Special Relativity - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Special Relativity


How are time, space, and mass different for a moving object than for an object at rest? ... reference frames agree when events happen at the same time? ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Special Relativity

Special Relativity
  • Sept 14, 2006
  • Chap S2 Space and Time

Reminder Turn in Homework NOW!
The most famous failed experiment in physics
The Michelson-Morley Experiment
  • In 1887, light was thought to be a wave. It must
    be waving in something! What is it? Scientists
    dubbed this mythical space-filling material
  • Michelson Morley figured that since the Earth
    moves around the Sun, we must be moving relative
    to the aether.
  • They measured that the speed of light was the
    same everywhere!
  • Michelson Interferometer

S2.1 Einsteins Revolution Principles and
Predictions of Special Relativity
Our goals for learning
  • What is relative about the theory of
  • What are the three principles in the theory of
    relativity (what are absolute in relativity?)
  • What do we mean by a reference frame in
  • How are time, space, and mass different for a
    moving object than for an object at rest?
  • Will observers in different reference frames
    agree when events happen at the same time?

The Theory of Relativity
  • Unlike his contemporaries, Einstein took the M-M
    experiment at face value, and did a thought
    experiment What if the speed of light were
  • The results shocked himself, then the world
  • Einstein published his theory in two steps
  • Special theory of relativity (1905) Space
  • General theory of relativity (1915) Gravity,
    space, time.

Time Magazine's Person of the Century
What is Relative in Relativity?
  • Motion
  • all motion is relative ? when describing motion,
    it has to be relative to something else there is
    no absolute center of the universe, all motions
    and all places in the universe are relative to
    each other
  • Measurements
  • of motion
  • of space (distance) and time
  • make no sense unless we are told what they are
    being measured relative to
  • Different people (places) could have different
    measurements of space, time and motion for the
    same object or event as they are all RELATIVE!

What is Relative?
  • A plane flies from Nairobi to Quito at 1,650
  • The Earth rotates at the equator at 1,650 km/hr.
  • An observer
  • on the Earths surface sees the plane fly
    westward overhead
  • at a far distance sees the plane stand still and
    the Earth rotate underneath it
  • Meaningless to see the speed of something without
    specifying what it is relative to, or its
    reference frame

Principles of Relativity
  • What are the absolute principles of relativity?
  • The laws of nature are the same for everyone.
  • Relative speed is always measured to be the same
    between two people.
  • The speed of light (in a vacuum), c, is measured
    the same for everyone, regardless of your motion.
  • Using these basic principles, in 1905, Einstein
    established the mathematic form of his special
    theory of relativity
  • In special relativity, we do not deal with forces
    such as gravity yet.
  • Therefore, we do not deal with acceleration, but
    only constant velocity.

Five New Views of Space and Time from Relativity
  • Nothing can travel faster than light
  • If you observe anything moving by you at a
    significant fraction of the speed of light, you
    will see time run more slowly for the moving
    object ? person moving by you ages more slowly,
    the clock moving by you ticks more slowly, etc.
  • If you observe two events to occur
    simultaneously, a person moving by you will not
    agree that the two events were simultaneous.
  • If you measure the size of something moving by
    you, its length is shorter than it would be if
    the object were at rest.
  • If you measure the mass of an object moving by
    you, it will be greater than its rest mass.

What I hope you will remember
  • Space, time, speed, mass are relative concepts
    they depend on your reference frame (i.e. your
  • What is really absolute is speed between two
    observers, and the speed of light for all
  • This curious property of light results in time
    dilation, length contraction, and an increased
    mass for things seen to be in motion. All these
    properties can be expressed using one simple
    term, the Lorentz factor.
  • Tutorials online
  • http//www.glenbrook.k12.il.us/gbssci/phys/Class/r
  • http//hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/relativ
  • http//www.cs.sbcc.cc.ca.us/7Ephysics/flash/
    (look at Relativity section).

