Title: BLUE
1BLUE Stochastic Fair BLUE (SFB)
- 1 BLUE A New Class of Active Queue Management
Algorithms - 2 Stochastic Fair Blue A Queue Management
Algorithm for Enforcing Fairness - -- by W. Chang, D. Kandlur, D. Saha and K. Shin
- Presenter Chunyu Hu Feb. 26, 2002
- Part I BLUE
- Motivation
- Algorithm
- Simulations
- Observations Conclusions
- Part II Stochastic Fair BLUE (SFB)
- Motivation
- Algorithm
- Simulation
- Comparisons
- Conclusions
3Part I. Motivation
- Weakness of the TCPs congestion control scheme
- -- backoff after packet loss
- A solution RED
- Idea
- detect congestion early and notify the end hosts
- Congestion Indicator Queue length
4Part I. Motivation
- A solution RED
- Pro Keep average queue size low and allow
occasional bursts - Con
- Possible underutilization of link capacity in
case of serious burstness - Need considerable buffer space
- however, add end-to-end delay and delay jitter
- Cannot differ congestion caused by a large number
of sources or by a single aggressive source - Difficulty in setting parameters adaptively
5Part I. BLUEs Objective
- Minimize packet loss and queueing delay
- Avoid global synchronization of sources
- Maintain high link utilization
- Remove biases against bursty sources
- HOW ?
6Part I. BLUEs Algorithm (I)
- Upon Packet loss ( or Qlen gt L) event
- if (now last_update ) gt freeze_time ) then
- pm pm d1
- last_update now
- Upon link idle event
- if (now- last_update) gt freeze_time ) then
- pm pm d2
- last_update now
7Part I. BLUEs Algorithm (II)
- Update trigger events
- Packet loss increase dropping probability
- Link idle decrease dropping probability
- Parameters
- freeze_time update frequency, could be
randomized to avoid global synchronization
8Part I. BLUEs Algorithm (III)
- Parameters
- d1 increment step
- d2 decrement step
- d1 is signification larger than d2
- backoff more aggressively
9Part I. Simulation Scenario (I)
10Part I. Simulation Scenario (II)
- Traffic 5 connections, pareto on/off src.
with ECN. - RED
- (minth, maxth) (20, 80) of the queue size
- maxp 1
- wq 0.002, 0.002, 0.02 and 0.2, for R1, R2, R3
and R4, respectively
11Part I. Simulation Scenario (III)
- (freeze_time, d1, d2)
- (10ms, 0.0025, 0.00025),
- (100ms, 0.0025, 0.00025),
- (10ms, 0.02, 0.002), and
- (100ms, 0.02, 0.002), for B1, B2, B3 and B4,
12Part I. Simulation Results
- Loss rates
- Link utilization
13Part I. Observations
- BLUE loses much less packets
- BLUE needs a small amount of buffer space
- RED itself performs better with small wq,
- -- less dependent on the queue size (like BLUE)
- or at certain operating points
- -- deterministic mark every marks (like BLUE)
- BLUE maintains the queue length more stable
14Part I. Conclusions
- Pro
- packet loss -- BLUE outperforms RED significantly
with less buffer - Avoid the global synchronization -- BLUE does
better - Eliminate biases against bursty sources -- BLUE
does equal well - Con
- Failing scenario when every packet is marked,
but the sources are still overloading the bottle
neck link - (for both BLUE and RED)
15Part II. Stochastic Fair BLUE (SFB)
16Part II. SFB Motivation
- Goal Protect TCP flows against non-responsive
flows - Basic idea Detect non-responsive flows and limit
their rates so that they do not impact the
performance of responsive flows
17Part II. SFB Algorithm
18Digression Bloom Filter (I)
- www.cs.wisc.edu/cao/papers/summary-cache/node8.ht
ml - Definition A probabilistic algorithm to quickly
test membership in a large set using multiple
hash functions into a single array of bits. - invented by Burton Bloom in 1970
- Application Web caching, word-spelling check,
19Digression Bloom Filter (II)
- Algorithm
- Insert. A k-bit vector A is hashed into k bits in
the m-bit filter using a set of k hash functions.
The mapped position is marked with 1. - Insert n vectors in all.
- Query whether a vector B has already been
inserted. - Map B into the filter, check whether all the
mapped positions are marked with 1. If yes,
return success.
20Digression Bloom Filter (III)
- False Positive decide a match is falsely
successful. - Pfalse positive
- An example
21Digression Bloom Filter (IV)
- Application in SFB
- The filter is an L-level, N-bin-per-level bins
matrix. Every bin is specified by the size. - Every flow is mapped into a bin in each level
using an L-array of hash functions with the flow
identifier as the identifier. - Pfalse positive 1 ( 1 1/B ) M L
- M -- of malicious flows.
- The larger M, the larger Pfalse positive.
2222Part II. Simulations
- Scenario (transmission delay 10ms)
- Compared with RED, SRED, SFQRED
- SFB Parameters
- Buffer size 200KB,
- 2 levels, 23 bins
- Bin size 13
23Part II. Simulation Results (I)
24Part II. Simulation Results (II)
25Part II. Observations
- SFB loses significant less packets and maintain
fairness - RED and SRED cant protect responsive flows
effectively - SFQ RED can rate-limit non-responsive flows,
but loses fairness due to partitioning of buffer - SFB performs worse as of non-responsive flows
26Part II. Future Improvements
- Moving hashing function
- Periodically or randomly reset bins and change
the hash functions - -- mitigate the effects of misclassification
- -- quickly react to non-responsive flows that
become TCP-friendly - RTT sensitivity
- large of flows having varying RTT
27Part II. Comparisons
- Compared with
- RED with Penalty Box
- RED with per-flow Queueing
- Stochastic Fair Queueing
- Core-Stateless Fair Queueing
- Win in buffer size, adaptability, less overhead,
- BLUE manages congestion control better with more
information (packet loss and link utilization
history). - Enhanced with Bloom Filter, SFB can protect
responsive flows effectively.