Title: 3Year National Science Foundation Project NSF0410564
13-Year National Science Foundation Project
Hands-On Interdisciplinary Laboratory Program An
Approach to Strengthen the Weather Radar
- Dr. Mark Yeary
- Electrical Computer Engineering
- Dr. Tian Yu
- Electrical Computer Engineering
- Dr. Robert Palmer
- School of Meteorology
- Dr. Mike Biggerstaff
- School of Meteorology
- Dr. L. Dee Fink
- Instructional Development Program
3- A unique federal, private, state and academic
partnership will develop the phased array radar
technology. Participants include - NOAA's National Severe Storms Laboratory and
National Weather Service Radar Operations Center - Lockheed Martin
- U.S. Navy
- University of Oklahoma's School of Meteorology
and School of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education
- Federal Aviation Administration
- Basic Commerce and Industries
4Hands-On Interdisciplinary Laboratory Program A
Peer Teacher Approach to Strengthen the Weather
Radar Curriculum
- 4 professors
- 6 students hired
- 840 students impacted
- 3 year project
This project offers the development of a
revolutionary laboratory and coursework
curriculum that coincides with the
interdisciplinary development and integration of
the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
and the School of Meteorology.
5Laboratory Modules
- Data collection developing different scanning
patterns - Data processing computing and enhanced
algorithms to extract weather information from
the raw radar data - Data display placing the composite weather
information on a user-friendly computer display - Data interpretation scientific understanding and
discovery of the displayed data -- this includes
the locations and dynamics of storms,
precipitation, tornados, downbursts, and the like.
6Strengthening the Weather Radar Curriculum
7Other New Innovations
- Courses
- Introduction to Meteorology
- introduces students to important phenomena and
physical processes that occur in the Earth's
atmosphere. Through lectures and laboratory
exercises, students will learn the basic concepts
and tools that are used to study atmospheric
problems. (METR, soph, fall and spring semesters) - Electromagnetic Fields
- is an existing course in which modifications are
currently being explored and implemented which
include plane wave propagation, polarization,
reflection, and an introduction to
radiation/antennas all related to the study of
the atmosphere. (ECE, junior, spring semesters) - Introduction to Measurement Systems
- introduces the physical principles of
meteorological sensors, discusses static and
dynamic performance concepts, and explores the
concepts of meteorological measurement systems.
(METR, junior, fall semesters) - Radar Engineering
- introduces various radar system designs and their
applications with an emphasis on weather radar.
Radar system architecture and their
functionalities and limitations of subsystems are
discussed. It is a senior level course and is
cross listed in both schools. (ECE, senior, fall
semesters) - Radar Meteorology
- is an established course (that has been updated
with new laboratory experiments) that develops
the quantitative relationships between a radar
and its target i.e., interpretation of the
data. It is a senior level course and advertised
for enrollment in both schools. (METR, senior,
spring semesters) - Weather Radar Theory and Practice
- is a new course (with supporting laboratory
experiments) that concentrates on the radar
equation, time domain algorithms, and spectral
analysis. It is a senior level course and is
available to students in both departments. (METR,
senior, fall semesters) - Adaptive Digital Signal and Array Processing
- is a new course devoted to the theory of adaptive
algorithms for aircraft tracking and the
discovery of interesting weather targets . (ECE,
senior, fall semesters)
8Other New Innovations
- Undergraduate Peer Teachers
- Rather than employing 1 or 2 traditional graduate
students to aid in the laboratory exercises and
research, 6 undergraduate students are budgeted. - These highly motivated students will be very
familiar with the radar and image processing
based PAR research agenda.
Matrix Clutter Filters for Phased Array Radars
Following the work of Urkowitz and Owen (1998),
we have experimented with clutter mitigation
techniques for agile-beam radars
9New Course Radar Engineering
- Course Description Introducing radar
fundamentals including - radar systems
- signal statistics
- signal processing
- Students will learn the concepts and theories of
algorithms in class. They will work on three
well-designed team projects to implement those
algorithms and present their results. - Moreover, a final project is given to challenge
the students.
Offered as ECE 5973 (graduate level) in the
spring semesters. Also open to qualified
10New Course Adaptive Digital Signal and Array
- As processing power continues to increase (via
large computers or compact digital signal
processors), the ability to expand the presence
adaptive filtering will also flourish as the
quintessential tool for harnessing more
information from time-varying noisy signals. - The students are provided a solid foundation of
adaptive algorithms and learn about the adaptive
filter design process.
11Target Tracking Emerging Non-Linear Stochastic
State Estimation Techniques
Networked tracking algorithms based on particle
filtering will provide improvements to these
areas that require the analysis of dynamic
movements, particularly when the underlying
dynamic models are non-linear and when the
measurement noise is non-Gaussian. As discussed
in the most recent literature, particle filtering
is defined as an emerging Bayesian method based
on sequential Monte-Carlo non-linear state
estimation techniques.
Left PAR detections made in a 90 degree sector
looking towards the OKC airport, Sept 15, 2005.
Right Specific tracks are formed for data
collected Sept 19, 2005.
- Why is particle filtering important for PAR?
- Tracking in the presence of strong maneuvers. As
seen above, when the object denoted by the green
curve makes a sharp change in course,
conventional techniques (such as the Extended
Kalman Filter) cannot maintain track. - One step ahead prediction algorithms for optimum
12Neural Networks Adaptive Algorithms in Practice
for Advanced Decision Making for Weather Radar
Adaptive algorithms
The Doppler spectrum reveals the distribution of
velocities within the radar volume.
13Course Radar and Mesoscale Meteorology
- Radar theory
- Applications of radar technology for the
meteorologist, scientist, and engineer - Wind retrieval, storm structure, estimate
rainfall - 40 students per year
- 4 hour course
- Offered as METR 4624 each spring.
14Looking forward