S2.2 Relative Motion
  • Two or more objects which do not move relative to
    each other share the same reference frame.
  • they experience time and measure distance mass
    in the same way
  • Objects moving relative to the other are in
    different reference frames.
  • like the plane and ground below
  • they experience time and measure distance mass
    in different ways

Thought Experiment Relative Velocity
Low Speed
Very High Speed
Thought Experiment Constancy of Speed of Light
Low Speed
Very High Speed
Could you travel faster than the speed of light?
  • Thought experiment
  • You are in a high-speed spaceship
  • You turn on your headlight
  • The headlight will travel at the speed of light,
    no matter which frame you are doing the
  • You are not going to outrace your headlight, no
    matter which frame you are doing the measurement
  • Since the speed of your headlight is the
    absolute speed of light, and you can not
    outrace your headlight, you can NEVER reach the
    speed of light
  • The speed of light is the absolute maximum speed
    an object can achieve!

S2.3 The Reality of Space and Time
  • To an observer outside the train, the ball
    appears to move faster.
  • speeddistance/time.
  • Distance is larger, time is same, so speed must
    be larger.
  • Common sense!

Time Dilation
  • Now lets consider Jackie moving by at close to
    the speed of light .
  • she bounces light instead of a ball
  • The outside observer also sees light moving at c.
  • yet the light does travel a longer distance as
    seen by the observer
  • so time must run more slowly for Jackie!

Time runs more slowly in moving reference frames!
Order or Simultaneity of Events
  • There was a green flash and a red flash, from the
    two ends of Jackies ship (Jackie is in the
    middle of the ship), which one occurred first?
  • The red green flashes occur simultaneously for
  • Jackies fast motion causes the green light to
    reach her first
  • you both agree on that

Order or Simultaneity of Events
  • Will Jackie agree?
  • But Jackie considers herself stationary in her
    reference frame.
  • she sees both lights travel the same distance at
    velocity c
  • yet she sees the green light first
  • so the green flash occurs before the red flash in
    her reference frame

Events in different reference frames occur in
different order!
Length Contraction
  • As Jackie moves past you at high velocity
  • she tries to measure the diameter of your ship
    (distance velocity ? time).
  • but time moves more slowly for her, so distance
    is shorter!
  • Objects appear shorter to you in the direction
    which they are moving.

Mass Increase
  • As Jackie moves by at high speed, you give both
    her her identical sister a push.
  • time runs more slowly for Jackie, so she feels
    the push for a shorter time
  • Jackie accelerates less than her sister does
  • Newtons 2nd Law (F ma) says if F is same,
    Jackies mass must be greater!
  • Objects moving by you have a greater mass than
    when at rest.

Why you dont feel the effect of relativity in
everyday life?
  • The effect only gets significant if the speed is
    a fair fraction of the speed of light (300,000
  • In everyday life, the relativistic effect is
    always negligible and requires very accurate
    measurement to see the difference
  • But it does have effects! For example, without
    correcting for relativistic effects, your GPS
    system will not give you accurate position at
  • In astronomical environments, speeds close to the
    speed of light are not unusual
  • Particle moving near black hole
  • The speed of very distant galaxies

Relativity Math The Lorentz Factor
  • Is it possible to calculate the length, time, and
    mass that a moving person measures relative to a
    stationary person? YES.
  • A single term describes this the Lorentz Factor
    g 1 / v1 - (v/c)2
  • Note The Lorentz factor is always more than 1.
  • Time (moving frame) time (rest frame) divided
    by g.
  • Length (moving frame) Length (rest frame)
    divided by g
  • Mass (moving frame) Mass (rest frame)
    multiplied by g

  • If Jackie is traveling at 0.99 c, one hour passed
    for me ? only 0.44 hour passed for Jackie
  • Her ship is 100m in the rest frame ? it will be
    only 14 meters long in moving frame
  • A fly is 1 gram at rest this unusual fly is
    flying at 0.9999c ? it will weigh 70.7 grams
    2.5 ounce

Is the Speed of Light Really Absolute?
  • Other tests of the special theory of relativity
  • subatomic particles have been accelerated to
    speeds of 0.9999 c
  • no matter how much energy we put in, they never
    reach c
  • the ? meson particle decays in 18 nsec when at
  • at high velocities, it lasts longer time
  • the equation E mc2, exemplified by nuclear
    reactors and bombs, is a direct consequence of
    special relativity

S2.4 Toward a New Common Sense
Our goals for learning
  • If you observe time running slow in a spaceship
    moving by you at high speed, how do passengers in
    the spaceship view your time?
  • How does special relativity offer us a ticket to
    the stars?

