Title: COTS, Open Source, SOA Trends Facing Human Services Agencies
1COTS, Open Source, SOATrends Facing Human
Services Agencies
- Amy Santenello
- Sr. Manager
- Public Sector Product Strategy
2A Shifting Focus in Delivery of Human Services
Program A
Financial Management
Workforce Management
- Increased focus on cross-organizational
requirements - COTS
- Open Source
- Expanded need to access information outside the
confines of an individual agency - SOA
4Federal COTS Memo
- May 2, 2005- Memorandum No. IM 05-04
- Recognition that COTS products are mature
- Prior to selecting COTS, Jurisdictions should
should conduct broad, in-depth business,
technical and financial analyses that incorporate
all human service agencies, both current and
5Key Questions When Evaluating COTS
- How frequently does the company upgrade its
software? - Does the company have an application roadmap in
place? - Does the company own its IP?
- Has the company been reimbursed for software
licenses? (by what 100 of its customers?) - Can you configure the system?
- To What extent are attributes configurable?
- Who is the companies go-to market partners?
6Ensuring the COTS Vendor is Committed to HHS..
- What is the companies presence in Government?
- What is the companies application roadmap as it
relates to HHS? - Does the company have any HHS customers?
- How many customers has the company gained over
the last year? - How does HHS fit into the companies growth
strategy? - What HHS enhancements has the company made to its
products in the past year?
7Drive for Information Access
Industry Push to Leverage Standards and SOA to
Access information outside Direct IT environment
8SOA.. Enabling Industry Standardization
- Globalization Pushed Demand for Standardization
- Currently more standardization in getting a
product from Honduras to Vermont (two high tech
Mecca's of the world), than from one IT agency to
the other
9SOA ITs Answer to Standardization
- Standardization within Middleware to enable
Communication across Apps - Standardization amongst Apps Vendors to Enable
communication with Middleware - Separation of business logic, workflow and rules
from UI to enable consolidated portals
10Open Standards Enabling Open Source
- Benefits of Open Source
- No application license
- Built around the needs of a specific function
- Communal IP
- Disadvantages of Open Source
- No Application Roadmap
- Built to meet the needs of a specific function
- Requires On-going In-house investment
- No Guarantee of application currency
Open Source Is A Viable Option for Human Services
Agencies, But Must be Viewed in the Context of
Larger Strategy
11So Where Is This All Heading?
- Shift from Program Centric View To Information
Centric View - No longer about administration of Human Services,
Its About Self-Sufficiency - Requires Focus on Information Management
- Where does information reside, what standards
need to be in-place to access information - Drives Business Discussions Around Measurement,
Workforce Planning, Outcomes - Investment decisions COTS vs. Transfer vs. Open
Source - Identification of agency and cross-agency KPIs
- Results in a Heterogeneous IT environment
consolidated through portals and roles specific