Title: Power Point from community meetings.
1- Power Point from community meetings.
- AD/ED All day every day kindergarten
- FTE Full time equivalency
- K-5 Kindergarten through 5th grade
- MS Middle School
- HS High School
- EC Early Childhood
- IRC Itasca Resource Center
3Additional staffing needed for AD/ED
- 5.5 FTE (includes prep time) - 467,000
- Additional space needed
- 5 rooms
- Approximately 125 students moved each spring
- Affecting students, families, teachers
5Current Space Available
- Forest Lake 16 classrooms
- Murphy 15 classrooms
- Southwest 13 classrooms
- Cohasset 14 classrooms
6 of Sections (classrooms needed)
- Uses 06-07 numbers
- K - 10
- 1 - 10
- 2 - 9
- 3 - 9
- 4 - 8
- 5 - 8
7Special Ed classroom needs with grade level
- Grades 1-2 - 1 classroom
- Grades 3-4 - 3 classrooms
8Option A AD/ED with same K-5 buildings
- Pros
- Maintains neighborhood schools
- Maintains family cohesiveness K-5
- Family transportation convenience
- Maintains current PTC structure
- Cons
- Additional space
- Remodel at Forest Lake
- Remodel at Cohasset
- 2 additional new construction rooms needed at
Murphy - Cannot begin until fall of 2008 due to
construction - Realignment issues continue
- Cost (see next slide)
9Option A Cost
- Build 2 classrooms - 400,000
- Remodeling - 80,000
- Total Cost Option A - 480,000
10Option B AD/ED grade level buildings (K-5)
- Pros
- No realignment issues
- Title I services
- Cost savings in curriculum, materials, staff
- Cons
- Additional space needed
- Remodeling
- Cost (see next slide)
- Some current walkers need transportation
- Unable to begin until fall of 2008
- Cohasset students not in cohort
11Option B Cost
- K-1 - Forest Lake
- 2-3 - Murphy 14 classrooms 2 additional rooms
needed 300,000 - 4-5 Southwest 1 additional room needed
135,000 - Remodeling costs in all buildings 80,000
- Total Cost Option B -
12Option C AD/ED with grade level buildings
(EC-4)5th grade to MS 8th grade to HS
- Pros
- Start fall of 2007
- Could be out of IRC
- Realignment issue goes away
- Cost savings in materials, curriculum, and staff
development - Title I services
- Academic access
- Minimizes special ed. programming concerns
- Cons
- Some current walkers need transportation
- Estimate some cost
- Cohasset students not in cohort
13Option C Cost
- EC/K Southwest - remodel 3 bathrooms in
existing classrooms - 100,000 - 1-2 Murphy
- 3-4 Forest Lake
- Total cost Option C -
14Academic Access
- State is moving mandatory Algebra to 8th grade
- A fifth year of World language has long been
desirable for IB Diploma candidates - Increased elective offerings for 8th graders
15Option D AD/ED with K-4 buildings 5th grade to
MS 8TH grade to HS
- Pros
- Start fall 2007
- Limited remodeling
- Academic access
- Cons
- Realignment issues continue
16Option D Cost
17Option E AD/ED - reopen Riverview for
additional 5 classroom need
- Pros
- District already owns
- playground
- Cons
- Additional costs to bring building up to par
- Additional support staff needed
- Yearly maintenance costs
- Determining what 5 classrooms would go into this
18Option E Cost
- Bring Riverview up to status as other elementary
buildings - 1,500,000 - Annual operating costs - 285,000
- Total cost Option E - 1,785,000
19Other Options (referendum required)
- 1 large new elementary E-5
- Approximate cost - 25,000,000
- 2 new elementaries (north-south)
- Approximate cost - 27,300,000
20Another referendum option
- Run an operating levy referendum
- 500,000 to add 6-7 additional sections
- Run a building referendum to put additions on all
the elementaries - 2,000,000 to add 11-12 classrooms
21Critical considerations
- Room for additional classrooms if monies to lower
class sizes becomes available - Potential for growing enrollment
- If you have any questions please contact
- District 318 Superintendent
- Joe Silko at 327-5704
- jsilko_at_isd318.org