New Common SenseIts All Relative!
  • As Jackie moves by you at near light speed
  • you will see her time run slower, her length
    contract, and her mass increase
  • But what does Jackie see?
  • she is stationary she sees you moving by at high
  • since the laws of nature are the same for
  • she sees your time run slower, your length
    contract, and your mass increase

New Common SenseIts All Relative!
  • How can both perceptions be correct?
  • just as an Australian can see the Moon up in
    the sky while simultaneously an American does not
  • a correct definition of up will resolve the
  • the dispute between Jackies and your perceptions
    of each other can be resolved with better
    definitions of time space

Ticket to the Stars
  • Although we can not travel faster than the speed
    of light
  • special relativity will make the journey seem
    shorter if we can travel close to the speed of
  • Time moves more slowly for the space traveler.
  • The distance to be covered is contracted.
  • Space travelers can reach distant stars in their
  • Their friends and family will not be there to
    greet them when they return home to Earth.

  • What is relative about the theory of
  • The theory is based on the idea that all motion
    is relative. That is, there is no correct answer
    to the question of who or what is really moving
    in the universe, so motion can be described only
    for one object relative to another.
  • What is absolute according to the theory of
  • (1) The laws of nature are the same for
    everyone, and (2) the speed of light is the same
    for everyone.

  • What do we mean by a reference frame in
  • Two (or more) objects share the same reference
    frame if they are not moving relative to each
    other. In that case, the objects will experience
    the passage of time and measurements of distance
    and mass in the same way. Time, distance, and
    mass will be different for objects in different
    reference frames.
  • Why cant you reach the speed of light?
  • Light always travels at the same speed, so your
    own light is always moving ahead of you at the
    speed of light. All other observers will also
    see your light moving at the speed of light and
    because it is moving ahead of you, the observers
    will always conclude that you are moving slower
    than the speed of light.

  • If you observe time running slow in a spaceship
    moving by you at high speed, how do passengers in
    the spaceship view your time?
  • They view your time as running slow. Because you
    both are experiencing the same laws of nature and
    your motion is relative, you must each see the
    same effects on the other.

  • How are time, space, and mass different for a
    moving object than for an object at rest?
  • If you observe an object moving by you at high
    speed, youll find that its time is running
    slower than yours, its length is shorter than its
    length when at rest, and its mass is greater than
    its mass when at rest.
  • Will observers in different reference frames
    agree when events happen at the same time?
  • They will not agree unless both events also occur
    in the same place. In general, when an observer
    in one reference frame sees two events happen
    simultaneously, observers in other reference
    frames will claim that one event preceded the

  • How have experiments and observations verified
    that the speed of light is always the same?
  • The Michelson-Morley experiment showed that the
    speed of light is not affected by the motion of
    Earth around the Sun. Observations of binary
    star systems also confirm that the speed of light
    is unaffected by motion, because otherwise we
    would not see the two stars in binary systems as
    distinct points of light.

  • How have experiments verified other predictions
    of the special theory of relativity?
  • Experiments in particle accelerators can measure
    how time and mass are affected for subatomic
    particles moving at speeds very close to the
    speed of light. The results are in perfect
    agreement with the predictions of the theory.
    The predictions have also been verified at
    relatively low speeds in aircraft and spacecraft.
    Nuclear power plants and nuclear bombs release
    energy in accord with the formula Emc2, which is
    also a prediction of special relativity.

  • How does special relativity offer us a ticket to
    the stars?
  • Although the theory tells us that journeys to the
    stars will always take many years from the point
    of view of Earth, it also tells us that time for
    passengers will be much shorter if they travel at
    speeds close enough to the speed of light.
    Thus, the passengers may be able to make very
    distant journeys within their lifetimes, even
    though their friends back on Earth will not be
    there to greet them when they return.
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