Title: The Great Depression
1The Great Depression
Dust Bowl
25 Percent Unemployment
Took Abuse, Seen As Uncaring. Believed Handouts
Would Corrupt American Spirit
Hoovervilles, Hoover Blanket, Hoover Flag
Bonus Army
More Communist/Socialist Organizations
Father Coughlin
John L. Lewis United Mine Workers of
America Unions Goons
Bonnie and Clyde
John Dillinger
Shirley Temple
Marx Brothers
6Radio Music
Benny Goodman Swing
Amos and Andy
7Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Fireside Chats
The New Deal
8100 Days
Helped Strong Banks, Direct Help to Farmers
PWA-Public Works Administration
9Works Progress Administration
National Recovery Administration
Repeal Prohibition
10TVA-Tennessee Valley Authority
Social Security
Re-elected 1936
11The New Deal and..
Women.. Mixed Results, some discrimination, Othe
rs made more money relative to Men than before.
Minorities. Roosevelt did not pursue Civil
Rights But African Americans included in many
projects, Projects not aimed at migrant farm