prayer, 44-52
18Brother Johnson, 1964The Apostle Paul of Ghana
- As I read the Book of Mormon I
became convinced that it was really
the word of God, and sometimes
while reading I would burst into
tears. I felt the Spirit as I read. . . . - One early morning . . . I saw the
heavens open and angels with trumpets
singing songs of praise unto God. . . . In the
course of this I heard my name mentioned thrice,
"Johnson, Johnson, Johnson. If you will take up
my work as I will command you, I will bless you
and bless your land." Trembling and in tears I
replied, "Lord, with thy help I will do
whatsoever you will command me." - From that day onward, I was constrained by that
Spirit to go from street to street . . . to
deliver the message which we had read from the
Book of Mormon. . . . I did exactly as the Lord
commanded me . . . and immediately our
persecutions started. - Brother Johnson also reported that at a time of
great trial early in his ministry, his deceased
brother appeared to him in a dream and said - "Don't worry. . . you have chosen the only true
church on earth . . . and I am now investigating
your church." I was surprised. I never knew that
the Church extended to another world. It was my
brother who brought that knowledge to me. - He said that if I didn't believe him, he would
sing a song from my church, and he sang "Come,
Come, Ye Saints." That was the first time I had
heard that hymn. He said, "Don't leave the
church, my brother. . . . Please see that I am
19Brother Johnson Continues
- It was my brother who enlightened me about
baptism for the dead and brought it to my
knowledge. . . . Most of my relatives
appeared to me in dreams saying, - "Reverend Johnson, do you know you have a
work to do for us? Our great grandsons and
daughters will be in your church soon. See
that we are baptized." . . . - I learned these doctrines before the missionaries
arrived. Nothing they taught us seemed strange.
They simply confirmed what we had heard. . . .
Each time the Lord addressed us in dreams, He
addressed us as Latter-day Saints, even though we
had not yet become members. - For 14 years Brother Johnson helped organize 10
congregations. To strengthen his people against
trials and persecution, he focused on the early
history of the Church. He said - We felt the spirit of the pioneers. . . . We
gained our strength from the pioneers. We were
inspired by their works. . . . I would see tears
falling from the eyes of my members, especially
when we sang, "Come, Come, Ye Saints." That hymn
is wonderful. It is my favorite hymn in the
Church. - One night at midnight, after many lonely years of
struggle, Brother Johnson heard a shortwave news
broadcast from England in which he heard
President Kimball's announcement that all worthy
males could receive the priesthood. He burst into
tears of joy, knowing that the Church would now
come to Africa. - E. Dale LeBaron, BYU Devotional, November