Title: Data Base Concepts
1Introduction To DBMS Concepts
- This is not highly technical presentation
- Understanding Basic Database concepts
- Identifying different kinds of database
- Few important key words in consultants resume.
3What is a DBMS? A collection of computer progra
ms that allow storage, modification, and
extraction of information from a database. There
are many different types of DBMS ranging from
small systems that run on personal computers to
huge systems that run on mainframes.
Examples-- Computerized library systems, automate
d teller machines, flight reservation systems,
computerized parts inventory systems.
4Kinds of Databases
- Relational Oracle 9i/8i, SQL-Server
- Teradata, Sybase(SQL Anywhere),
- DB2, Informix
- MS-Access, Foxpro 2.6/2.5,dbase IV/3
- Network eg, IDS Server
5Relational DBMS
6Important RDBMS Objects
- Tables
- Views
- Triggers
- Stored Procedures
- Functions
- Primary Key
- Foreign Key
7Networked DBMS
It is an acronym for Structured Query Language.
It is the language in which, the client sends th
e request
to the database for data Eg. Select name, add
ress From emp Where city NOIDA
9PL/SQL It is an acronym for Programming Langua
ge/Structured Query Language Apart from writing
the SQL you also have the programming language
constructs like If then else (checking condition
s) Looping (Executing the set of statements more
that once) Exception and error handling (Taking
care of run time errors)
10Kinds of Database Consultants
- Designers
- Developers
- DBA (Data Base Administrator)
- These consultants Analyze, design the complete
structure of the database.
- They design Tables, Views, Normalization, ER
Diagram, Integrity constraints, etc.
12Resume of Designer
- These consultant write stored procedures,
triggers, functions, etc.
- Technical terms found in the resume of such
- Triggers
- Stored Procedures
- Packages
- Unix Shell Scripting
14Resume of Developer
- These consultants profile includes installation,
configuration, migration, backup, recovery
- Various Tasks of the DBA are
- a) Granting access
- b) User creation and deletion
- c) Performance tuning
- d) Query optimization
16Resume of DBA
17Related Skills
- Data Warehousing
- Development of a data warehouse includes
development of systems to extract data from
operating systems plus installation of a
warehouse database system that provides managers
flexible access to the data - Data Mining
- A class of database applications that look for
hidden patterns in a group of data that can be
used to predict future behavior
- Data Modeling
- The analysis of data objects and their
relationships to other data objects. Data
modeling is often the first step in database
design and object-oriented programming as the
designers first create a conceptual model of how
data items relate to each other. Data modeling
involves a progression from conceptual model to
logical model to physical schema.
18The End