Title: Features
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Direct Methods for Image Processing in
HREM Direct Methods of Solving Aperiodic
Structures Searching Algorithm for Finding
Modulation waves in 4D Fourier Maps
4Deconvolution of a Single EM
far from the Scherzer defocus
5Two-Step Image Processing
6Image Processing of Bi-2212
EM image from Dr. S. Horiuchi Space group N
Bbmb 1 -1 1 a 5.42, b 5.44, c 30.5Å q
0.21b c
Phase extension
Direct Methods for Image Processing in
HREM Direct Methods of Solving Aperiodic
Structures Searching Algorithm for Finding
Modulation waves in 4D Fourier Maps
8Whats a Modulated Structure ?
9Schematic diffraction pattern of an
incommensurate modulated structure
In the reciprocal space
The diffraction pattern of an incommen-surate
modulated crystal is the projection of a 4- or
higher-dimensional weighted lattice
In the direct space
An incommensurate modulated structure is the
hypersection of a 4- or higher-dimensional
periodic structure cut with the 3-dimensional
physical space
11Representation of one-dimensionally modulated
incommensurate structures
Lattice vectors in real- and reciprocal- space
12Structure-factor formula
13Modified Sayre Equations in multi-dimensional
14Strategy of solving incommensurate modulated
i) Derive phases of main reflections
ii) Derive phases of satellite reflections
iii) Calculate the multi-dimensional Fourier map
iv) Cut the resulting Fourier map with the
3-D hyperplane (3-D physical space)
v) Parameters of the modulation functions are
measured directly on the multi-dimensional
Fourier map
15DIMS direct methods for incommensurate
16Modulated atoms in g - Na2CO3 Na
Incommensuratemodulation revealed by the direct
18(PbS)1.18TiS2 composite structure 4-dimensional
average structure solved by the direct method
Direct Methods for Image Processing in
HREM Direct Methods of Solving Aperiodic
Structures Searching Algorithm for Finding
Modulation waves in 4D Fourier Maps
20MIMS automatic search in 4D Fourier maps
21MIMS searching in 3-dimensional space
22MIMS searching in 4-dimensional space
23MIMS output structure model
244-Dimensional Structure Refinement
25Multislice Method for
conventional structures and
aperiodic crystals
26Using experimental thermal motion (B)
modulation (M) parameters
Bi-2201 Variation of dynamical-diffraction ampli
tudes with sample thickness
Setting B0
Setting B0 M0
Setting M0
27Potential Maps of Bi-2201 calculated with
dynamical-diffraction amplitudes
28Fourier sections of the superconductor Bi-2212
292D section in a 4D Fourier map
30Contour mapping
31Contrast Adjustment